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Saturday, June 30, 2007

eeyer .
tt stupiid anthony .
ddunchh wan tel miie hiis full name .
bleahhs ~
hahas .
iie wan tuhh noe !!!
nnd ..
iie WILL whack euu one dae .
iie WILL .
euu watch out wen euu mit miie .
hahas .
llyk iie berii fiierce llydats .
ltr qoiin tuhh st. qabriel's campfire .
qoiin tuhh habb ALOT ALOT fun dere .

juz nuw iie saw on fwenster tt danapal sae lance fwen dderrhhx haiir llyk biird nest .
sho farniie .
iie llauqh til qoiin stomach paiin .
tt's all bahhs .
byes !!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

tuhhdae att claz berii slpy..
ddunchh noe yye ...
ferstt 3 period YMCA dderrhhx llesson .
den recess ...
after tt ..
math ..
continue corrections .
budd paper 2 dderrhhx oso llarrhhx ..
after tt MT ..
DAMN boriin ..
iie was asked tuhh sit iinfront .
coz finn kiip tokiin marrhhx. .
coz we tok bout dha twins .
den she tot we tokiin crap...
den ask finn chanqe place...
after tt llehhs ..
sae ..
" bhind tt qerr ..
euu sh0 shortt .
siit iinfrontt . "
den iie was llyk ...
iie noe iie shortt llarrhhx ..

budd euu tink euu berii tall mehhs ?
tink iie qt taller den euu bahhs .
ibb nortt oso AT LEAST same hiiqht lluhhs!!!!!
idiot .
budd iie ddunchh qibb a damn ..
iie sit iin front ..
iie slp ..
hahas .
she neber c til ..
stupiid llarrhhx ~
hahas .
wen woke up slpy llarrhhx ..
den qo scii siian siian llydats ..
cher tok alot ..
budd iie ddunchh understan a sinqle thiinqq ..
habb tuhh ask fwens .
coz reali ddunchh noe ..

wen reach hm ..
found outt tt iie ddunchh habb keyy ..
iie sms korkor ..
den he sae 3.30 llydats cum bakk ..
den iie sae okayys .
so iie sms dad.
he replied miie wen iie qt hm .
hahas .
iie waited ferr 1hr+ man ..
so llonqq ..
iie kiip wokiin here nnd dere .
iie wentt tuhh qreen ferstt ..
byiie bubble tea ,
q0 bkshop wok few rnd .
den q0 coridor obb maii hse dere ..
siit at stairs .
den feel berii hot ..
no wiind ..
sho wentt dwnstairs ..
den siian siian ..
cum up aqn ..
den wait ferr awhile kor cum bak ..
was DAMN siian dderrhhx lluhhs ..
WILL briinqq maii keyy ..
ibb nortt habb tuhh wait aqn llyk tiis .
iie wil ki siao dderrhhx lluhhs .
tink tt's all bahhs ..
buhbye !!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

tuhhdae nth special lluhhs .
budd ..
iie din slp .
hahas .
everytym q0 sku wan slp dderrhhx ..
budd tuhhdae neber .
history okayys llarrhhx ..
ii'm tryiin tuhh acceptt dha cherr .
yupps .
walaos .
d&t dha cherr att ferstt tot he okayys .
budd tuhhdae iie found outt tt it wasnt.
he aniihw aniihw dderrhhx llarrhhx ..
q0 tru sh0 fastt ferr watt ?
wan rush q0 hell arrhhx ?
den iie was confusED .
budd stil okayys .
coz ii'm clever .

hahas .
chii okayys too .
coz tuhhdae rite compo .
was shortt llarrhhx ~
coz miie nnd finn kiip dere tok crap ..
den iin dha end no ttym den chiionqq .
scii iie diin feel tt it was boriinqq ..
yupps .
tryiin tuhh accept all dha chers .
even YMCA ..
cntt promiise iie cn succeed .
coz iie reali wan tuhh studyiie harrd llarrhhx ..
onii scared iie bo xiim niias ..

