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JiaYan , Bwss .
310894 ; 15 ! :D

YAHCAT&AHDOG :D ; 250209
YBoyfriend :D ; 290508
YSteadstead :D ; 290708
YHusband :D ; 261109

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

291108 ; HAPPY 3mths Bellina stdstd !
291108 ; HAPPY 5mths Clarice Boyfriend !
I love thm both :D ♥♥

Tday practically rot at hm th whole day la .
Was like so damn boring .
3pm watch show , watchwatchwatch .
Thn ltr 6.30 went bathe , & ltr , 7 eat dinner .
Lols .
Thn playplayplay til nuw luhh .
Nuw going t cont playing :x
So no life man D:
Arghhhhh .

Ay , camp in 2 more days ~

Friday, November 28, 2008

♥小豬&小鬼 ;

Okay , Wednesday was super tired , went work as usual la .
Thn ltr reach hm , bathed , ate , tv-ed till ard 8.30 .
& i dozed off la .
Idiot , slept till midnight , woke up awhile , thn cont slp agn .

Thursday was also damn pig laaaa !
Same thnq , thn ltr , 9.30 like tht dozed off while reading bk .
Ohyeah , i'm like so guai :D
No la , just bored , so took th bk out .
Midnight woke up agn , by a call .
Bt tht somebody scared disturb me slping , so kup .
So didnt chat lurhhs .
After tht is i wake myself == .
Slping early is so shit-y .
Keep wake up de lurh .

& tday , work til like 2+ , i alr tired like siao rdy la .
Thn do work til ard 3+ .
& i dozed off == .
Bt , was woken up by another call after 5mins like tht .
Thn my mother ask me go help her la !
Didn't even slp for like 10mins la .

Thn do work til 4+ , cnt slp rdy la Zzz .
So tv-ed all th way til went hm .
I'm like so bored laaaaaaaa .
Sians , camp is coming rdy , both excited & sian .
Ay , i'm tired rdy la , so early == .


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Super duper sian .
Woke up ard 7am .
Sit dwn thr daydream , & keep calling my BOSS .
Bt so pig la , bobian , natural de la , born come out , pig rdy :x
Thnthn , ltr A reply my msg .
So went meet her , went sch .

Stupid security guard .
Ppl wn go bkshop only right .
Wht's wrong w wearing slippers la .
Idiot . Go take bklist , so fast , also cnt .
Thnk like you ah ! So fat , walk sure damn slow.
Thn keep fall dwn .

So he ask us go GO take . So went.
Thn saw RT , ask her help me put form in Guides den , cos i cnt go in == .

Actually planned t buy breakfast for mei & maid de . Mac .
Cos , suddenly feel like buying something , for no reason .
Super weird tday .
Okay , bt th stupid W , go call F , thn ltr , thy nd rush go their outing .
Stupid , thn nvr go buy mac wimme D:
Cheat my feelings laaaaa !

Thn 72 came , took w thm .
I take til th 682 thr .
Thn wn go thr buy mac .
Thn idk hw walk thr == .
Bt due t my cleverness , found it in th end .
Bought rdy , walk hm .

& yayyyyyyyyy , ate :D
Thn ltr , ard 11am , went orhorh :x
Damn tired , dno why .
Mayb whn meet A & F tht time too high rdy .
Thn , slp til like , 1.30 lydat >.<
So pig cn !
Thn use com til nuw lurhh .
Super sians .__.

It's over , forget it man .

Monday, November 24, 2008

Okokay , i'm like so damn lazy t come online cn == .
& of course , th sian-er part is t come & blog la .

Sunday was like , something stupid happen la .
Yeah , thn tio scolding .
blahblahblah .
Thn ltr nth rdy .

