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JiaYan , Bwss .
310894 ; 15 ! :D

YAHCAT&AHDOG :D ; 250209
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YSteadstead :D ; 290708
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sianed .
Days since i posted .
okays .
Let's start :D

hmm .
cnt rmr anythnq special ?
Just remembered tht i've got arguements .
& sch was so damn boring -.-
At night did art till quite late .
But still slept early - 11.30 lydat .
After sch i ate okay !
Thn went for th UNSW thnq .
So idiot lurhh .
Sch pay moeny let us do .
But in students mind , only thnk tht waste time , anyhw do .
Did le , slacked awhile .
3.45 lydat went hm .
Used com .
Bathed .
Went fetch sis & buy sweets & buy dinner .
Reach hm , record show for mum .
Th chn 8 wn , coz last eps le .
Was quite nice though , but prefer th story another way .
Hees .
Ate dinner , com-ed .
Mum came back , i off .
If not ltr tio scolding agn -.-
Did sci h/w .
Some idk hw do de .
So left it blank .
After tht i neh slack okay !
I studied th formulaes & stuffs for math .
& did some assestment prac :DD
Guai right .
Late sch reporting .
Told RuiTing t sms me whn she's on th bus & whn its 3 stops left t my stop ,
she sms-ed me whn it was 3 stops left .
i'm not late tday alright !
Thn in th end lydat de lah .
Bus-ed t sch myself D:
Reached sch quite late .
Ard 8 lydat .
normally reach half an hr earlier luhh !
Did 1qn of sci -.-
saw Jazzmen .
& he disiao me agn ==!
Not Funny Lahh !
He's Just My Kor Laaaa !
Forgot tht it was his bdae xD
thn saw him twice .
Din wish him , & kana disiao-ed by him .
Din buy present also xD
It's coz i dont have money lahh -.-
broke .
thn had lessons .
pe i pei alicia & finn run .
budden in th end , both fail ==!
waste my energy + time .
bt quite fun lurhh .
Not tiring de -.-
thy like . few sec , 1 min lydat thn pass le .
JIAYOUS nxt yr !
Geog played th game agn .
This time $0 -.-
tht time at first negative .
this time at first everythnq went on smoothly .
first round , every grp correct , & we got $10,000 .
thn after tht lose lose .
$0 .
sian .
tot we wud hav treat sehh .
went change back uni .
& went for lit .
ate sweets all th way .
went library watch t kill a mocking bird .
also eat .
hees .
Sci .
sianed .
did prac ppr agn .
tday azlan let us off early 5 min sehh !
miracle sia .
slacked in cateen awhile ?
went hm with ruiting .
Going bathe after doing some things .
& off i m t do my h/w .
& thn do my revision .
i'm scared .
scared tht i'll fail my Sci , Hmec , Geog , Art , Math , Chi .
haiz .
so many thnqs t study .
& i have no time lah .
had spammers .
or shud i say spammer coz its actually just one person.
so idiot .
come scold me .
thn is like .
i din write her name lah .
thn she herself thnk tht i'm talking bout her .
idiot lurhh .
thn kip say wht our fault all tht .
wht cyber bullying .
shit lah .
say we act big , act gangsters .
sorry we are not .
th thnq is finally settled after muc arguements .
it ended .
was damn pek cek lah .
fcuk sia .
bo tai bo ji come find taiji .
knn .
thn summore say our fault .
fcuk sia .
forget it lah .
wht has ended , has ended .
hw i wish tht everyone get their facts right b4 scolding others man .
same thnqs go t parents & teachers .
always anyhw scold de .
haiz .
nth much le .
exams nxt mon-fri .
JIAYOUS , everyone .
ppl ask me jiayou also .
bt i just dont thnk tht i'll pass .
i'm getting weaker & weaker in my studies .
Cn anyone help me ?
byes .