lance din wear hiis specs man ..
2 dayys llerrhhx ..
its niice llarrhhx ..
budd abiit weird ..
llyk eyebrow suddenly bcum dark .
he wear specs oso niice llarrhhx ..
hahas .
he iishh ALWAYS niice .
yupps .
tuhhdae att sku kiip tinkin obb anthony dderrhhx niickname ..
ii'm tryiin tuhh qibb hym ALOT obb nick lluhhs .
hahas .
after sku saw brandon k0rk0r .
he look diff man~
ddunchh n0e maii eye qt prob or watt ..
hiis face llastt ttym qt llyk "holes"
budd juz nuw saw s0 clean man ..
was llyk wahh!!!
sh0 shuaii .
almost cntt recoqnise hym llerrhhx ..
realii llarrhhx ~~~
hahas .
q0iin tution ltr .
siian .
ddunchh feel llyk q0iin budd HABB tuhh q0 .
siian man~
iie wan quit llehhs ..
mum ddunchh wan ..
iie MUST studyiie harrd ...
nonono ..
prove tuhh maii mum iie cn d0 well dderrhhx ..
den ask herr ddunchh lett miie tution dere llerrhhx ..
dere reali berii berii siian man ...
ibb other place iie tink iie stil okayys lluhhs ..
budd dere ii'm siian llerrhhx ..
yupps .
tt's all llerrhhx ..
buhbye !

walaos .
dha ttym tt iindicate blow everii entryiie rite ..
n0rtt accurate dderrhhx ..
n0rtt same ttym dderrhhx llorrhhx ..

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

hmm .
tuhhdae startt d&t ..
fun lluhhs .
hahas .
iie llurve iit.
hahas .
siian man ...
qt 3 periiods obb lit ..
was llyk siian lluhhs .
coz muz do herr work ..
tot thurs den qibb herr lluhhs ..
coz iie neber do nnd tml no habb lit ...
budd ..
she said dateline iishh tuhhdae dderrhhx 5pm ..
den iie chiionqq lluhhs .
scii sux !!
iie hate scii man ..
shiva came tuhh maii qrp .
coz CHAO WEN is n0rtt here!!!
ibb nortt he cum our qrp den no niid habb iritatinqq ppl ..
budd HE NEBER CUM !!
lit claz sit bside shiva aqn ..
den was llyk siian llarrhhx ..
he iritatiin man ..
den iie shouted at hym iin claz ..
cherr din scold miie ..
hahs .
was surprised .
yupps ..
den chiionqq liaox sit sit awhile att canteen ..
den cum bak hm llerrhhx ..
tt's all bahhx ..
buhbye !!

Monday, June 25, 2007

haiiz ..
tuhhdae sku startt ..
att ferstt was llyk enthu llarrhhx~
budden wen found outt timetable chanqe was llyk walaos .
coz ferstt two periiods iishh YMCA dderrhhx ..
den was llyk siian man ..
she tok alortt crap lluhhs ..
hahas .
after tt wen new was MT..
iie was llyk omq..
siian llarrhhx ..
ferstt dae den llydats torture miie ..
haiiz ..
chii claz ..
habb tuhh sit iin front ..
siian ..
feel llyk slpiin nehhx ..
budd din lluhhs .
hahas .
den recess ..
was sh0 qlad.
hahas .
coz dose two sub dderrhhx chers totally sux ..
after tt math .
was siian lluhhs .
mrs wee q0 tru testt paper corrections .
iie was llyk .
lol .
siian .
coz 3 ronqq..
den all n0e hw d0 correction .
yupps .
den feel llyk slpiin .
den bell sms miie ,
iie neber replyiie xD
quaii kiia marrhhx ..
hahas .
history lluhhs after tt .
iie was llyk omq .
siian llarrhhx ..
adeline lee teach man!!!
she tok ALOT crap .
muz b ytd eat too muc crab llerrhhx .
was bored llarrhhx ..
herr lesson .
nth tuhh do .
feel llyk teariin herr mouth man ...
hahas .
den wentt tuhh azlan hm rm ..
qt bak prii sku dderrhhx reportt bk .
pass up sec sku dderrhhx .
hahas .
diid reflection .
PROMISED tuhh work harrd ..
budd tiis promiise iishh llyk diff man ~
dha chers r llyk damn iritatinqq ..
den wentt hm llerrhhx ..
yays .
tiis satt q0iin tuhh st. qabriel sec .
hope neber spell ronqq .
deir scouts invite us .
iie llurve campfiire !!
hahas .
din briinqq ellis' pressiie tuhhdae .
coz morninqq cntt wake up llarrhhx~
den neber wrap marrhhx ..
tml den qibb ..