Tday , went work . Thn ltr , do til like lunch time .
Went shopping == .
Bt so damn sian cn .
2+ or 3+ thn go eat .
Eh walao , so damn super boring cn .
All see their stuff .
Thn summore at holland thr , so damn sian .
Nth t shop .
Thn taxi-ed hm .
Veh tired laaaaaaaa =l

&& th appeal results out rdy .
Hahahah , super sian =l .
Nth change la .
So must take art .
Idiot la , hope i cn cope w it of course !
If not cn die la .
Stupid sch , my art so suck , still ask me draw , go die la .
Anw , thy put me whr , have t take wht sub wht .
So just study & dont complain la , JiaYan .

Enjoy urself thr ! :D


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tuesday ;

Was like so so tiring cos helped dad all day .

Yeapps .

So didn't online .

Wednesday ;
Went sch .
Cos nd prac for horseshoe formation & nd thnk of performance for farewell .
So at first prac horseshoe , thn after tht farewell things .
Thn C boyf teach us dance .
So damn diff cn , & we only have like one day t learn & prac .
Hmm , thn went off ard 5+ , sent C t bs , waited for her bus , went bckgate thr direction w V & S .
Thnthn , saw Npcc ppl .
So followed thm instd :x
Waited for thm t buy thngs all tht .
Thn went hm .
Dad scold la , of course .
Cos so late .
Bt whtevr .

Thursday ;
V came my hse & tie hair .
Thn ltr went sch tgt .
She was late , so we took bus instd of sitting my dad's car t sch .
Thnthn , whn C came , started practising .
Ltr ran out buy brunch .
Cos J mother quack , said she wn eat Mac breakfast .
So ran thr .
Haha , thn bought a burger & drink .
Th $2 wn :D
So walked bck , ate , cont practising .
Finn came , prac tgt .
Hahaas , thn got one part damn funneh , all like retarded .
& went change full u , thn ltr nd polish badge le , thn prac awhile , go fall in .
Thn go rehearse , & thn th real thing .
Congrats t those who got promoted :D
Colour party & F for sec 2s , & those PS t PL .
Last bt not least , J & M , th CL & ACL :D

Rush here & thr , thn went faster prac , thn real thing le .
Real thing , damn scary la .
F turn wrong side , thn i like cnt catch up == .
Hahas , bt it ended anw .
For th drama , haha , everyone was like laughing .
Cos me & WF 40th anniversary . LOL .
So old .

So took pic , exchange presents , RY & WZ say wn treat us .
Only our 2 patrols , t pizza :D
So went , bt was under renovation or wht , so went KFC .

At first still okay .
Eat like 2 mouth , dno is gastric or wht .
Was like so pain la .
Thn neh eat liao lor .
Drink water , thn ltr go toilet , go hm .
Was like complaining all th wayyyyyyy xD
Bus-ed 156 hm , thn tht time not so pain , so still okay .

Thnthn walk hm , wahsian , th pain come bck agn .
Was walking through hougang green laaaaaaaaa .
Thn cnt possibly ask me suddenly squat or sit thr right .
So cont walking , buay tahan rdy , sat at multi-storey carpark thr xD
Thn act nth happen , dwn thr msg x.x
Not so pain le , cont walking .
Reached hse dwnstairs , haha , come bck agn , so went sit dwn at staircase .
Heard ppl coming , faster go lift thr , thn go hm ..
My neighbours summore lahhs == .

Thn went hm , LIE DWN whn i'm like so damn smelly .
Cos , damn pain .
Thn go bathe , super long .
No strength cn .
& thr's soup for me , bt really cnt drink la , so didnt drink :D
So like tht pain all th way til at night & slept .
Damn damn tired .

Friday ;
So sian , wakeup , muscle pain .
ARGHHHHH , stupid .
Thnthn , saw V on bus .
Haha .
Lucky didnt late .
Attire check , blahblahblah , thn did gadgets la .
After tht , play H2O , captains ball .
& went for lunch .
Drank BBT only :D
Cos damn full , drink too much water cos veh thirsty == .
& went bck , was like . Fall in time rdy .
thn haven wear skirt all tht .