Sunday, April 27, 2008

sianed .
ytd went couz hse .
i studied okay !
Guai right .
hmm .
nth special lehh .
mum bought tidbits .
still got few packs left sehh .
tot ppl wud eat thm .
i copied my sci notes in total of ard 4hrs ?
was tired .
plus i got flu laaa !
idiot .
thn slept for like an hr i guess .
went hm .

hmm .
nuw go change le going tution rdy .
ohya .
sian diao .
idontwnagolahh .
thr's no help at all lor.
Just wasting my time thr .
might as well lemme stay at hm t study myself .
walan .
pj lah .
you guys wna come my blog spam , scold me .
whtevr .
bt put ur name dwn lah !
if you can come my blog & scold me .
thn put ur name dwn .
dont be such a humji .
dare scold dont dare let ppl noe hu u .
& dont be such a despo for sex lor .
wna hav ?
ask ur gf lahh !
oh shyt .
mayb you dont have .
coz ur face .
haiz .
sad for you .
mayb u cn go geylang & try ur luck bahh .
Normally th girls wud initiate thmselves t th guys .
budden in this case , i dont thnk thy will lah .
coz of ur shitty faces .
even prostitutes oso see ppl face de okay .
so see lor .
your luck good , cn find .
bt if bad luck . thn bobian .
even prostitutes also dowan hav sex with you lahh !
sian-ed .
tht's all bahh :D
will blog as often as i can .
see if i've got time ; i'm so guai studying :D
so yeapp , going tution le .
JIAYOUS , ppl . MYE's coming .
byes .

Friday, April 25, 2008

wow .
been days since i updated huh ?
coz no time mahh .
& also dno why com sot sot for a few days .
yeapps .
okays .
shall post .

thurs ;
had rehearsal for speech day also . [ i thnk ? ]
i forgot :x
thn ltr slacked .
went hm .