wakaos .
maii lleqq damn paiin man ..
wen touch til ..
ddunchh n0e wen wil ok .
haiiz .
dha sec 4s r lleaviinqq tiis yr .
wil miss dem alortt alortt dderrhhx !!
hahas .
yupps .
tt's all bahhx .
buhbye !!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

sh0 ll0nqq neber cum bl0qq llerrhhx ..
hahas .
ytd wentt tuhh qq carnival lluhhs ..
was llyk damn hott llarrhhx .
yupps .
ddunchh n0e hw tuhh spend dha coupons man ..
nth tuhh byiie .
we plae qames.
den iie won alortt tidbits lluhhs .
hahas .
cheapskate llarrhhx .
dha qame ..
ferr children dderrhhx ..
hahas .
budd muz aiminqq qd llarrhhx .
after tt wentt tuhh meet anthony kor ..
he was sitinqq iin dha kopitiam lluhhs .
den cntt recoqnise hym..
hahas .
he tok alortt crap llarrhhx ~~
hahas .
budd farniie llarrhhx ..
qt sh0w att ps marrhhx ..
ferr children dose ttype dderrhhx ..
den tt person ask wat's dha name obb dha char..
den iie was llyk sayiin it sh0 tt kor cn hear llarrhhx ..
iie said anthony .
den faster look other place ..
he was speechless ..
hahahas .
cntt tok bak ..
lalalas .
den sms hym lluhhs .. after tt ..
we were llyk sayiin hu iishh beta .
hu qud .
hu bad .
hahas .
hmm ..
had fun lluhhs .
othouqh had tuhh q0 hm earlier den iie expected llarrhhx ..
c0z had tuhh q0 bak hm..
mum llarrhhx .
wan shop den ask miie q0 oso ..
or else cn stae att hm use tel chatt wibb k0r ..
hahas .
nvm llarrhhx ..
had fun ytd ..
hahas .
tml sku re-open llerrhhx ..
yupps ..
happiie .
coz cn slack .
nnd plae com everiiday !!
den cn tok tuhh k0rk0r .
hahas .
tt's all bahhx ..
buhbye !!

Friday, June 22, 2007

llonqq ttym neber bloqq lliaox ..
here tuhh bloqq .
hahas .
had campfire on dha 19th !!
had fun man..

hahas .
iie was llyk super hiiqhh sehhs ..
hahas .
hiiqhh til iie att nite dream iie att campfire ..
ltr q0 mayflower campfire .
tink q0iin habb fun bahhx ..
hahas .
nth tuhh bloqq llehhx ..
buhbye !!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

tuhhdae practise lluhhs .. hahas .
finally tuhhdae no niid wait ferr ppl sh0 lonqq ..
hahas .
tuhhdae clarice jie jie cum dance wibb us .
coz hayati(ddunchh n0e spell rite n0rtt)
neber cum marrhhx .
aiiyarrhhx .
update nxtt ttym ..
ps w0rrhhx .

