Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Deleted th previous post .Cos it's like so stupid == .
Today , practically rot at hm th whole day .
Woke up , use com til nuw , more thn 12hrs x)
I'm like so bad , on com for so long :x
Watch show , thn ltr called guiders to tell thm bout meetings stuffs .
Ay , so sad cn , like nobody doing th 14th thingy .
I also dowan do laaa .
Cos like .
If i go , i thnk i'll have lesser chance t go out ?
Idk , lol .
Hmm , bt nuw , nobody's doing .
So far only ONE cfm ._.
So pathetic cn .
So i'm thnknq if i shud go .
Just go laaaaaaaa, anw it's after my pri sch outing rdy , left 2e2's class chalet .
Ay, tml class outing , sians , cnt go D:
Got guides .
Ahhhhhhhhhhh , flag etiquette test =l
Sians , like dno lydat lor . Damn scared laaaaa .
So M , F & me decided t go early tml & prac .
Cos we like all dno .
Esp th 2 of thm == .
Cos thy always ask me do laaa !
Bully me .
Tml meeting is 2pm , i'm meeting M at 10.30 at th bs .
& meeting F at her hse thr or bw at 11am .
Hmmmmm , so yeahs . Go prac !
Hope we'll pass .
J said tht ma'ams test de leas !
Scared laaaaaaa .
Summore mayb is E cn .
Gtg, no mood post liaos.
Damn fcuked up nuw .
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Couldn't find his pic la , only this cn see only his face & it's nice .
He's kinda cute la :D
Bt of course , not ask cute as monkeyyyyy & wangzi :D
Tday went dad's office also .
Thn started work ard 9.45am .
Did calendars again .
Ard 250 only lahhs , finished at 11.30 lydat ..
Thn went buy lunch for everyone , & ate .
Early hurr .
After tht , nth t do , slack .
Play psp , play till i tired .
Thn wn slp , bt cnt gt t slp == .
Thn ltr finally slp rdy , half an hr ltr , aunt woke me up Zzz .
Ask me help her send msg t cousin's cher .
So wokeup , thn didnt go bck slp rdy .
Thn ltr 3pm like tht , dad ask me go print envelope == .
So went .
Yeapps , thn finished ard 400 of thm in 30mins ! :DDD
Thn ltr slack agn .
After tht mum ask me help out .
So went arrange namecards thing .
After tht, ask me make other thnq == .
Do halfway , thn dad snatch my job , RAWRRRRRRRR `` .
& i was asked t wash baibai things , & washed thm for 20mins -.-
So long cn ==!
& th pathetic me was asked t sweep th floor .
Waited for mum , & went hm :D
Monday, October 27, 2008

♥Terry ;
He look so funneh laaa, this pic .
Lols, he's sooooooooooooo mature .
Today woke up , thn use com til now lurhhs ==!
Watch hotshot since morning .
& haha !
I've finish watching eps 14 :D
Lalalaas ~
Seriously nth t blog laaaaas ==! .
Very no life =l
Sians , tml nd go dad's office help him agn Zzz .
Go thr damn sian cn ._.
Sure will do till wn t slp de .
Muahaha , lucky kor lend me his psp .
Thn cn brnq go thr .
Entertain me .
If not damn boring laaaa , whole day listening t songs == .
Yeapps , hahaha :D
Blog till here :D
Buhbyes :D
♥Bbt :D
Hotshot's niceeeee :D
Sunday, October 26, 2008
♥Elmo :D ;Not bad looking uh ;DHe don't look like elmo .Hahaha :x
Hmms , woke up .Thn watch tv .After eating lunch , watch tv .Was like super duper boring cn .!Mum lah , watch th VCD, so boring de .Dno why she cn sit dwn thr so long .So went watch movie .Dad buy de ah .Watch until i doze off == .So boring cn .Thn woke up , finish le .So continued second one .Horror movie :DWatch halfway , jiu come use com rdy .Boring dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy D:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , BORINGGGGGGGGGG .!
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.Was tagged by Clarice Boyfriend .& th 8 'lucky' ppl are ; ChoonYeong, Gibson, Sean & Thomas , ; Elizabeth, Januavi, Melissa.C & Tashryn .4 boys, 4girls :D01.What have you been doing recently?; Slacking , playing , bz w class chalet stuffs .02. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?; Only once, whn my dad confiscated it .03. What happened at 10.00am today?; I was working for my dad at his office .04. When did you last cry?; That day .05. Believe in fate/destiny?; Yeapps .06. What do you want in your life right now?; Idk ?07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?; None of th above . Just wn t b in th rain :D08. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?; My toyyyyyyyyyyyys (:09. What bottom are you wearing now?; Shorts .10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?; Dno .11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?; Nopes bahhs .12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?; Nahhs .13. What was the last movie you caught?; Connected :DD14. What are you proud of?; Dno .15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?; Why must i tell you ?16. What was the last song you sang out loud?; Superman ? HotShot's songgggggggg :D17.Do you have any nicknames?; Yeah , & thy suck =l18.What does your last received text message say?; Dont tell you , bleahs =P19. What time did you go to bed last night?; 12 plus ?20. Are you currently happy?; Nopes .21. Who gives you best advice?; My friends i guess .22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?; Nooooooooo .23. Who did you talk on phone last night?; Somebody . & i was like quarter awake x)24. Is anything bugging you right now?; Yes , No , Idk .25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?; Was laughing while watching HotShot .26. Do you wear toe socks?; Nopeeeeeeeeeeeeeees .27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?; Somebody lor x)28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?; Yeahhs .29. What annoys you most in a person?; Dno .30. Do you have a crush on anyone?; Nopes .31. Have you ever done cocaine?; Veh chim eh , dont understand th word .32. What is the colour of your room?; Apple green, thnks t my mum .33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?; No wayyyyyyy . Look at my innocent face & you'll knw :D34. Do you believe in the saying of :"talk is cheap?"; Wht talking you uh ?35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?; Me , Myself & I .36. Who was the last person to hug you?; Geraldine bahhs , she's th only one tht hugs me .37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?; Stupid qn cn .38. Do you have a life?; Duh, i'm living right ?39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didnt die?; Nopes .40. What is the reason behind your profile song?; Nothing , just nice songs :DDD41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?; Forgot , cos long time since i had a dream .42. Last time you smiled?; Today .43. Have you changed this year?; In some ways .44. What are you listening right now?; Cheng Shou by MLB :D45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?; Nopes .46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?; OPEN , i'm a normal person okay .47. Is there a quote you live by?; Lalalaas or baabaablacksheep counted ?48. Do you want someone you cannot have?; Yes , No , Idk .49. Have you ever played an instrument?; Yeappsyeapps .50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?; Dno .50 more t gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~51. What are you doing last night at 11pm?; Using com .52. Are you happy with your love life right now?; I dont have one (:53. What song best describe your love life?; Told you dont have rdy right .54. Does the person know that you like him/her?; ...55. Who always make you laugh?; My friends .56. Do you speak other language other than English?; Duh .57. favourite website(s)?; Dno dno .58. What's your middle name?; Jia ?59. What are you doing tomorrow?Afternoon till night going t cousin's hse .60. What do you think you are like?; Dno .61. Who will you choose to die with?; Dont wna drag ppl along wimme whn i die .62. Where have you been today?; Dad's office Zzz .63. What game do you play often?; I dont play games ?64.Who are you missing right now?; My friends :DDDD65. If you have to choose between friend n loves, who will you choose?; I'm greedy , lemme have both yeahh ? :x66.What are you doing right now?; This longlonggggggg survey .67. Which primary school are you from?; YioChuKang Primary .68. Name 3 colours that you like?Black , White , & any colour tht looks nice :D69. What emotion you like to show?; No ?70. What is your life to you?; Idk ? Veh sucky .71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?; Tell someone , if not , keep it t myself , & keep thnknq bout it .72. Who did you last chat in msn today?; My cousin , KH .73. Who do you admire most?; Dno .74. Which month are you born in?; August :DDD75. How are you feeling right now?; Bored & tired =l76. What is the time now?; 2am ++ .77. what kind of person do u think the one who tagged u is?; Nice , caring , lovely ! etc .78.What colour did you use to dye hair?; I neh dye my hair !79. Why are you doing this test?; Cos Clarice Boyf tagged me .80. What do you do when you're moody?; Lots of things ?81. At which age you wish to get married?; Nvr thought of this qn before .82. Who is more important to you? Girlfriend or friends?; Both are equally impt :D83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?; Meet my friends, those really close ones . & do th things i wn .84. Who is the person you trust the most?; Dno,.85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?; Yeapps yeapps (:86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?; To let my other dreams come tue :DD87. What is your goal for this year?; It's ending soon , no more goals ? For this yr .88. Do you believe in eternity love?; Yeapps .89. What feeling do you love most?; Being loved :D90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?; Dno .91.What feeling do you hate the most?; Idk eh .92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?; Of courseeeeeeeeee !93. Do you believe in God?; Yeapps .94. Who cares for you most?; My loved ones ?95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?; Th ppl i love (:96. What will you bring when you fight?; See who's th one i'm, fighting w bahhs .97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?; Didnt cherish th times properly .98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?; Lost bahhs . Dno .99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?; Broke off w him bahhs , bt i'd ask for th reason .100. HOW DO U FEEL NOW?; Veh tired Zzz .JIAYAN.
Yayyyyyyyyy, finally completed it .
Friday, October 24, 2008

Look at his hair !
So funneh :x
Okayokay , tday .
Woke up , went dad's office .
Thn after eating breakfast , waited for dad t make th machine thingy .
After tht , 9+ thn i start work bahhs .
Did till ard 12 noon , dad bought lunch bck .
So ate , rested til 1pm x.x
Cos tired mahhs .
Always do till i wn slp .
Anw , continued . Do til 3.30 :D
Hahaha , did 550 calenders , printed on both sides .
& dad says tht i cn stop work (:
So lil nias , hahaas [:
Took a 15mins nap , cos woken up by mum == .
Thn didn't cont t slp le .
Just sit dwn thr till 5+ & went hm :D
♥I love my class :D
Thursday, October 23, 2008

♥Monekeyyyyyyyyy !
I love him !
& miss him lots laaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Long time neh see him liaos .
So shuai & cute yeahs ! :D
I love him truckloads .♥
This is my 300th post !
*claps claps*
Tuesday ;
Went sch , thn outing go mushrm farm .
So sucky cn :x
Went thr , waited , thn ltr went into two rms .
Air-conditioned .
Thn see mushrms .
Eww , my hp nearly touched th mushrms .
Yucks .
Lucky it didnt .
Hmm, thn bought mushrm bck .
After tht , went bck sch .
Slack .
Azlan wn eat , thn give us break .
Til 12pm . To go t th canteen .
Nobody go lor .
Only her, thn she go makan .
12.30 release , went hm put mushrm .
Thn ltr go compass w RT.
Shopshop .
Went in few shops .
Walkwalk , seesee , pei her eat , thn go hm .
Wednesday ;
Late sch reporting .
Thn sat dad's car agn.
Went slack , thn ltr go botanical garden .
Is like . Go explore yourself de .
So went w A, F , RT , WL .
Thn suddenly, K came ==!
Thn went walkwalkwalk .
Ate ice-cream :D
Damn full after eating .
Thn ltr went see swannnnnnnnnnnnnn :D
Hehs .
Took photos .
Of turtles , & swan of course .
Got 2 , but one at th other end .
Okay , thn gather at 11.15pm, wait thr so long .
For th bus .
Thn ltr went bck sch , dismiss le .
Waited at canteen, at first w F .
Thn ltr , RT & LL came .
F gtg , so went off .
Thn slack thr lor .
NPCC so longgggggggg .
Stupid CS , wn talk t thm, thn must fall in agn .
So waited & waited , finally okay .
Thn went off , thy go kpt eat .
So sat thr also .
Thn ltr went off :D
Home :D
Today ;
Went sch , use ur hands campaign.
Thn ltr , wait for azlan come lor .
Give results .
Suck like hell lahhs .
Hais .
Drop agn Zzz .
Dont wna talk bout it :D
Hmms , thn waited for MX , cos she got parent meeting .
Thn so long , cos nd see Farid .
Thn he dua pai mahhs :x
Lols, after tht , went makan , thn go dwntwn .
So slpy cn , tired.
Go ask ask , thn ltr walkwalk .
Go Ehub , damn nth lor .
After tht , damn sian , so decided to go hm
I bus-ed bck t hg mall .
Cos kor wn buy shoelace .
Thn go see got not lor.
Too bad dont have .
Thn bought socks for myself instd x)
After tht , buy sweet & went hm .
Slept like pig , for few hrs =l
Damn tired .
Ohyeah, tml nd go dad's office help him work =l
Suck .
Go thr damn f*cking boring de .
♥I love BBT :D
Monday, October 20, 2008
♥牙膏;Hmms , he's like ...Idk ?Lil bit cute bahhs .See his hairstyle , so cute de .
Today ;Went sch , silent reading =lThn played played & played for th whole day .So fun lahhs .C , B , ME, F & A , we played w th sec 1s [:We make like fishing rod lydat , thn like . make it hang at sec 1s window thr .Thn after tht , thy keep pull D:Thn broken .
At first we use correction tape .Cos tht time sec 3s also like that .Damn fun .Thn uhmm , tht time R also got play :DHehs .
Thn whn Azlan's lesson , so noisy , thn cnt play D:Thn we nd go bck own place t READ BOOK .Crazy , exam rdy over alr cn .!RAWR .
Whn sch ended , went makan .Thn went buy B's pet stuff .Went w MX & A too .Thn so funnnnnnnn lahh !Laughed alot along th way .So cute laaaa !&& ! Th parrot said hello to me ! :DDDMaybe not me , bt it said hello !Hahah .
Thn bus-ed hm .Maid wn go hg mall send money bck .Thn so idiot .!I cn take bus directly go thr .Thn mum wn me go hm first .Wth la .Thn sooooo tired .Walked t hg mall .& bck also .Summore stand thr wait so long .Thn in th end , she didn't managed t send .Cos , neh brnq her working permit ==!Bought sweets :D
Thn nuw , wanted go buy lolli .Thn RAIN !Whn i was taking th key , preparing t leave rdy , thn RAIN .Wth laaaaaaaaaa =lDamn sad can .Wn cry le lah D:
Dowan blog liaos .No mood D:
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Eeeeeeeeee .
I dont like him .
Bt he's in BBT , so haha , must feature also x)
Yesterday ;
Afternoon til night went couz hse .
Ate ice kachang agn.
Thn ltr slack til night lor .
Soup for dinner was nice :D
Thn after dinner , watch tv .
Watch til 8+ like that .
Thn damn sian rdy .
So went kitchen thr listen song .
Wanted t slp , bt those younger ones are like , running ard .
Thn disturb me lahhs !
Thn 9+ i finally went slp :D
For ard 15min .
Headache ahhhhhhhh .
Whn i woke up , got 3 mosquito bites & my both legs were damn numb =l
& yeah , went hm .
Watch tv till 1+ :D
& my phone spoil agn laaaaaaaa !
Wth .
Today ;
Hmms , woke up , tv .
Thn use com :D
& yeah , blogging nuw .
Hmm , going out t eat lunch soon .
Long time since i went thr t eat .
Lalalaas .
Tht's all :D
Buhbyes :D
Friday, October 17, 2008

♥小濱 ;
He's damn cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee laa !
Omgomg .
Okayokay ! Today !
Went sch , thn go bck class, start play games !
Cos only left few min of silent reading .
Thn heck lurhh .
Early morning started t gamble .
& haha , lost 50cents .
So stupid .
Played till recess time.
Didnt go for recess & continued playing .
Nxt was math .
Cher dont allow poker de mahhs , so walked ard .
At first play uno .
Thn too long liaos ==!
Thn sians , so went watch Tash thy all play .
Was like screaming , whn I'm not playing . ==!
So didnt play cos thnk i'll b like , crazy .
Went Play Truth or Dare , bt neh turn til me after few rounds , so went off .
Talk bout chalet thing awhile .
Thn sit dwn thr emooooooooooooo ~
Mother tongue lesson .
Went thr , thn at first A, F & me sit dwn thr ==
Damn sian .
Thn suggested playing th Tash thy all playing de game .
& we played ;D
Till we damn high .
From sian til high .
I pro right (:
Thn play rdy , suddenly LJ [ is name ah , dont anyhw thnk._. ] come ask if we 3 knw hw play daidi .
Thn of course , we said yes .
& he played w us .
Suddenly , MR Soo JH came in , say no pokers allowed .
We hide , thn ltr he gone, we cont .
Thn cher saw , nag abit , we dont care :x
After tht ==!
Councilors in tht class come ask us stop playing =l
We dont care . I summore ask one of thm t diam :x
Hehs .
Thn thy went off ;DDDD
& we continued ! [:
Played till sch ends , cher didnt knw . hahaha .
So went canteen , ateeeeeeeeeee !
Hmm, long time since i ate th mee ?
Ate le , thn ltr me & A brought RT up t her chior .
& went toilet .
Thn saw T & L lurhhhhhhhhs .
T saw me [:
Smiled , haha , i'm so nice :D
Went dwn , slack awhile .
Thn NPCC nd fall in , so i was ALONE.
Saw J kor , so chatted ;D
& he pangseh me after tht .
So waited thr , so bo liao .
FINALLY , 2pm thy ok rdy .
Was supposed t wait for RT & go hm tgt .
Thn she was talking on th phone w her dad mahhs ,
so i said it's alright if her dad come fetch her .
Cos i cn go hm w MX .
BT haha , in th end, walked w A t hg pt thr take 325 .
Stayed in sch till ard . 4+ lydat .
YT, ZY , MX & A all playing daidi mahhs , cos i dowan play , play till lil sian liaos .
So watch thm play .
Thn saw L.P so smiled & said Hi ;DD
Ohyeah , i'm so friendly ! [:
Thn awhile ltr , th NCC guys call me , ask me go play w thm .
Tallie was thr too ;D
Thn play one rd, change ppl .
Played blackjack & daidi lahh , see thy wn play wht .
Thn went 4th floor cos I wanted thm stop or go in their rm play .
Thn cos i playing w thm , so went lor .
Go up rdy ==
Another guy came up say I ask thm go dwn ==!
So went dwn & didnt play after tht .
So go see th 4girls play .
So boringggggggggggggg.
Wn go hm lah , bt thy playing cheat , haven finish .
A end game le .
So played stress wimme cos damn sian .
& i wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ;DDDD
After playing for ard 3 rds , thy haven finish playing cheat .
Hmm , thn awhile ltr went off rdy cos it's like nvr ending -.-
Saw T agn, w D, thn said buhbye :D
Saw thm at foyer , D playing piano , & T msging me .
Hahaha .
& you knw wht ?
Saw a CAT at our sch carpark thr .
Yeah , & i got hm .
Slack , bathe , & bought dinner .
Thn com-ing lor .
hehes x)
Hellos & buhbyes :D
Thursday, October 16, 2008

♥小馬 ;
I dont like him .
Not hate , just don't like .
Lalalaaaas .
RT dont scold me ah =X
Ahhhhhhhhh , sians , lost ppl's bday thingy .
Thn nuw always neh wish ppl D:
Yesterdayyyyyyyy ; 151008 ;
Late sch reporting .
Took dad's car , left hm at 7am , reached sch at 7.10am ==!
Sat thr , nth t do , msg RT , listen t songs & play sudoku .
Damn sian laaa , so long le , thn no one come.
So waited & waited .
Finally 7.30 like tht WL, JW & RT came .
& yeah , chatted all th way .
Nita came in , gave pprs .
I forgot my marks laaa =l
Stupid right .
Bt i thnk it's 62 , which is a B4 =l
Thn ltr, play poker , she dont let .
Mr NG came in ltr, thn also dont let.
Bt we play one round lah [:
So waited for time t pass by.
& played STRESS ! ;D
Cher came give ppr .
Thn ltr do th raise hand thingy .
Lol .
Hmm , Yeah , time passed by quite quickly .
I got 68 ='[
B3 lehhs !
WTFish .
My only A1 hope's gone .
Mrs you came in , thn check ppr .
Got 52/100 .
Hahaha , so lan right .
She neh teach .
Thn let us do our own things (:
Played poker of course .
Play til veh shuang.
THN , MrYeo came in , & gave bck hist ppr == .
Just pass , 30/60 , 50% .
Wth lah .
Bt hmm , hist i not really sad , cos i knw i write out of pt .
Whtevr =l
Sch ends
Went 7-11 buy 2 Milo cup ice-cream .
& bought KitKat .Fattening right ?
Haha , F & ME ! We ate tht .
A ate mashed potato & th , idk hw spell =l
Yeah , thn finish eating , F go hm .
I & A slack awhile thn went hm .
Just nice reach bs thn bus came .
So went hm .
Went sch w only my HPs , $$ , ezlink , earpiece , key & comb [:
Hehs . && clips !
Morning assembly was held at th hall .
Cos got programme .
Damn sian , sit thr for an hr .
It's bout th cupcakes thingy , th charity wn .
Yeah , so , SIAN =l
Nxt was recess .
Didnt eat anything ;D
MathGo thru corrections .
I dont understand why nd do lor.
Also neh take bck ppr.
Siao de .
Played game too .
Headache laaa .
Mr Yeo's bz , so relief cher came .
Yeapps .
Thn played uno, blackjack & daidi ;D
Knw our marks for Lit .Got 70 :D
Dno is CA2 or SA2 leas .
Hope it's SA2 , thn i finally got one A .
Mrs you came in , we dont care , cont play .
Thn she keep ask us quiet .
WOO , gamble moneh .
Win , lose , win , win , win , win , thn in th end lose == .
Was having headache agn whn playinggggg .
Played daidi all th way .
Knw marks alr . Total .
Got B4! RAWR .
1 mark t B3 lahhs . sians .
Listening t songs too luhh , damn sian .
Was having headacheeeeee =l
Sch end
Wanted t wait for A .
Thn go take 325 bck hm .
Budden MX was thr too .
Thn decided t take bus tgt .
She dowan fall in, so pei her, she ate .
& i drank GREENTEA :D
Thn ltr , thy release rdy .
So fast .
Thn went off .
Saw T tht bunch .
Lol , okay , clique .
Thy were sitting behind me laaa .
Thn so stupid , whn going off, wn find me== .
Hahaa , JW thy all went play piano mahhs .
Thn msged T .& went canteen find him.
Hahaha , he said 'Sorry jiejie ' !
Thn went off ;DDD
Home sweet home!
Yeah , w MX, R, & XM .
cp ;D
Goodbyes .
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'll post tml [:Sore eyeeeeeeeeee D:Keep having tears lahh , suck =lIcnseeokay,CP.Hahaha
Goodluck for all those taking 'O' lvl sci pract tml ;DD
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Haiya , damn fcuked up nuw .Kena scolded agn .WTFish lahhs .Cn you get th facts right before scolding ?Are you getting over sensitive ?I'm alr a person who knws wht i'm doing , knw wht is right or wrong .Do you have to do this ?Just one sentence from her & you're like .Scolding me ?You didnt even bother to find out wht's going on .So wht if i cnt wakeup in th morning ?I still woke up in th end right ?Wht's bothering you tht i wake up ltr compared t last time ?I pig wht, cnt ah .Hais , idk lahhs .So crap cn, this family .Suck like hell .I dont understand la , is thr a need t really confiscate my phone for th night ?Let's put this aside .& talk about going out .Tht day . I knw i tell you all i 'm going out til 4+ , 5. lydat .Bt reached hm ard 7+ instead .Tht's my fault .I knw .Bt , i wanted to go out til like .At night ?Just after dinner will do . I dont nd it to be late at night .& th thnq is , you dont let .It's after EOY alr lah , please .It's not like . Mid yr or wht okay .Told you i wn go arcade or go walkwalk after movie .& your reaction was like .' huh, wht arcade , finish watching come hm lah . 'Eh , suck lah , you knw anot .Go out movie thn come bck.You thnk wht ? I always go out ?
Excuse me lah , i one yr , go out for hw many times only .Look at other ppl , their parents are like . more open .I dont nd you to change alot, but at least .Let me have more freedom of my own cn ?Tht's all i ask for .I'm alr FOURTEEN la .I knw , i'm still young to you .Bt , look at wht century is this lahs .The world changes okay .So cn you let go more ?It sucks being controlled .Having t turn dwn my friends' offers to go out , th feeling isn't nice .It's like .I always have to tell thm tht my parents dont let .Nuw , i dont even nd t tell thm.Thy alr knw tht i'm those tht cnt go out .Turning thm dwn makes me feel so paiseh cn .Everytime thy ask me , my ans is always a cnt .Trust .Tht's th thnq tht's lacking .Why ?Why cnt you just trust tht i cn take care of myself , i cn choose th right things .Eoy , i studied .At first , you scolded me for nt studying .Bt hey , i've been studying ok .It's just tht you didnt see it for urself .& you just concluded tht i haven't been studying .You said tht , everday i come hm , i'll be using th computer .Bt , i didnt .Ask th maid, she say i neh use right ?Been studying right ?!& , mayb i'm being bias .I dont like her .Bt seriously . Are you all pampering her too much ?She do so many ridiculous things .& both of you didnt even utter a single word .It's th BOTH OF YOU tht teach me not to lie on th table .Thn whn she lie , i complain , you all neh say anythnq .EH, WTF is this lah .Hais , i just hope tht everything will be fine someday . soon .Ay , having serious headache .
Go rest awhile .I purposely put black colour de , not got anything wrong ah .

♥鮪魚 ;
Hahaas , look at him .
Cute right , make th face .
Tht time didnt write :x
I forgot laaa , didn't do it on purpose .
Ay , tday damn sians lurhhs .
Tired laaas !
Todayyyyyyyyy ;
Hmms , went sch , thn silent reading didnt brnq bk .
Hahaha :x
So didnt read , just dwn thr play my earsticks lor .
Chinese lesson
Stupid cher , say we noisy .
Thn dowan tell us oral marks D:
Total also neh tell . RAWRRRRR`
Hmms, ppr one , got 45/70 .
Thn ppr two , got 44/70 .
Bt cher mark wrong , so got one more mark ;DD
So become 45/70 .
Tht time listening got 8/20 x)
Cos i thought normal prac only , thn go slp .
In th end only got 8 marks . Zzz .
So i need 26 marks for oral to get B3 for Chinese .
Hope i'll get it laaas .
Thursday i'll knw rdy .
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =l
Hmm, slack lurhhs .
Thn whn going bck classrm , saw Sean & another guy.
Hehs , dno wht's his name .
Loooooooool , & idc .
Supposed to b PE period laaaas !
Thn must go do stupid survey !
Waste our PE time AGAIN .
Tht time also laaas .
Thn do finish , went bck class , & rot dwn thr .
Wahh , damn sians .
Mrs Azlan came in , thn gave us bck our sci .
Sians , B4 .
Check marks & stuffs, return ppr , thn she let us play games ;D
So played poker lor .
Play rdy , damn sian , so played stress !
Hahahaaaa .
Damn niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;DDDD
Long time since i played stress .
Lalalaaaaaaaaaas .
& thr she go .
Didnt have music , thn continued playing lor.
Damn sian , walk ard classrm .
Anyhw drag ppl play wimme ;x
Hehs ^^ .
Okay , luckily thr're NO MORE talks .
So stayed in class & ROT,ROT & ROT .
Played scissors ppr stone w Clem, A, & G .
Thn C joined in after tht .
Hmms , play awhile jiu neh play le .
Damn boredddddddddddddddddddd.
Went ask E wn gamble money not .
Thn he okay , so we find ppl play w us .
Play one round daidi only , thn bell ring .
Tml cont ;DD
Sch end
Go straight t hg mall .
Thn go ask A thing .
Thn after tht B reach rdy , so went KFC .
Thn saw MX & YF whn going dwn .
Thn thy saw us at KFC , came find us .
Lol .
Thn so zi bian lahhs !
Take chair & sit .
YF worse , go share chair wimme !
Hahaas , thn ltr ask A move , thn no nd share [:
Joke ard , thn nobody eating le , so went hm .
Damn tired =l
& hw great , i've got an ulcer .
Pain laaas .
Sryuh,tdayhalfwaydidntmsgyou :x
Ay, i'm tired .
I wn watch Hot Shot laaaaaas .
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Deleted th previous post .Cos it's like so stupid == .
Today , practically rot at hm th whole day .
Woke up , use com til nuw , more thn 12hrs x)
I'm like so bad , on com for so long :x
Watch show , thn ltr called guiders to tell thm bout meetings stuffs .
Ay , so sad cn , like nobody doing th 14th thingy .
I also dowan do laaa .
Cos like .
If i go , i thnk i'll have lesser chance t go out ?
Idk , lol .
Hmm , bt nuw , nobody's doing .
So far only ONE cfm ._.
So pathetic cn .
So i'm thnknq if i shud go .
Just go laaaaaaaa, anw it's after my pri sch outing rdy , left 2e2's class chalet .
Ay, tml class outing , sians , cnt go D:
Got guides .
Ahhhhhhhhhhh , flag etiquette test =l
Sians , like dno lydat lor . Damn scared laaaaa .
So M , F & me decided t go early tml & prac .
Cos we like all dno .
Esp th 2 of thm == .
Cos thy always ask me do laaa !
Bully me .
Tml meeting is 2pm , i'm meeting M at 10.30 at th bs .
& meeting F at her hse thr or bw at 11am .
Hmmmmm , so yeahs . Go prac !
Hope we'll pass .
J said tht ma'ams test de leas !
Scared laaaaaaa .
Summore mayb is E cn .
Gtg, no mood post liaos.
Damn fcuked up nuw .
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Couldn't find his pic la , only this cn see only his face & it's nice .
He's kinda cute la :D
Bt of course , not ask cute as monkeyyyyy & wangzi :D
Tday went dad's office also .
Thn started work ard 9.45am .
Did calendars again .
Ard 250 only lahhs , finished at 11.30 lydat ..
Thn went buy lunch for everyone , & ate .
Early hurr .
After tht , nth t do , slack .
Play psp , play till i tired .
Thn wn slp , bt cnt gt t slp == .
Thn ltr finally slp rdy , half an hr ltr , aunt woke me up Zzz .
Ask me help her send msg t cousin's cher .
So wokeup , thn didnt go bck slp rdy .
Thn ltr 3pm like tht , dad ask me go print envelope == .
So went .
Yeapps , thn finished ard 400 of thm in 30mins ! :DDD
Thn ltr slack agn .
After tht mum ask me help out .
So went arrange namecards thing .
After tht, ask me make other thnq == .
Do halfway , thn dad snatch my job , RAWRRRRRRRR `` .
& i was asked t wash baibai things , & washed thm for 20mins -.-
So long cn ==!
& th pathetic me was asked t sweep th floor .
Waited for mum , & went hm :D
Monday, October 27, 2008

♥Terry ;
He look so funneh laaa, this pic .
Lols, he's sooooooooooooo mature .
Today woke up , thn use com til now lurhhs ==!
Watch hotshot since morning .
& haha !
I've finish watching eps 14 :D
Lalalaas ~
Seriously nth t blog laaaaas ==! .
Very no life =l
Sians , tml nd go dad's office help him agn Zzz .
Go thr damn sian cn ._.
Sure will do till wn t slp de .
Muahaha , lucky kor lend me his psp .
Thn cn brnq go thr .
Entertain me .
If not damn boring laaaa , whole day listening t songs == .
Yeapps , hahaha :D
Blog till here :D
Buhbyes :D
♥Bbt :D
Hotshot's niceeeee :D
Sunday, October 26, 2008
♥Elmo :D ;Not bad looking uh ;DHe don't look like elmo .Hahaha :x
Hmms , woke up .Thn watch tv .After eating lunch , watch tv .Was like super duper boring cn .!Mum lah , watch th VCD, so boring de .Dno why she cn sit dwn thr so long .So went watch movie .Dad buy de ah .Watch until i doze off == .So boring cn .Thn woke up , finish le .So continued second one .Horror movie :DWatch halfway , jiu come use com rdy .Boring dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy D:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , BORINGGGGGGGGGG .!
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.Was tagged by Clarice Boyfriend .& th 8 'lucky' ppl are ; ChoonYeong, Gibson, Sean & Thomas , ; Elizabeth, Januavi, Melissa.C & Tashryn .4 boys, 4girls :D01.What have you been doing recently?; Slacking , playing , bz w class chalet stuffs .02. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?; Only once, whn my dad confiscated it .03. What happened at 10.00am today?; I was working for my dad at his office .04. When did you last cry?; That day .05. Believe in fate/destiny?; Yeapps .06. What do you want in your life right now?; Idk ?07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?; None of th above . Just wn t b in th rain :D08. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?; My toyyyyyyyyyyyys (:09. What bottom are you wearing now?; Shorts .10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say?; Dno .11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?; Nopes bahhs .12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?; Nahhs .13. What was the last movie you caught?; Connected :DD14. What are you proud of?; Dno .15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?; Why must i tell you ?16. What was the last song you sang out loud?; Superman ? HotShot's songgggggggg :D17.Do you have any nicknames?; Yeah , & thy suck =l18.What does your last received text message say?; Dont tell you , bleahs =P19. What time did you go to bed last night?; 12 plus ?20. Are you currently happy?; Nopes .21. Who gives you best advice?; My friends i guess .22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?; Nooooooooo .23. Who did you talk on phone last night?; Somebody . & i was like quarter awake x)24. Is anything bugging you right now?; Yes , No , Idk .25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?; Was laughing while watching HotShot .26. Do you wear toe socks?; Nopeeeeeeeeeeeeeees .27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?; Somebody lor x)28. Have you ever had your heartbroken?; Yeahhs .29. What annoys you most in a person?; Dno .30. Do you have a crush on anyone?; Nopes .31. Have you ever done cocaine?; Veh chim eh , dont understand th word .32. What is the colour of your room?; Apple green, thnks t my mum .33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?; No wayyyyyyy . Look at my innocent face & you'll knw :D34. Do you believe in the saying of :"talk is cheap?"; Wht talking you uh ?35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?; Me , Myself & I .36. Who was the last person to hug you?; Geraldine bahhs , she's th only one tht hugs me .37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?; Stupid qn cn .38. Do you have a life?; Duh, i'm living right ?39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didnt die?; Nopes .40. What is the reason behind your profile song?; Nothing , just nice songs :DDD41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?; Forgot , cos long time since i had a dream .42. Last time you smiled?; Today .43. Have you changed this year?; In some ways .44. What are you listening right now?; Cheng Shou by MLB :D45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?; Nopes .46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?; OPEN , i'm a normal person okay .47. Is there a quote you live by?; Lalalaas or baabaablacksheep counted ?48. Do you want someone you cannot have?; Yes , No , Idk .49. Have you ever played an instrument?; Yeappsyeapps .50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week?; Dno .50 more t gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~51. What are you doing last night at 11pm?; Using com .52. Are you happy with your love life right now?; I dont have one (:53. What song best describe your love life?; Told you dont have rdy right .54. Does the person know that you like him/her?; ...55. Who always make you laugh?; My friends .56. Do you speak other language other than English?; Duh .57. favourite website(s)?; Dno dno .58. What's your middle name?; Jia ?59. What are you doing tomorrow?Afternoon till night going t cousin's hse .60. What do you think you are like?; Dno .61. Who will you choose to die with?; Dont wna drag ppl along wimme whn i die .62. Where have you been today?; Dad's office Zzz .63. What game do you play often?; I dont play games ?64.Who are you missing right now?; My friends :DDDD65. If you have to choose between friend n loves, who will you choose?; I'm greedy , lemme have both yeahh ? :x66.What are you doing right now?; This longlonggggggg survey .67. Which primary school are you from?; YioChuKang Primary .68. Name 3 colours that you like?Black , White , & any colour tht looks nice :D69. What emotion you like to show?; No ?70. What is your life to you?; Idk ? Veh sucky .71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?; Tell someone , if not , keep it t myself , & keep thnknq bout it .72. Who did you last chat in msn today?; My cousin , KH .73. Who do you admire most?; Dno .74. Which month are you born in?; August :DDD75. How are you feeling right now?; Bored & tired =l76. What is the time now?; 2am ++ .77. what kind of person do u think the one who tagged u is?; Nice , caring , lovely ! etc .78.What colour did you use to dye hair?; I neh dye my hair !79. Why are you doing this test?; Cos Clarice Boyf tagged me .80. What do you do when you're moody?; Lots of things ?81. At which age you wish to get married?; Nvr thought of this qn before .82. Who is more important to you? Girlfriend or friends?; Both are equally impt :D83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?; Meet my friends, those really close ones . & do th things i wn .84. Who is the person you trust the most?; Dno,.85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain?; Yeapps yeapps (:86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?; To let my other dreams come tue :DD87. What is your goal for this year?; It's ending soon , no more goals ? For this yr .88. Do you believe in eternity love?; Yeapps .89. What feeling do you love most?; Being loved :D90. Do you really think its Global Warming now?; Dno .91.What feeling do you hate the most?; Idk eh .92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?; Of courseeeeeeeeee !93. Do you believe in God?; Yeapps .94. Who cares for you most?; My loved ones ?95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?; Th ppl i love (:96. What will you bring when you fight?; See who's th one i'm, fighting w bahhs .97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life?; Didnt cherish th times properly .98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you?; Lost bahhs . Dno .99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you?; Broke off w him bahhs , bt i'd ask for th reason .100. HOW DO U FEEL NOW?; Veh tired Zzz .JIAYAN.
Yayyyyyyyyy, finally completed it .
Friday, October 24, 2008

Look at his hair !
So funneh :x
Okayokay , tday .
Woke up , went dad's office .
Thn after eating breakfast , waited for dad t make th machine thingy .
After tht , 9+ thn i start work bahhs .
Did till ard 12 noon , dad bought lunch bck .
So ate , rested til 1pm x.x
Cos tired mahhs .
Always do till i wn slp .
Anw , continued . Do til 3.30 :D
Hahaha , did 550 calenders , printed on both sides .
& dad says tht i cn stop work (:
So lil nias , hahaas [:
Took a 15mins nap , cos woken up by mum == .
Thn didn't cont t slp le .
Just sit dwn thr till 5+ & went hm :D
♥I love my class :D
Thursday, October 23, 2008

♥Monekeyyyyyyyyy !
I love him !
& miss him lots laaaaaaaaaaaaa !
Long time neh see him liaos .
So shuai & cute yeahs ! :D
I love him truckloads .♥
This is my 300th post !
*claps claps*
Tuesday ;
Went sch , thn outing go mushrm farm .
So sucky cn :x
Went thr , waited , thn ltr went into two rms .
Air-conditioned .
Thn see mushrms .
Eww , my hp nearly touched th mushrms .
Yucks .
Lucky it didnt .
Hmm, thn bought mushrm bck .
After tht , went bck sch .
Slack .
Azlan wn eat , thn give us break .
Til 12pm . To go t th canteen .
Nobody go lor .
Only her, thn she go makan .
12.30 release , went hm put mushrm .
Thn ltr go compass w RT.
Shopshop .
Went in few shops .
Walkwalk , seesee , pei her eat , thn go hm .
Wednesday ;
Late sch reporting .
Thn sat dad's car agn.
Went slack , thn ltr go botanical garden .
Is like . Go explore yourself de .
So went w A, F , RT , WL .
Thn suddenly, K came ==!
Thn went walkwalkwalk .
Ate ice-cream :D
Damn full after eating .
Thn ltr went see swannnnnnnnnnnnnn :D
Hehs .
Took photos .
Of turtles , & swan of course .
Got 2 , but one at th other end .
Okay , thn gather at 11.15pm, wait thr so long .
For th bus .
Thn ltr went bck sch , dismiss le .
Waited at canteen, at first w F .
Thn ltr , RT & LL came .
F gtg , so went off .
Thn slack thr lor .
NPCC so longgggggggg .
Stupid CS , wn talk t thm, thn must fall in agn .
So waited & waited , finally okay .
Thn went off , thy go kpt eat .
So sat thr also .
Thn ltr went off :D
Home :D
Today ;
Went sch , use ur hands campaign.
Thn ltr , wait for azlan come lor .
Give results .
Suck like hell lahhs .
Hais .
Drop agn Zzz .
Dont wna talk bout it :D
Hmms , thn waited for MX , cos she got parent meeting .
Thn so long , cos nd see Farid .
Thn he dua pai mahhs :x
Lols, after tht , went makan , thn go dwntwn .
So slpy cn , tired.
Go ask ask , thn ltr walkwalk .
Go Ehub , damn nth lor .
After tht , damn sian , so decided to go hm
I bus-ed bck t hg mall .
Cos kor wn buy shoelace .
Thn go see got not lor.
Too bad dont have .
Thn bought socks for myself instd x)
After tht , buy sweet & went hm .
Slept like pig , for few hrs =l
Damn tired .
Ohyeah, tml nd go dad's office help him work =l
Suck .
Go thr damn f*cking boring de .
♥I love BBT :D
Monday, October 20, 2008
♥牙膏;Hmms , he's like ...Idk ?Lil bit cute bahhs .See his hairstyle , so cute de .
Today ;Went sch , silent reading =lThn played played & played for th whole day .So fun lahhs .C , B , ME, F & A , we played w th sec 1s [:We make like fishing rod lydat , thn like . make it hang at sec 1s window thr .Thn after tht , thy keep pull D:Thn broken .
At first we use correction tape .Cos tht time sec 3s also like that .Damn fun .Thn uhmm , tht time R also got play :DHehs .
Thn whn Azlan's lesson , so noisy , thn cnt play D:Thn we nd go bck own place t READ BOOK .Crazy , exam rdy over alr cn .!RAWR .
Whn sch ended , went makan .Thn went buy B's pet stuff .Went w MX & A too .Thn so funnnnnnnn lahh !Laughed alot along th way .So cute laaaa !&& ! Th parrot said hello to me ! :DDDMaybe not me , bt it said hello !Hahah .
Thn bus-ed hm .Maid wn go hg mall send money bck .Thn so idiot .!I cn take bus directly go thr .Thn mum wn me go hm first .Wth la .Thn sooooo tired .Walked t hg mall .& bck also .Summore stand thr wait so long .Thn in th end , she didn't managed t send .Cos , neh brnq her working permit ==!Bought sweets :D
Thn nuw , wanted go buy lolli .Thn RAIN !Whn i was taking th key , preparing t leave rdy , thn RAIN .Wth laaaaaaaaaa =lDamn sad can .Wn cry le lah D:
Dowan blog liaos .No mood D:
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Eeeeeeeeee .
I dont like him .
Bt he's in BBT , so haha , must feature also x)
Yesterday ;
Afternoon til night went couz hse .
Ate ice kachang agn.
Thn ltr slack til night lor .
Soup for dinner was nice :D
Thn after dinner , watch tv .
Watch til 8+ like that .
Thn damn sian rdy .
So went kitchen thr listen song .
Wanted t slp , bt those younger ones are like , running ard .
Thn disturb me lahhs !
Thn 9+ i finally went slp :D
For ard 15min .
Headache ahhhhhhhh .
Whn i woke up , got 3 mosquito bites & my both legs were damn numb =l
& yeah , went hm .
Watch tv till 1+ :D
& my phone spoil agn laaaaaaaa !
Wth .
Today ;
Hmms , woke up , tv .
Thn use com :D
& yeah , blogging nuw .
Hmm , going out t eat lunch soon .
Long time since i went thr t eat .
Lalalaas .
Tht's all :D
Buhbyes :D
Friday, October 17, 2008

♥小濱 ;
He's damn cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee laa !
Omgomg .
Okayokay ! Today !
Went sch , thn go bck class, start play games !
Cos only left few min of silent reading .
Thn heck lurhh .
Early morning started t gamble .
& haha , lost 50cents .
So stupid .
Played till recess time.
Didnt go for recess & continued playing .
Nxt was math .
Cher dont allow poker de mahhs , so walked ard .
At first play uno .
Thn too long liaos ==!
Thn sians , so went watch Tash thy all play .
Was like screaming , whn I'm not playing . ==!
So didnt play cos thnk i'll b like , crazy .
Went Play Truth or Dare , bt neh turn til me after few rounds , so went off .
Talk bout chalet thing awhile .
Thn sit dwn thr emooooooooooooo ~
Mother tongue lesson .
Went thr , thn at first A, F & me sit dwn thr ==
Damn sian .
Thn suggested playing th Tash thy all playing de game .
& we played ;D
Till we damn high .
From sian til high .
I pro right (:
Thn play rdy , suddenly LJ [ is name ah , dont anyhw thnk._. ] come ask if we 3 knw hw play daidi .
Thn of course , we said yes .
& he played w us .
Suddenly , MR Soo JH came in , say no pokers allowed .
We hide , thn ltr he gone, we cont .
Thn cher saw , nag abit , we dont care :x
After tht ==!
Councilors in tht class come ask us stop playing =l
We dont care . I summore ask one of thm t diam :x
Hehs .
Thn thy went off ;DDDD
& we continued ! [:
Played till sch ends , cher didnt knw . hahaha .
So went canteen , ateeeeeeeeeee !
Hmm, long time since i ate th mee ?
Ate le , thn ltr me & A brought RT up t her chior .
& went toilet .
Thn saw T & L lurhhhhhhhhs .
T saw me [:
Smiled , haha , i'm so nice :D
Went dwn , slack awhile .
Thn NPCC nd fall in , so i was ALONE.
Saw J kor , so chatted ;D
& he pangseh me after tht .
So waited thr , so bo liao .
FINALLY , 2pm thy ok rdy .
Was supposed t wait for RT & go hm tgt .
Thn she was talking on th phone w her dad mahhs ,
so i said it's alright if her dad come fetch her .
Cos i cn go hm w MX .
BT haha , in th end, walked w A t hg pt thr take 325 .
Stayed in sch till ard . 4+ lydat .
YT, ZY , MX & A all playing daidi mahhs , cos i dowan play , play till lil sian liaos .
So watch thm play .
Thn saw L.P so smiled & said Hi ;DD
Ohyeah , i'm so friendly ! [:
Thn awhile ltr , th NCC guys call me , ask me go play w thm .
Tallie was thr too ;D
Thn play one rd, change ppl .
Played blackjack & daidi lahh , see thy wn play wht .
Thn went 4th floor cos I wanted thm stop or go in their rm play .
Thn cos i playing w thm , so went lor .
Go up rdy ==
Another guy came up say I ask thm go dwn ==!
So went dwn & didnt play after tht .
So go see th 4girls play .
So boringggggggggggggg.
Wn go hm lah , bt thy playing cheat , haven finish .
A end game le .
So played stress wimme cos damn sian .
& i wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ;DDDD
After playing for ard 3 rds , thy haven finish playing cheat .
Hmm , thn awhile ltr went off rdy cos it's like nvr ending -.-
Saw T agn, w D, thn said buhbye :D
Saw thm at foyer , D playing piano , & T msging me .
Hahaha .
& you knw wht ?
Saw a CAT at our sch carpark thr .
Yeah , & i got hm .
Slack , bathe , & bought dinner .
Thn com-ing lor .
hehes x)
Hellos & buhbyes :D
Thursday, October 16, 2008

♥小馬 ;
I dont like him .
Not hate , just don't like .
Lalalaaaas .
RT dont scold me ah =X
Ahhhhhhhhh , sians , lost ppl's bday thingy .
Thn nuw always neh wish ppl D:
Yesterdayyyyyyyy ; 151008 ;
Late sch reporting .
Took dad's car , left hm at 7am , reached sch at 7.10am ==!
Sat thr , nth t do , msg RT , listen t songs & play sudoku .
Damn sian laaa , so long le , thn no one come.
So waited & waited .
Finally 7.30 like tht WL, JW & RT came .
& yeah , chatted all th way .
Nita came in , gave pprs .
I forgot my marks laaa =l
Stupid right .
Bt i thnk it's 62 , which is a B4 =l
Thn ltr, play poker , she dont let .
Mr NG came in ltr, thn also dont let.
Bt we play one round lah [:
So waited for time t pass by.
& played STRESS ! ;D
Cher came give ppr .
Thn ltr do th raise hand thingy .
Lol .
Hmm , Yeah , time passed by quite quickly .
I got 68 ='[
B3 lehhs !
WTFish .
My only A1 hope's gone .
Mrs you came in , thn check ppr .
Got 52/100 .
Hahaha , so lan right .
She neh teach .
Thn let us do our own things (:
Played poker of course .
Play til veh shuang.
THN , MrYeo came in , & gave bck hist ppr == .
Just pass , 30/60 , 50% .
Wth lah .
Bt hmm , hist i not really sad , cos i knw i write out of pt .
Whtevr =l
Sch ends
Went 7-11 buy 2 Milo cup ice-cream .
& bought KitKat .Fattening right ?
Haha , F & ME ! We ate tht .
A ate mashed potato & th , idk hw spell =l
Yeah , thn finish eating , F go hm .
I & A slack awhile thn went hm .
Just nice reach bs thn bus came .
So went hm .
Went sch w only my HPs , $$ , ezlink , earpiece , key & comb [:
Hehs . && clips !
Morning assembly was held at th hall .
Cos got programme .
Damn sian , sit thr for an hr .
It's bout th cupcakes thingy , th charity wn .
Yeah , so , SIAN =l
Nxt was recess .
Didnt eat anything ;D
MathGo thru corrections .
I dont understand why nd do lor.
Also neh take bck ppr.
Siao de .
Played game too .
Headache laaa .
Mr Yeo's bz , so relief cher came .
Yeapps .
Thn played uno, blackjack & daidi ;D
Knw our marks for Lit .Got 70 :D
Dno is CA2 or SA2 leas .
Hope it's SA2 , thn i finally got one A .
Mrs you came in , we dont care , cont play .
Thn she keep ask us quiet .
WOO , gamble moneh .
Win , lose , win , win , win , win , thn in th end lose == .
Was having headache agn whn playinggggg .
Played daidi all th way .
Knw marks alr . Total .
Got B4! RAWR .
1 mark t B3 lahhs . sians .
Listening t songs too luhh , damn sian .
Was having headacheeeeee =l
Sch end
Wanted t wait for A .
Thn go take 325 bck hm .
Budden MX was thr too .
Thn decided t take bus tgt .
She dowan fall in, so pei her, she ate .
& i drank GREENTEA :D
Thn ltr , thy release rdy .
So fast .
Thn went off .
Saw T tht bunch .
Lol , okay , clique .
Thy were sitting behind me laaa .
Thn so stupid , whn going off, wn find me== .
Hahaa , JW thy all went play piano mahhs .
Thn msged T .& went canteen find him.
Hahaha , he said 'Sorry jiejie ' !
Thn went off ;DDD
Home sweet home!
Yeah , w MX, R, & XM .
cp ;D
Goodbyes .
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'll post tml [:Sore eyeeeeeeeeee D:Keep having tears lahh , suck =lIcnseeokay,CP.Hahaha
Goodluck for all those taking 'O' lvl sci pract tml ;DD
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Haiya , damn fcuked up nuw .Kena scolded agn .WTFish lahhs .Cn you get th facts right before scolding ?Are you getting over sensitive ?I'm alr a person who knws wht i'm doing , knw wht is right or wrong .Do you have to do this ?Just one sentence from her & you're like .Scolding me ?You didnt even bother to find out wht's going on .So wht if i cnt wakeup in th morning ?I still woke up in th end right ?Wht's bothering you tht i wake up ltr compared t last time ?I pig wht, cnt ah .Hais , idk lahhs .So crap cn, this family .Suck like hell .I dont understand la , is thr a need t really confiscate my phone for th night ?Let's put this aside .& talk about going out .Tht day . I knw i tell you all i 'm going out til 4+ , 5. lydat .Bt reached hm ard 7+ instead .Tht's my fault .I knw .Bt , i wanted to go out til like .At night ?Just after dinner will do . I dont nd it to be late at night .& th thnq is , you dont let .It's after EOY alr lah , please .It's not like . Mid yr or wht okay .Told you i wn go arcade or go walkwalk after movie .& your reaction was like .' huh, wht arcade , finish watching come hm lah . 'Eh , suck lah , you knw anot .Go out movie thn come bck.You thnk wht ? I always go out ?
Excuse me lah , i one yr , go out for hw many times only .Look at other ppl , their parents are like . more open .I dont nd you to change alot, but at least .Let me have more freedom of my own cn ?Tht's all i ask for .I'm alr FOURTEEN la .I knw , i'm still young to you .Bt , look at wht century is this lahs .The world changes okay .So cn you let go more ?It sucks being controlled .Having t turn dwn my friends' offers to go out , th feeling isn't nice .It's like .I always have to tell thm tht my parents dont let .Nuw , i dont even nd t tell thm.Thy alr knw tht i'm those tht cnt go out .Turning thm dwn makes me feel so paiseh cn .Everytime thy ask me , my ans is always a cnt .Trust .Tht's th thnq tht's lacking .Why ?Why cnt you just trust tht i cn take care of myself , i cn choose th right things .Eoy , i studied .At first , you scolded me for nt studying .Bt hey , i've been studying ok .It's just tht you didnt see it for urself .& you just concluded tht i haven't been studying .You said tht , everday i come hm , i'll be using th computer .Bt , i didnt .Ask th maid, she say i neh use right ?Been studying right ?!& , mayb i'm being bias .I dont like her .Bt seriously . Are you all pampering her too much ?She do so many ridiculous things .& both of you didnt even utter a single word .It's th BOTH OF YOU tht teach me not to lie on th table .Thn whn she lie , i complain , you all neh say anythnq .EH, WTF is this lah .Hais , i just hope tht everything will be fine someday . soon .Ay , having serious headache .
Go rest awhile .I purposely put black colour de , not got anything wrong ah .

♥鮪魚 ;
Hahaas , look at him .
Cute right , make th face .
Tht time didnt write :x
I forgot laaa , didn't do it on purpose .
Ay , tday damn sians lurhhs .
Tired laaas !
Todayyyyyyyyy ;
Hmms , went sch , thn silent reading didnt brnq bk .
Hahaha :x
So didnt read , just dwn thr play my earsticks lor .
Chinese lesson
Stupid cher , say we noisy .
Thn dowan tell us oral marks D:
Total also neh tell . RAWRRRRR`
Hmms, ppr one , got 45/70 .
Thn ppr two , got 44/70 .
Bt cher mark wrong , so got one more mark ;DD
So become 45/70 .
Tht time listening got 8/20 x)
Cos i thought normal prac only , thn go slp .
In th end only got 8 marks . Zzz .
So i need 26 marks for oral to get B3 for Chinese .
Hope i'll get it laaas .
Thursday i'll knw rdy .
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =l
Hmm, slack lurhhs .
Thn whn going bck classrm , saw Sean & another guy.
Hehs , dno wht's his name .
Loooooooool , & idc .
Supposed to b PE period laaaas !
Thn must go do stupid survey !
Waste our PE time AGAIN .
Tht time also laaas .
Thn do finish , went bck class , & rot dwn thr .
Wahh , damn sians .
Mrs Azlan came in , thn gave us bck our sci .
Sians , B4 .
Check marks & stuffs, return ppr , thn she let us play games ;D
So played poker lor .
Play rdy , damn sian , so played stress !
Hahahaaaa .
Damn niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;DDDD
Long time since i played stress .
Lalalaaaaaaaaaas .
& thr she go .
Didnt have music , thn continued playing lor.
Damn sian , walk ard classrm .
Anyhw drag ppl play wimme ;x
Hehs ^^ .
Okay , luckily thr're NO MORE talks .
So stayed in class & ROT,ROT & ROT .
Played scissors ppr stone w Clem, A, & G .
Thn C joined in after tht .
Hmms , play awhile jiu neh play le .
Damn boredddddddddddddddddddd.
Went ask E wn gamble money not .
Thn he okay , so we find ppl play w us .
Play one round daidi only , thn bell ring .
Tml cont ;DD
Sch end
Go straight t hg mall .
Thn go ask A thing .
Thn after tht B reach rdy , so went KFC .
Thn saw MX & YF whn going dwn .
Thn thy saw us at KFC , came find us .
Lol .
Thn so zi bian lahhs !
Take chair & sit .
YF worse , go share chair wimme !
Hahaas , thn ltr ask A move , thn no nd share [:
Joke ard , thn nobody eating le , so went hm .
Damn tired =l
& hw great , i've got an ulcer .
Pain laaas .
Sryuh,tdayhalfwaydidntmsgyou :x
Ay, i'm tired .
I wn watch Hot Shot laaaaaas .