Fri ;
tday no speech day rehearsal .
tot wud hav coz tml's th day .
bt anw , din have .
but hav Guides D:
but no nd wear Guides tee all tht .
played water game .
our team .
haiz .
so fast lose le D:
had fun though :D
had drills after tht .
was somewht like punishment luhh .
we were marching along th corridors ,
out t th parade sq ,
back t th corridor ,
repeated this .
coz ncc playing mahh .
thn rahh ! blocked .
so bobian .
yeapps .
thn did drills till soooo tired .
4.30 lydat release le .
slacked .
till like 6+ going 7 .
some thnqs happened .
yeapp .
feel sad for him & had another opinion of her .
went hm .
Sat ;
din go couz hse .
idk why urhh .
i went speech day in th morning .
walao .
was so nervous lahh .
but its alright alr .
its over :D
enjoyed myself .
Sunday ;
nth special ?
went amk at night to eat crab for dinner .
was ok lah .
last time nicer lor !
haha .
was full :D
Mon ;
nth muc ?
i forgot laaas xD
poor memory i have D:
exams are starting soon .
haiz .
Tues ;
din brng tb for chi agn .
sian .
heck .
yeapps .
thn assembly was kinda .
interesting & boring ?
haas .
interesting is th front part only .
after tht was soo boring luhh .
& art cher let us brng hm draw :DDD
idiot lah .
after sch .
stayed mahh .
go math lesson coz got qns .
thn b4 tht .
i pulled edmund's hair mahh .
thn he pulled mine .
idiot .
neh mind .
thn tht stupid extra shanker .
Go pull my hair also .
nb cb bo lj ahh .
who are you to pull my hair .
you have no right .
edmund pull my hair i alr veh pek cek .
thn shanker go pull also .
tamade .
spoil my whole mood .
Wed ;
late sch reporting .
sian .
my prepaid low lahh .
thn is like .
Just bought one $10 de ytd .
& is like .
left $2+ or $1+ .
i'm broke lahh !
nd save money for ezlink also .
sianed .
after sch went do proj till 5+ .
saw darlings .
talked .
& whn he went off , he din say bye t me .
so i decided t stop talking t him :D
okays , thn .
ard 6 thn i reach hm .
slept early ?
idk why .
tired .
Thurs ;
nth much bahhs .
this few days .
proj proj & proj .
hmm .
mrs you came t teach us .
ms thang i thnk she's sick .
din come for so long .
bt mrs you's teaching is better .
budden she oways waste time de lahh .
after sch went briefing for th UNSW thnq .
idiot lor .
waste time de .
like as if we dno lydat .
after tht called mum .
said tht i nd stay for proj .
coz Joanne's was deleted or smthnq .
so re-do .
thn she nagged .
budd i heckkaiire .
stil reached hm ard 6+ .
ohyas .
went t kovan .
& on th way saw matthew :D
went thr , saw ahgong .
stupid ahgong.
went thr t take alicia's specs .
accompanied her thr .
thn went shopping .
haha .
bought naufal's present .
din have enuff cash t buy other ppl de D:
he called me , din pick up .
just let it vibrate thr .
okays .
hmm .
i slpt reali early .
at ard 8+ .
woke up at invertals .
coz of call .
bud i din pick up xD
thnk is he ask him t call de bah ?
mayb . hu knows .
thn summor sis woke me up , ask me wn eat durian anot -.-
i was sooo tired t care .
is like so funny lor .
whn go kovan , thn outside thr got fruit stalls mah .
thn i said i wanted t eat thm .
thn came hm , thy bought ! haha .
tday ;
woke up at 12.59 auto de .
hah .
thn went wash up , did h/w .
coz last nite din do .
thn ltr still got few hrs .
din wn t slp .
wna study .
so studied til ard 5am .
was like .
eyes cnt tahan .
rested awhile .
thn went prep myself for sch .
lit .
daddy & danial .
ytd councilor duty , din go lit .
thn tday sit outside do compre tht our class did ytd .
thn farid walked pass .
mrs you so funny .
scared mr farid thought thy kana punish .
so she rushed out tel him thy do test ppr .
hahas .
thn daddy cheat de !
ask me hw do .
thn sms .
hahas .
was fun though .
stomachache .
too hungry le , till pain .
cnt tahan .
din wna eat at first .
ltr cnt tahan .
ate a pack of th orange thingy .
had math .
did work .
after tht was chi .
boring .
dno wht thy do lah .
was slping all th while .
actually bored , thn listen t music .
pluck my earpiece mah .
thn ltr fell-asleep .
class ended & i was still slping .
finn woke me up .
went put thumbdrive at azlan's table .
& went borrowing money frm ppl .
saw jazzmen jeremy desmond thr .
went ask .
coz i closest t jeremy among th 3 mah .
neh oways tok t th other two mah .
thn asked him .
he only got thirty cents -.-
asked jazzmen .
he say take frm jeremy .
thn is like .
he only 30cents lahh -.-
hw take bus.
thn asked desmond .
he got 50cents .
so lend 50cents frm desmond , 10cents frm jeremy .
haha .
stupid jazzmen .
keep say me .
boney .
lols .
my own word .
coz he so skinny lahh .
summor soooooo tall !
i sooo short cn D:
went hm .
guai huh ?
was so hungry on th way .
reached hm , on com .
& its working agn :D
finally .
yay .
tday i pulled edmund's hair agn :DDDD
he wanted t cut mine .
lalalas .
you stupid evil .
he ask jesper pull mine .
jesper dont dare .
muahahas !
& you noe wht ?
it was so disgusting tday .
thy std .
& she was like so disgusting , trying t get close t him all th time .
so erxin lahh .
std so wht .
donnid so erxin infront of us de rite .
wth .
ony noe hw t act .
do you noe tht alot ppl hate you lor .
even frm other classes lahh , BITCH .
anw , azlan din come tday :D
bt thr wasnt her period .
so wasted lahhs .
tht's all :D
woots .
long long post .
dno whn i'll post agn .
hmm .
thnk i go buy bk for my notes .
thn bathe le , study le .
tday . no h/w .
so dis wk ony got art lor .
see luhh .
i study first .
art mayb wkend or wht thn i do .
exams are coming! GOODLUCK, evryone .
byes .