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

tuhhdae q0 sku ..
den leftt iin a hurryiie c0z niid q0 offiice lluhhs ..
siian llarrhhx !!
iie rushiin sehhs ..
LATE lluhhs !!
den iie pia cab q0 .
c0z its llyk ..
iie wokiin halfwae tuhh bus-stop ..
den dha bus q0 lluhhs ..
bo biian ..
piia cab..
$7.20 lluhhs ..
henqq haven 5pm wen takiin cab ..
ibb n0rtt +$2 lluhhs ..
iie keptt lookiin att dha money thinqqy ..
c0z scared n0rtt enuff $$
henqq ..
hahas .
qq iie had fun lluhhs ..
NICE !!!
wahahas .
ii'm mad..
dinner eat crab..
hahas .
coz tml k0r dderrhhx bdae .
den celebrate lluhhs ..
c0z he q0iin outt tml ..
dha crab WAS delicious , nnd people were niice dere .
den NOW .
it's llyk totally diff lluhhs ..
attitude prob sehhs .
even muaii parents dere sayiin..
dha food stil ok..
budd lastt ttym niicer .
den people dere dderrhhx attitude waseh ..
berii q0rtt pr0b sehhs ..
feel llyk takiin dha shell obb crab tuhh knock her head sehhs ..
as ferr ppl servin crab iie tink okae..
budd dha idiot fcukin bitch h0rrhhx ..
she rite .
muaii dad wan order beer.
heniken (ddunchh n0e hw spell )
den she kip llyk actt cntt c muaii father llydats ..
kiip tokiin tuhh other ppl ..
muaii father buay tahan den cor herr EH , ZHARBOR !!
den she finally came ..
den actt blurr ..
muaii father order alr den she sae "anithin else?"
den we sae nth coz we ordered llerrhhx ..
nnd euu n0e watt she diid?
she brott TIGER instead obb HENIKEN
wen dha heniken was llyk said tuhh herr lluhhs ..
muaii whole damily heard tt lluhhs ..
den she llauqhh sae "huh,really arrhhx ?"
iie was ..
stil llauqhh ..
berii farniie mehhx?!?!?!?!
iie ddunchh tink sh0 llehhx ..
den she q0 chanqe ..
idiot llarrhhx ..
n0rtt q0iin dere animor..
q0 another outlet..
feel llyk killinqq herr lluhhs .
chee bye ..
iie end llerrhhx llarrhhx .
buhbye !

Sunday, June 10, 2007

iie m juz sh0 BORED !!
yays !!
tml onwards cn q0 bak sku..
n0 niid BORED llerrhhx ..
yays !!
qq r0x !!
lalalas .
nth tuhh rite ..

Friday, June 8, 2007

hmms ..
tuhhdae wentt outt..
told parents habb qq..
den iie q0 watch m0viie nnd plaE arcade..
budd tiis ttym n0rtt sh0 fun lluhhs ..
dha arcade thiinqqs n0rtt niice tuhh plaE dderrhhx..
siian llarrhhx ..
hahas .
fwenster qt thiinqqs happen ..
berii farniie ..
budd oso iritatin..
hahas .
iie tokiin crap ritez ?!?!
hahas .
iie c gui ar gui ar lluhhs .
farniie moviie ..
llurve iit..
budd ibb dha st0riie flows den iit wil b beta..
budd its farniie lluhhs ..
nnd abit "a" lluhhs ..
hahas .
dad wentt tuhh banqkok..
tilL sun eveniinqq den cum bakk lluhhs ..
tt's alL bahhx..
ii'm mad lluhhs ..
hahas .

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

lonqq ttym neber cum bl0qq lerrhhx..
bz luhhs..
hahas .
ltR g0iin tuhh takE rEp0rtt bk frm YMCA..
den cN cum bak hm,
n0 niid g0 dad offiicE!!!
g0 dere sh0 b0red luhhs..
siian de lehhx..
hahas .
budd ltr muz take bus moiiself..
siian de w0rrhhx..
hahas .
nth tuhh rite luhhs..
iie oNiie wiishh tt faster habb guiides meetiin..
c0z ii'm DAMN b0red luhhs!!!
hahas .
den iie n0 niid g0 dad offiice os0..
wahahas .
yye iie llyk sh0 evil?
hahs .
chek maiL juz nuw..
den was llyk OMG..
c0z iie saw tt habb 1 m0r math test luhhs!!!
nth tuhh saE lerrhhx..

Saturday, June 2, 2007

thurs iie asked hym ibb he cn b muaii k0rk0r.
den iie off9 lerrhhx..
c0z iie scared dha repliiE larrhhx.
den ytd iie on9,
diidnt habb anii off9 msq luhhs..
was sad?disapoiinted?
hahas .
dere iishh stil nxtt ttym marrhhx..
brandon k0rk0r neber rite miiE commENT ..
iie ask hym repliiE muaii commENT he neber luhhs..
nxtt ttym bahhx..

iie lurve euu