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Friday, May 9, 2008

Its been one week since i blogged .
Hahs .
See if i can rmr .

Went to cut hair .
Wht i always wanted .
But thn it wasn't th pattern i wn it t b .
Nvrmind .
Nxt time i'll cut again .
Soon .
I want t go & cut myself .
Went hm , bathe .
Thn went t cousin's hse as usual lurhh .
Brought Geog tb thr .
Planned t study thr coz we're having exams this wk .
So yupps , study !
Hahs .
Hmms .
I slacked all th way :x
Thn after dinner thn i started reading .
I damn boxim lahh .
Thn read like . Few chaps only .
Went home .
& Tv-ed till 11+ , was tired , & went t slp .

Went tution in th morning till afternoon .
Did summary & reflections for Eng .
& did test ppr for Math .
Tht stupid LEONARD LEE .
Better shut your mouth i tell you .
Frm wht i rmr is we nvr go whr .
Did revisions on Math & read some Sci & Geog .
Though th ppr tml is Eng .
Coz idk wn read wht mahh , Eng .
Thnk i slept at 10.30 ?
Yeapp . Slept early coz tml exam .
Lit exam .
2 pprs .
Ppr 1 - essay & letter .
For essay i wrote personal recount .
Th qns was ' Write an incident which involves you and a friend ' or something lydat .
Scared i write till out of point -.-
Letter .
Cn choose t write complain or compliment letter .
I decided t write compliment letter .
& thnk tht quite okay bahh .
Hope so .
Thn had break before ppr 2 .
Ppr 2 veh chim sehh .
Thnk i will do badly bahhs .
Hope ppr 1 pull me up .
Ended at ard 11.40 lydat .
Went point t eat & planned t study .
But thn ate , thn left lil time .
But i still revised okay .
Alicia & RuiTing did'nt .
I took th book out & did some qns on Math coz tml is Math ppr .
Went home with rt .
Thn did Math .
Math ppr .
Ppr 1 quite okay .
Only dno one qns .
I asked tht before th exam .
& nobody knows how t do it .
Nobody refering t those tht i asked .
Thn it came out -.-
Hope thr won't b careless mistakes .
Thr's no break .
I thnk i rmr correctly .
Thr's no break :/
Thn ppr 2 started .
Infront i alr have 3 qns tht idk hw t do lurhh .
Stupid me luhh . [ okay , tht's my url -.- ]
I skipped first .
Don't wn t waste my time on thm .
Scared cnt finish th ppr .
Thn continued th rest .
All okay .
Thn after tht went back t th 3 qns .
Thr wasn't much time left .
So decided t try th easiest first .
Thn i managed t do it (:
Left 2 qns .
Tried th wn i thnk was easier .
But couldn't finish it .
I have th steps in mind .
But whn it comes t th calculation , thn cnt leh .
So stucked thr .
Tried & tried .
Cher said last 5 min .
My correction tape no more -.-
Had t change refill .
Idiot lor .
I no time le thn no more .
Hope i'll at least get working marks for th front part .
One qns blank .
Aww ..
But i did my best .
Th ppr was quite ok for me .
So yupps , hope results will be fine too .
Hahs .
Ended ard 11 , was so hungry .
Ate Guotiao at canteen .
Was still hungry sehh !
RuiTing also .
Hahs .
Thn wanted t study Hmec .
But thn we ended up playing each other's hp's games .
Wasn't interested in Hmec at tht time .
Hahs .
Slacked like tht till ard 2 , & we went off .
Went hm .
Slept .
Was too tired .
Thn i woke up & bathe le .
Awhile jiu eat dinner .
Studied Hmec reali hard .
Coz i dowan t fail agn .
Failed in CA1 .
Don't want to anymore .
Did memorise notes .
Surprised tht i can actually rmr thm .
Hahs .
Late sch reporting & Hmec ppr .
Though got exam , late sch reporting continues .
Went sch , studied .
Scared ya .
Hahs .
Ppr was quite easy .
Although had few qns which i didn't know th ans .
Yeapp .
Alot of qns on module one .
& i studied tht .
So its an advantage for me :D
Especially th last qns . 10 marks .
It's about minerals - CSI ; calcium , sodium , iron .
Must write essay about their function , source & deficiency disease .
I studied tht too .
Though cnt reali rmr alot of th sources .
But managed t thnk after tht .
Not all but most of it .
So i thnk i'll get tht right .
It was an easy ppr .
Hope i'll get good grade .
Went t eat prata after release .
Thn went studying with rt at th ssc ; street soccer court , thr .
Was quite peaceful .
Went t play at th fitness corner like retards for awhile coz our backs are aching .
Alot of hougang sec ppl were at th 'shelter' thr .
Kicking soccer .
Thr were policemen thr .
Coz thr cnt play soccer de .
Yeapp .
Thn saw one guy .
Like our pri sch friend - xuanyi .
Thn sms-ed him .
Asked him whr he .
He asked why .
I told him tht i thnk i saw him .
Thn he din reply .
He wasn't using his hp .
Thn i decided t call him .
He felt th vibration , thn i hang up th phone .
Thn he called .
He asked me whr me coz i told him i saw him .
Thn i told him t turn 180 degrees bhind .
Hahs .
& he saw us .
Came t find us .
He so beng now lah .
Mayb not beng , just pai .
Thn he went off with his friends le .
Somehow glad t see him .
Continued awhile of reading .
Went back sch t use toilet .
& we went home .
Tml is Sci & Geog .
2 subs tht nd t mem notes .
Hw cruel is th sch man .
Or shud i say stupid ?
To put this 2 subs tgt .
Killing us man .
Alot of us .
So i went hm , slept agn -.-
Ytd also .
& both days is doze off de okay .
Thn bathed .
Ate dinner , studied .
Nothing went in my brain D:
Was so scared lah .
So i knew tht i couldn't get anythnq in my brain tht night .
So decided t slp at 10pm, & wake at 1 , or probably 2 in th morning th nxt day .
Woke at 2am .
Woke at 1am , budden went back t slp . Too tired .
Thn saw dad slping on th chair in th living rm .
Knew i couldn't make any noise .
If not he'll know i'm waking up so early & will reprimand me for sure .
Went t th toilet t tie my hair up so tht i could study till morning ard 6+ .
So tht i just need t change my shirt & wear shoes .
& at th same time , hope tht my dad will get back t his rm t slp .
Tied , & he haven't went back .
Thn i bobian .
Cnt let him know , so sat outside th toilet .
Coz toilet got light mahh .
Shine out .
Thn i cn read .
& th washing machine blocking his view frm seeing me .
So studied thr .
Had runny nose .
Used tissues .
& finally my dad woke up !
Was so scared , dno wht t do .
My hair tied up lah , thn he see me lydat so weird .
But luckily he neh ask why .
I took th tissue . & pretend t go back t my rm t slp .
I went t hide lahh -.-
Coz i knew tht he wud return t slp in his rm .
Thn he went t his rm's toilet .
I quickly off th kitchen toilet light coz if he was th one who's gonna off it ,
he sure see th bks .
So i switched off th light & went t my rm .
Thn he went t his rm le , closed th door .
I went t th kitchen t study .
On th light .
Thn take chair sit .
Coz thr no chair de mah .
Still couldn't get thm in my brain .
Dno wht my brain doing lahh .
Must buy mem card liao .
Must buy 4GB de .
Now only 1GB .
Lol .
Thn read thru .
Hope tht i'll have at least a lil knowledge of diff topics .
Both Geog & Sci red .
Couldn't get anythnq inside .
Went prep for sch & studied thr too .
But same thnq , nothing inside .
Ppr start .
Sci first .
Was kns .
Alot thnking qns .
Fcuk .
Thr were a few qns tht we did on test pprs cher gave .
But she din go thru th ones tht came out ==!
Wth .
Thn idk hw t do lor .
Die .
Skipped all those tht i din noe hw t do de .
Thn heck le .
Din do .
Leave blank .
Alot qns .
& i slept .
Suddenly chua tio .
Coz AngieGoh suddenly say 15min left .
I woke up .
Faster anyhw write .
Thn went back t slp .
& chua tio agn whn she spoke th other time .
Thr's break lor !
Actually no break de .
Thn thy give .
Thn went t see th reservoirs pg .
Rmr some easy ones .
& it came out in th Geog ppr .
Geog was diff too .
Was so damn hard .
At least sci got Sect A help .
Geog dont have .
So diff .
Totally dno hw do .
Easiest wn is th last qns .
Sianed .
Thr's qns bout greenhse gases .
But i din study , so dno hw ans D:
Was totally spoilt lahh , my mood .
But was kinda happy to0 coz this is to us , th last ppr .
Coz tml art .
Not stress .
Hahs .
Went t Gwen's hse after eating Western at sch .
Thn drew art .
Lil bit only .
& we gtg .
Thn went hm .
Slp agn -.-
But this time bathe le .
Lol .
Thn ate dinner , started art at 8pm .
Finished everythnq by 9+ , thn i tried out on A3 ppr .
Coz wna see ard hw big mahhs .
So exam won't take so long .
Did le , slept .
Dad go malaysia .
Dont have t see him .
Mum fetch me t sch .
Went earlier thn usual by 10min coz mum dowan ltr a lot cars .
So reached sch earlier .
Thn only Nadia thr .
No one reach yet .
Thn i not close with her .
So went t my class ppl thr .
Gave out sweets .
After tht before exams also gave out .
Only some haven .
Was in good mood th previous day .
So bought thm & decided t share with th class :DDD
Ppr started .
Tday finally go classrm do .
Every ppr in hall .
So wtf lah .
I don't like .
So waste time .
Okay .
Thn ppr .
I din manage t finish colouring DD:
So sad can .
Thn bob ian .
Cnt do le .
So pass up D:
Hope it won't reali pull me dwn by alot .
Pull me dwn is sure de lah .
But hope won't alot (:
Was damn happy coz finally exam end le .
After weeks of studying .
It finally ended .
After mugging for so long .
Thr's finally a time for me t take a break .
& also for me t use th com .
Hahs .
After ppr went hougang point slack .
Actually is wait for HuanYi come dwn de .
Thn she at hm watch tv -.-
While waiting , we went t eat toast at Ah Mei Cafe .
Hahs .
Average only lahh .
HuanYi neh reply msg , so we waited .
Watch abit of ahlong .
Thn so funny .
Haha .
Called HuanYi .
She came dwn after we told her tht we wn t go cycle .
I actually wn de lor .
Budden wait for her t come dwn , so long , sian diao .
Thn sit outside Mac .
Talk talk .
Ard 2pm went off .
Wtf lahh .
Have flu + sorethroat D:
Dno why -.-
At assembly suddenly runny no se .
Do art tht time also .
Thn cont till kana throat pain also .
Fcuk sia , so pain .
Whn leaving .
Walked back t sch direction .
Thn sec 4s bhind .
Talking bout azlan .
I was talkinq bout her also lahh -.-
Thn thy say she like toilet bowl -.-
Hah .
Tday art she stand at Jeremy's place .
Which was 2 columns to my right , & 2-3 rows in front .
So far , i cn still smaell th smell on her .
& excuse me , i'm having flu .
Imagine hw strong th smell on her is .
Went hm tht time .
Saw waffle , thn so long nvr eat le .
So decided t buy one .
Waited .
Th aunty say th machine not hot enuff , must wait .
So i nvm , wait .
Thn ltr she attend t her customers .
Thn so long , thn dont care my waffle .
Whn she open .
She 'ohno' .
Thn found out , chao ta .
Siao lor .
Thn have t wait agn .
In total i waited for 15min for a waffle .
I'll not buy frm thr agn .
Went hm .
Ate waffle , on com .
Thn ltr went bathe , cont use com .
& ate dinner after tht .
& nuw blogging :D
thnk my grades will lydat ;
Math & Hmec .
Eng .
Chi .
Sci .
Geog .
Frm best t th most worse wn :/
tht's all :D