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

hahas .
copy samson's style of writing it xD

ytd had speech day rehearsal .
was raining so we did wet weather program de .
was damn sian lahh .
budden funny to0 .
coz eunice go disiao isaac [sp?] .
haaas .
thn he paisehh , turn bhind .
hahas .
aftet tht was waiting for th weather t turn niceeee .
budden it didnt D:
so we practised drills .
so fun can .
we competing lydat .
all time .
thn win ncc .
hahaa :D
stopped raining .
we wanted t prac le .
marched out .
thn ltr whn reaching position tht time , ask us go shelter .
coz th rain starting agn lahh -.-
idiot .
slacked at canteen .
went hm after tht .
ate dinner .
rested .
& i dozed off at ard 8+ ?
haha .
so early .
it shows hw tired i am .
slept till nxt morning laaa !
no one wake me up luhh D:
heng no h/w .
tday soooo niceee lahh .
ok , morning so not nice .
th sun make us soooo hot .
thn after assembly .
went PE :D
boys did their nafa dis tym .
so girls went t play badminton .
STUPID EDMUND , pull my hair huh ?!
went tie my hair .
after pe went back class .
ms ang neh come :DDD
no cher came in for 2 periods .
was thr pulling edmund's hair , use fingernail press his hand , & pinch him .
hu ask him pull my hair + kip say bout ________ .
after tht was lit .
blahblahblah .
did grp work .
was so guai .
we did okay !
haha .
thn was sci .
azlan din come :DDDD
she came t sch , but dno why neh come teach leh .
whtevr !
first period so sian .
do wksht .
thn dno de go copy copy .
finish :DDDD
2nd period no cher :DD
went ard .
sen games .
muahahas .
3rd period stupid mdm chan came !
eeyer !
thn used hp .
& as you noe , she's so stupid .
so she doesnt noe .
haaa .
& sch ended like this .
so fun .
hmm .
thn went off find rt & gwen go pt eat , &went hm .
yeapps .
haiz .
dno why she lidat wn .
so act .
ihatehersomuch :/
shesuckslah .
flirt , act guai , BITCH :x
tht's all :D
i'm going t do h/w [ if any ] & study ! :DDD
Guai right ?
haha .
& all my GANS of course !
haha .
buhbyes !

Monday, April 14, 2008

hmm .
tday .
nth much bahh ?

hmec ;;
had test .
Just a small wn .
was quite okay . Just a question a two tht i'm not sure .
yeapp .
did wb , & rested , early recess .

recess ;;
did Geog . coz haven finish .
yeapp .
thn went back class .

Geog ;;
cont going through revision ex 2 ,
& thn went tru section A & B for revision ex 1 .
heng ah .
i haven do finish sec C & tht i got some dno hw do de lahh .
heng urhh .

Sci ;;
went through wb .
thn wkshts .
yeapp .
filing , budden i got lots of wkshts at hm .
so brought file back .

Lit ;;
did compre & summary .
finished on time :D
thn cut out newsppr & handed in t cher .

went fall in .
after tht saw bumblebee :DDD
& i called him tht :D
as usual , he said ' why oways call me bumblebee '
haaaa :DDD
coz you're one ! :DDD

went canteen coz still abit rain , &dont feel like going hm .
saw darlingS :D
after tht .
went off with finn marmiie .
took bus alone D:
sadded .
thn went buy sweets .
& went hm .
after tht went buy sweets & choc :DDD
yummy but fatty .
haaas .

used com .
slacked .
blah .
another boring day .

tht's all :DD
i guess i'm really not going t post so often le .
mayb once a week or so ?
idk . yeapp .
btw , i changed songs :D
Just random wns .
byes .