Thnthn was drills .
OMG la , worst drill man .
Thy march so fast , thn summore timing also .
Wah , thn march like wn die cn .
Break, faster go drink water & go toilet , haas .
& continued .
Thn summore all time tgt , so messy lor .
Ltr Ncc got parade .
So went bball court .
Was asked t time == .
Thn drill all th way & it was water game time ! :D
Everyone was like so tired after th drills .
So play awhile , all sit dwn, seniors spray us .

All wet .
Release rdy , went toilet clean up .
& took pics :D
Bt lazy upload cn == .
Must use other com la .
Thnthn , sat at canteen .
Waited for C , thn ltr ok le , went off .

Today tday !
Rot at hm lor .
Dno anyone coming ltr not .
Hope dont have la , thy come , i so sian :x
Tht sentence, hahs . Make me so , idk .
Thnknq too much ? Or isit really true .
I also dno lahhs xD
Hope wht you said was true , & you'll keep your words .
Dno why i did tht , bt it's over la .
Woke up , thnk i've forgotten ____ ____ .
Bt thr's something i wont forget .
Boss ah, dont ask me wht thing hor .
I die die also wont tell you de , tell you first :D

Monday, November 17, 2008

Veh lazy laaaaaaaa , dowan blog .

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Arghhhh , i'm so lazy & currently don't have th time t find blogskin laaaaa .

Today went out w B stdstd :D
Hehes .
Went Sentosa .
Go thr awhile only luhh .
Cos got t come bck hm .
Gossip-ed alot la .
Hahaha .
Talking bout those angmos .
Thy're like so open la .
Hahaha .
Caught a couple kissing while thy were in th water .
We sit tht side no shuai ges . Hahaas .
Cos all at other side .
Hahahaa :x
Anw, went slack w her , fun :D

Reached hm at ard 3+ , thn lunch-ed , tv-ed.
5pm , went bathe , & out for dinner == .
CRAZY right .
So early .
Cos went chompchomp .
Thn must early go mahh , ltr veh diff find seats .
So ate 2chickenwings & drank sugarcane juice, tht's my dinner :D
& went hm .

yoosuckla .

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm like so sian .
Hahaha .
Tday whole day at hm .
Cousin's at my hse nuw .

Lalalaas .
I'm like so sian cn .
Finding blogskin .
Cos i'm tired of this one .
Bt , dont have i like de D:
Mayb i'm too picky x)

Okays , btw , have decided to appeal fore pure sci .
If cnt , jiu f&n lor .
Bt dno will fail not la , th appeal .
Fail i cham liao.
Bt f&n shouldn't b a problem .
Cos only 30++ ppl .
Thn art got 42 .
So should be cn .
Bt pure sci .
Haiyo , dont thnk cn la , 4.8% diff cn .
Hope cn la hor , thn i no nd headache rdy .


Friday, November 14, 2008

He's like . Dno MIA go whr liaos .
Cute la him :D

Same thing luhh , go work .
Thn damn stupid !
I fell dwn agn == .
Tday is whn going multi storey carpark , thn got stairs .
Whn climbing , thn fall dwn D:
Thnk i still half aslp laaaaaaaa == .
Thnthn , ytd also !
Climb stairs at office thr .
Thn fall dwn also .__.
Idiot la , dno wht happen t my legs .
Dno hw climb stairs .

Dozed off early morning la == .
Sit dwn thr wait for dad make th thing .
Thn sit till i slp == .
9+ do work till 10+ .
Thn nth t do , slackslackslack .
Eat lunch .
Slackslack&slack .
Joy called .
Bout th serve food thingy la .
Bt dont thnk my dad will let .
& plus veh long if i go bck .
So didnt go .
Thn i went in rest , dozed off agn == .
Slp till ard 4 .
Dad woke me up , ask me help him la .
Thn dododo till going 5pm , went 600++ thr makan.
& dabao for mei & maid .
& went homeeeeeeeee .

Yes, no , idk .
Can i ?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Woke up , went dad's office .
Thn had breakfast , started working ard 9am .
Thn dododo till 10am , just nice finish .
Thn called BOSS .
Still slping like pig .
Call 5 times, kup my phone, thn another 5 times , kup agn .
Still scold me why neh cont calling .
& th thing is , still dowan sack me .
Wht a nice boss uh .

After tht, help mum buy thing .
Thn dad didnt ask me do , so slackslackslack .
Thn ltr lunch , ate , bck t work .
Do till ard 2+ , 3 like tht ?
Thn stop work rdy .
Dad continued th rest .
& i was thr slacking all th way till 5+ .
Talked on phone , smsed.:D

Whole day was like complaining bout th stupid combination thingy .
Hahaa , mum was like irritated .
Muahahahahahahahaha .
Oops , like so evillllllll ._____.

Anw, i'm going t try & appeal t pure sci la .
Thought of manymany reasons rdy .
Hahaas , spent ard 20mins cn , thinking bout th reasons .
Thn if cnt , art liao lor .
Bt i still scared la , art .
Dno la , still considering .
Anybody got comments or opinion tell me cn .
Going appeal on Mon , which is th last day .

Januavi ,
I'm alright okay .
Hahaa , thnks for ur concern :D

I'm dying soon , arghhhhh .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dowan post pic le :x
Veh no mood .

Monday & tuesday ;
Went work la .
Thn damn sian Zzz .
Hw cn working for my dad b fun man .

Tues , got one uncle came , thn thy started talking bout prostitutes == .
Crazy la , dno why thy cn talk til tht topic == .
After tht , talktalktalk , th uncle went off rdy .
Thn dno why th topic become bra == .
Bian tais :x

Today ;
Went work agn .
Thn ltr afternoon , A told me tht th results thing come out le .
Thn i go e4 .
Sians , thy both in e3 .
Ay , thn SH wn appeal go pure , lydat , thn no girls liao , 2e2'o8 de .
At first thought i go e4 combi .
Cos A la ! Neh say properly , thn she go np, neh reply my msg .
Lucky got RT , she go check on web .
Thn told me is 3e4'o9 .
Dno why , totally moodless since i knw i take art == .
I wn appeal laaaaaaaaaa , bt dno hw write .__.

Hais , idk lah , bt .
Dno why .
Alot feelings nuw , veh luan .
Take art , my art so sucky , hw take , summore upper sec wn .
Will b even more diff .
If cn drop , i dont mind trying la , seriously if my appeal fail .
Bt th thing is dno cn drop not .
Azlan la , tell us stupid thing .
Make us so confused cn .
Take dnt , out of th qn .
Take f&n , idk lea .
Cos , f&n , i thnk i'll do btr thn my art ?
Somehw .
Bt , another thing is .
Dno wn opt th combi e4 not .
Cos one less sub , cn concentrate more .
Bt it's like , dangerous la .
Go pure , my overall percentage not enough .
Aiya ! Idk la !

Sunday, November 9, 2008

♥王子, 阿緯, 小傑 ;
Ahwei act cuteeeeeeeeee x)

091108 ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY A's Dad . :D
Saturday ;
Went cousin's hse in th afternoon .
Last wk thr rdy .
Th sofa gone , so have t sit on th floor or on th chairs .
Da bao chicken rice luhh , for dinner .
Veh nice :D
BT fattening laaaa , hais .
Long time neh eat though .
Last eps le , th 7pm show.
So everyone sit dwn thr watch .
Tht small tv .
Th ending suck like hell la == .
Went hm at ard 10pm ~
Slept at ard 1+ ?

Today ;
Woke up , thn went prep , went meet A .
Her father's bday .
Thn thn , wait for her cos she nd eat cake all tht ah.
Help celebrate .
So waitwaitwait .
She okay rdy , bus-ed 88 t AMK hub , & went TAKE MY COMB :DDD
Was like so paiseh la .
Haha , saw th skinny skinny guy , thn went ask him .
& he gave me my combbbbbbbbbbb :D

After tht , went arcading !
Veh long neh play le :DDDDDDD
Super loves !
Play bball til my fingernail BROKE D:
Damn sad cn .
So long thn it just BROKE D:
Thnthn , ltr got play daytona mahhs .
I won A , & TWO GUYS :D
Hahaha , th player 4 , idiot , keep come bang me .
In th end i win him .
Nananipoopoo ! =P
So shiok la , whn win him .
Whn it was over , went see tht it was 2 guys , was laughing like mad .
Muahahahahah .
So happy , win 2 guys .
Lalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ~
Thn playplayplay , play other games of course .
& after tht no moneh rdy .
Went coffee bean .
& obviously , bought coffee .
Mocha ice blend .

88 arrived , & alighted , rush bck hm .
Luckily not so late .

Come bck, ate lunch , watch tv .
Thn mum ask us t pack our things .
Clear th unwanted stuffs .
& i'm like ahchoo-ing since thn .
Summore coughcough a lil laaaaaa D:
& yayyyyyy , wearing kor's shirt nuw :D
Lol .
Bigbig de , he cnt wear rdy , plus dowan , so gimme .

Ahchooooooooooooooo ! D:
Get well soon , JiaYan .

Friday, November 7, 2008

♥威廉, 小煜, 王子, 敖犬, 小傑, 阿緯 ;
Lalalalas , simply ♥ them lots :D

Today , woke up , went dad's office again .
Started working at around 9.30am , & did till 11.45am .
Dad asked me to have lunch first , so i went :D
Guai right ! :XD
After lunch , continued my work =l .
Tiring okay ~
So did all the way till around 4 something , & i went to rest :x
I was like damn tired can .
The calendars make me feel so irritated can .
Suckyyyyy .
Slept for awhile , & it was time to go home !
Before that , fetch Mum & Aunt to AngMoKio .
Mum went for facial , & Aunt went buy something i think .
After that , went home .
Bathed , rested , psp-ed , & ate dinner .
& now i'm blogging :D
Woohoo , i didn't type short form can .
Okays , i'm just being lame .
Lalalaas ~
Off to watch show :D

Baa baa black sheep .

Thursday, November 6, 2008

♥威廉, 王子, 小傑, 小煜, 阿緯, 敖犬 ;
Yay yay, th six of thm agn :D
♥Loveeeeeees ;

Ohyaohya ,

Today uh , woke up .
Went office .
Thn slackslack , after tht , do some work .
Till ard 1pm lydat .
Thn th whole day nth t do rdy .
So went play psp , & msg ppl lurhhs .
Thn quarrel w mum , damn angry cn .
Brrrrrrrrr , dont care le .
Msg Azlan also .
So scary cn ._.
Her msg all shortshort wn , so dao cn .
So slacked all th way til 4.50 lydat .
Dozed off , woke up at 5.14 ..
Packup , went NTUC .

Went hg pt de .
Thn bought stuffs la .
& went hm .
On th way , saw mei & maid .
So asked thm get on th car .

Ay, i'm aching all over .
Muscle pain =l .
First thing woke up , bck pain .
Whn working , veh pain la .
Cnt sit veh straight or stretch cn , veh pain laaaaaaaaaaaaaa D:
Climb up th stairs , alr pain liaos .
Thn go dwn , suck like hell cnnnnnnnnnn .
Got blister also D:
Pain la .

I'm like dying .

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

♥威廉, 王子, 小煜, 阿緯, 敖犬, 小傑 ;
BBT ; th six of thm :DD
Super ♥ thm cn .


Helloooooooooooooos peepo !
Tday , woke up early .
Cos got hiking .
Suppose t meet M at 6.30 , at th bs .
Bt , i late, she late .
Bt i'm like 10mins late only .
Oops , 10mins still only :x
BUTBUT ! She ltr mahhs .
She like 20 mins ? Ard la .
Missed a bus, bt nxt wn came not so long after tht .
F & WL say will late also .
Cos we're like supposed t meet at kovan at 7am .
Bt haha , thy're late too .
Unfortunately , thy arrived first D:
Cos their journey shorterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .
We reached shortly after thm :D
Not too bad :x

So thy ate . M & me didnt wna eat .
So went train t habourfront .
Standing all th wayyyyyyyyyyyy .
Cos alot ppl .
Quite lot still whn reach habourfront .
Saddddddddd .

So went wait for F change t trackpants , cos borrow dem frm YC .
So yeapps , went t meet th others after tht .
V was late =l
Thn summore gong , dno walk whr .
Nearly walk wrong exit .
Thn we went find th others .
Do warmup exercises .
Stupid laaaaaaaa !
Warmup le ran 3 small rounds .
Thn did bunny hop 2 rounds .
Or 1 1/2 , cos ms chua give discount .
wth =l .
Leg damn tiring cn .
Ms Chua child abuse D:

After tht , start t like .
Not feeling well .
Stomach damn pain .
So drag my feet & we started th hike .
Arghh , thn veh pain lor .
Keep stopping :x
Cos really cnt tahan laaaaa ! >.<
Whn thy rest .
I like damn pain cn .
Thn ltr dno why , sweat like hell rdy .
Thn E gave me tissue & I was fine .
haha , thy all like so worried tht i got anything not .
After tht okay le .
Bt still legs no strength , thn like climb th stairs so slow == .
Bt at least i'm not at th behind behind cn !
JiaYan so stronggggggggggg :XD

So we hikehikehike , on th way , sing song , play ard , took photos .
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :D

Finally , whn we're like reaching th end , saw a beetle or smthnq .
Damn big la .
Neh see before lor.
So anw , bus-ed bck habourfront .
Smthnq stupid happened == .
Dont wna say here la .
Waste of time .
& met up w th everyone thr , ms chua talktalk , RELEASE :D

So train-ed .
Thn uhmm , M & me wn go AMK hub cos going movie w A mahhs .
Thn we go first cos A got thnq .
Thnthn , we talktalktalk, playplayplay w F , till we over-trained .
LOL , supposed t stop at DG , bt we alighted at Little India ?
I thnk .
Forgot .
So got off , went wait for th other side train t train bck t DG .
& so suay , whn we got off , th other side de train just CLOSE TH DOOR .
So have t wait for th nxt wn D:
Anw we have th time la .

Soso , went AMK hub , thn went walk awhile, & buy tickets.
After tht , while waiting for A t come , me & M went walk & see wht shall we have for lunch whn A comes .
Bt we dno lurh .
Haha , NewYork NewYork so nice la , th smell .
Bt we broke la .
So cnt eat D:
Whn A reach , we go choose .
First choice : Fish&Co .
Second choice : Mos Burger
Third choice : Subway .
LOL . Thn , go Fish&Co see .
Ex la == .
Cnt eat .
Mos alot ppl, plus thy prefer subway .
So yeapps , skip diao Mos burger , went see subway .
No place , plus queue damn longggggggggggggggggggggg .

Hais , so kelian right .
Walk whole day rdy , thn so hungry .
A suggested tht we go th NTUC outside thr .
Foodfare isit ? Idk .
Thn ltr , go seesee , bought th , sausage prata ?
Thnk it's called tht .
& went shopping at NTUC .
Wanted t smuggle food in cinema .
Bt had a craving for Nachos [sp] .
So didnt buy .
Went sit dwn, rest .
Thn ard 2.10 , went up , buy FOOD :D
Bought popcorn th combo , cos cheaper .
Thn we like broke mahhs .
Cos th Nachos [sp] combo right , $7 .
So we dowan .
Thn bought th popcorn combo & nachos [sp] only .
Hehes .
Share drinks :D
So went in .

Ohyeah , btw , watch ' The coffin ' .
Idk hw describe la == .
Cos t me , not scary .
Thn th cinema , th girls , all shoutshoutshout == .
M like neh chua tio also .
A got ! HAHA !
She sort of like jump up .
You knw , whn you're like chua tio .
Lol .
SO FUNNEH LA , was laughing like mad .
Cos A scared tio .
Hahaaaaaaaaaa :DDD
Thr're parts whr th ghost got scared us la == .
Bt idk why , didnt chua tio .
Not funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .
So far i like neh kena scared by th ghost you knw , whn i watch ghost movie .
Ohyeah , thnthn , got one part , th ghost like come out 3secs ?
Thn th girls scream .
Like , so lag ? Lol .
&& , my stupid w850i dropped on th floor .
Use light t shine & found it .
Cos too dark , plus black colour , cnt see .

End rdy .
Toilet .
Found out tht my comb LOST .
So it must b i dropped it while i dropped my phone la .
Thn idk mahhs == .
So went bck thr ask th cathay ppl .
Tht person find le thn say cnt find D:
Was so saddddddddddddddd cn .
Thn , gave my contact num .
& thy say find le will tell me .
So went hm D:
Ohyeahyeah !
Saw xiaokorkor , korkor & dakorkor .
Of course , w their stds .
Last fri saw xiaokorkor & dakorkor w their std :D
&& last thurs , xiaokorkor & xiao sao .
Ahhhhhhhh ! Dakorkor dye hair .

Okok , so went hm laaa !
Thnthn , went hg green collect moneh .
Fr C, E & J .
Cos other 2Js neh brnq .
So yeah . Had t go all th way t th lan shop == .
IN cn , stupid E . Dno hw take out gimme huh .
Go in thr like so many ahbengs == .

Anw , take le , go take A's hokkien mee .
Thn she come my hse take thing , she went hm .


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shall'nt post any pics .
Cos , no time .
Hehs .

Okayyyyyyyyys .
Today went work for dad agn .
Thn do till my hand damn pain cn !
Thnthn type will pain ah .
Muscle also .
Arghhhhhhh , damn pain la D:
I didnt slack tday :D
Did alot kay .

Tml going hiking !
Hahas , have t wake early =l .
So sian .
After tht going watch movieeeeeeeeee ! :D
So yeah . Haha , excited .
Hmmmmmm, tht's all :D


Monday, November 3, 2008

♥Louis,小祿 ;
Cute eh ?
Hahaas , he dont have 'normal' photo .
I mean like . More casual like tht de luhh .


Thursday ;
Hmm , went sch .
Got guides .
Got th flag etiquette test .
Went early t prac .
Went eat lunch after practising for few hrs .
Thn cont practising after tht .
Suay , my grp FIRST to get tested .
Thn got mistakes here & thr la , th 3 of us .
In th end , th 3 ppl who're chosen were WF , H & S .
Yeapps .
Congrats yeahh, haha .
Went hm after we were released .
Guai right ?

Friday ;
Got guides also .
So went sch .
Tday is for th reheasal for handing over ceremony .
& also preparation for farewell gifts .
At first cos 'O' lvl , cnt prac .
So discussed th gifts thing .
Thn ltr go prac .
Muscle damn pain cn .
Thn release rdy , slack , went hm at ard 6pm .

Saturday ;
Afternoon went couz hse .
Sians , last wk thr .
Though it's like .
Always go thr nth t do , damn sian .
Bt will miss tht hse .
Lots of memories dwn thr luhh .
Hope we'll still meet though th hse no more le.
Went hm at night luhh .

Sunday ;
Bluff my parents i got tution xD
Thn went out lor .
Meet A , thn go hg pt , she eat .
I drink .
Played w her psp awhile la .
Thn ltr , go 7-11 thr buy sweet , thn go playground slack .
Sit thr, call ppl . Talk bout chalet things .
Thn went angmo check price of th food , & thn to NTUC .
& i gtg , so went hm .
Lucky no one suspect or wht .

Today ;
Went dad office .
Thn work lor .
Ate satay beehoon for lunch :D
Quite okay la , but like th hum :D
Hehes .
Eat finish jiu cont work le .
So guai cn .
Thn work till 3+ , went rest .
Cos dad neh gimme work le .
So went rest , till i doze off x)
So slept till 4.30 .
Thn woke up .
& helped abit here & thr .
& soon wait for mum , left at 5+ .

Hellos&buhbyes .