Sunday, April 13, 2008

lalalas -
sianed .
boring boring boring .
ihatemylife .
itjustsucksluhh .

okays .
neh go cousin's hse .
tday woke up early morning .
thn shift th beds .
change back t my single bed le :DDD
i wn change so long le lor .
slping with my mei is just torturing :/
so helped out .
& thn went prep myself t go out .
go eat mac at pt with ruiting finn & alicia .
meixuan & candy also wn come .
so meet with ruiting , took bus tgt .
i went out with my hair not tied nicely lor ! D:
met her le , wait for bus .
went hg pt .
reach thr , alicia & finn reach le .
after tht candy reached .
meixuan meet us at sch .
so after eat , walked t sch .
mx just nice reach .
went canteen talk talk .
thn nd go hall .
coz raining mahh .
thn thy teach cheer .
nobody's listening .
haaa xD
after tht went off , took refreshments .
thn went on bus .
was so noisy lahh , 2e2 .
not like 2e1 , peaceful de .
haaas .
went thr .
thn started .
whn bw part .
so high luh !
BMB , you ROCK lahh !
i thnk tht bw shud win deyi .
okay , neh mind .
wht's over is over .
tkss got Gold with honour .
deyi got Gold with honour + best drum major or sumthnq ?
thn bw got Gold .
after tht on bus .
stupid edmind phua .
kip disiao me .
so guo fen lahh !
thn i kip pull his hair .
& use my fngernail make him .
i also make naufal .
thn ltr .
& finn saw -.-
sheesh !
reached sch .
alicia found out too -.-
thn went meet mel .
went hg pt mac .
drank , ate .
full .
haas .
thn went hm after tht .
kana scolded on th way bak .
waseh .
so scary can ..
walk half way .
got laser .
red wn summor .
thn kip follow us.
at night seh .
so scary .
thn ltr til one part , no mor .
relieved .
went hm .
everyone slept .
ony bro .
bt he in rm .
thn went bathe . listen music . slept coz sooo tired .
11+ at tht time .
going 12 .
tday !
woke up .
went tution .
damn sian .
sad .
haiz .
i din wn t go lahh .
budden bo bian .
hmm .
went stil .
yc din go .
thnk she's sad bout ytd's syf bah .
all of you did GREAT !
hmm .
thn went hm .
ate lunch .
went slacking .
day-dreamed .
bathed .
rested .
on com .
ate dinner .
play com .
sianed .
boring day :/
sianed .
frm ytd til nuw .
totally no mood .
summor kip tio scolding .
haiz .
i'm so useless .
i dont wn t live in this stupid world le lahh .
haiz .
haiz .
tt's all bahhs .
i haven touched on any h/w .
its time for me t start doing le .
hmm .
& thnk i wun b posting so often anymor coz ct coming soon ?
so shall study mor .
yeapp .
hope they'll digest in .
haiz . whyistheworldlikethis?whysomanythingsarehappening?
byes .

Friday, April 11, 2008


tday's cross country .
woke up at 4am in th morninq :/
early right ?
haas .
bo bian .
had t do duty mahh ..
went take bus t sch at 6.15 reach bs .
thn take bus til sku thr 6.30 ?
idk .
neh check phone .
reached thr , din c sam .
faster look ard .
thn in th end .
she at bs opp our sch .
went t meet up with her .
nuw left valerie ony .
so waited lor .

she came le .
thn we faster hail cab .
cnt lor !
no cabs available D:

thn bo bian .
go other side take .
buden coz in a rush .
thn call cab .
th cab came after tht .
alr late le .
7.07 ==!
ask uncle faster , he soooo slow lahh .
thn we all kip c th money jump .
th money jump , we wan jump also ah .
our money !!!

after tht .
januavi &darlingS smsed me tell me cancelled .
so no nd go le .
thn we all .
siianed .
coz is lyk .
so early wake , wear full u + tie plaits & brnq clothes &shoes t change PLUS PLUS !
waste money on cab !
so slow summor de .

he really veh slow lor .
stupid lor ,
& he dropped us off at bishan park II !
we were supposed t go t bishan park I .
sianed !
walked thr .
soooo far lah .
plus we walking aimlessly .
it started raining lahh . heavily .
alot ppl contact me since morning .
- darlingS
- melissa
- gwendaline
- januavi
- kothai
- finn
- alicia
- roxanne
- edmund

yeap .
kip contacting dese peeps ,
hmm .
thn on th way thr .
saw wanyu .
hahs .
so walked tgt .
coz i thnk she's lost .
wrong park .
yeapp .
me & mel was walking in th rain .
thn thy all share umbrella .
we used our fone in th rain .
scared spoil lor !
coz rain = wet .
saw farid's car too .
with cher .
thn thnk he say cancelled or saying tht its at another park .
& we were lyk , we noe .
yeapp .

walked frm bishan park II to bishan park I .
end of bishan park I to the other part of bishan park I .
this is killing me :/

went t find alicia FINALLY after many calls .
so not clear lah .
so noisy .
me , sam , val , wl , mel , gwen , alicia .
all went t amk hub mac .
thn go in , split .
yeap .

i went t find sihan roxanne thy all with alicia .
boys went their own table .
yeapp .
bowen ppl thr .
ahha .
bought Egg McMuffin .
din eat much though .
few mouths .
hushbrown to0 . ard 5 mouths ?
& th milo drink ard 1/2 bahh .
shared .
hahas .
e4 peeps wanted t go j8 arcade .
i was so enthu , wanted t go .
budden din .
coz alicia din wn t .
& she just leave me outside th mac just lydat .
wth .
so angry cn :X
go in must tell me mah .
leave me outside D:

so went in ,
sitted thr .
nth t do .
dno why thy stay thr .
so boring cn .
wth .
was so fed-up .
nobody wants t leave .
so went find boys in th end .
t cfm wht movie .
& th num of tickets .
wanted t go lan -.-
budden clothes -.-

so jiawen went hm t change .
xinmin & roxanne accompanied her back .
alicia , me & sihan continued .
we went t arcade :DDD
sooo happy until .
... th aunty chase us out !
say cnt wear sch pants .
idiot .
sch shorts ony mahh .
idiot idiot idiot .
so sat dwn outside .
so sad .
coz cnt play D:
Gwen thy all cnt play too .

& th clever me thought of buying SHORTS !
hees .
went buy .
thn change le .
go play !
clever me !
thn played &played .
went toilet .
bought popcorn &drinks .
went movie .
watched 'shutter' .
so not nice .
dno is R21 or horror movie lor !
keep got scenes that so biantai !
one part is tht th girl took off her clothes .
thn no bra de luhh !
haha .
i was like saying ' eeyer , she neh wear bra de '
thn summor zoom in at her legs thr .
she ony wear panty .
haaaaa .
so biantai .
horror or R21 .
hurhurs .
anw ,
watched with ;
- xinmin
- roxanne
- sihan
- alicia
- jonathan
- mingliang [ sec 4 ]
- edmund
- xavier
& clement .
yeapps .
jiawen & weiling neh watch .
weiling went hm .
jiawen idk .
so boring de lahh , th show .
not nice de .
th ending sucks too .
heng is edmund treat .
if not so waste my money lurhh !
thx uhh anw .!

boys went their stuffs .
we girls went see see awhile .
xinmin gtg .
so roxanne oso go .
thn sihan oso go .
left me & alicia .
sadded .
walked .
nth t see D:

went hm .
coz tired .
& alicia still ask me wn go my hse thr de gym not .
thn after tht thr telling me so tired !
we din go .
okays .
we left too .
at ard 3.42 .
took 88 t yckps & walked hm .
so tired still nd walk .
sad can .
i slept on th bus .
so tired .

hmm .
went hm , used com .
yeap .
thn chatted with darlingS online .
talked alot .
ahha .
went bathe .
com agn .
dinner .
com agn :D
till now lor .
haaas .
tml's band SYF .

tht's all bahhs .
byes .
althoughwashappyattimestoday , feltemotoomostly .
ijustdidntexpressitout , tonotletanyoneworryaboutme .
hmm, imyyeahh ? imissalotofseniors
imy luhh , darlingS .
alot alot D: