Saturday, November 29, 2008
291108 ; HAPPY 3mths Bellina stdstd !291108 ; HAPPY 5mths Clarice Boyfriend !I love thm both :D ♥♥Tday practically rot at hm th whole day la .Was like so damn boring .3pm watch show , watchwatchwatch .Thn ltr 6.30 went bathe , & ltr , 7 eat dinner .Lols .Thn playplayplay til nuw luhh .Nuw going t cont playing :xSo no life man D:Arghhhhh .Ay , camp in 2 more days ~JIAYAN.
Friday, November 28, 2008
♥小豬&小鬼 ;HAPPY BIRTHDAY 小鬼! :DOkay , Wednesday was super tired , went work as usual la .Thn ltr reach hm , bathed , ate , tv-ed till ard 8.30 .& i dozed off la .Idiot , slept till midnight , woke up awhile , thn cont slp agn .Thursday was also damn pig laaaa !Same thnq , thn ltr , 9.30 like tht dozed off while reading bk .Ohyeah , i'm like so guai :DNo la , just bored , so took th bk out .Midnight woke up agn , by a call .Bt tht somebody scared disturb me slping , so kup .So didnt chat lurhhs .After tht is i wake myself == .Slping early is so shit-y .Keep wake up de lurh .& tday , work til like 2+ , i alr tired like siao rdy la .Thn do work til ard 3+ .& i dozed off == .Bt , was woken up by another call after 5mins like tht .Thn my mother ask me go help her la !
Didn't even slp for like 10mins la .Thn do work til 4+ , cnt slp rdy la Zzz .So tv-ed all th way til went hm .I'm like so bored laaaaaaaa .Sians , camp is coming rdy , both excited & sian .Ay , i'm tired rdy la , so early == .JIAYAN :D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Super duper sian .Woke up ard 7am .Sit dwn thr daydream , & keep calling my BOSS .Bt so pig la , bobian , natural de la , born come out , pig rdy :xThnthn , ltr A reply my msg .So went meet her , went sch .Stupid security guard .Ppl wn go bkshop only right .Wht's wrong w wearing slippers la .Idiot . Go take bklist , so fast , also cnt .Thnk like you ah ! So fat , walk sure damn slow. Thn keep fall dwn .So he ask us go GO take . So went. HMPF .Thn saw RT , ask her help me put form in Guides den , cos i cnt go in == .Actually planned t buy breakfast for mei & maid de . Mac .Cos , suddenly feel like buying something , for no reason .Super weird tday .Okay , bt th stupid W , go call F , thn ltr , thy nd rush go their outing .Stupid , thn nvr go buy mac wimme D:Cheat my feelings laaaaa !Thn 72 came , took w thm .I take til th 682 thr .Thn wn go thr buy mac .Thn idk hw walk thr == .Bt due t my cleverness , found it in th end .Bought rdy , walk hm .& yayyyyyyyyy , ate :DThn ltr , ard 11am , went orhorh :xDamn tired , dno why .Mayb whn meet A & F tht time too high rdy .Thn , slp til like , 1.30 lydat >.<So pig cn !Thn use com til nuw lurhh .Super sians .__.JIAYAN.
It's over , forget it man .
Monday, November 24, 2008
Okokay , i'm like so damn lazy t come online cn == .& of course , th sian-er part is t come & blog la .Sunday was like , something stupid happen la .Yeah , thn tio scolding .blahblahblah .Thn ltr nth rdy .Tday , went work . Thn ltr , do til like lunch time .Went shopping == .Bt so damn sian cn .2+ or 3+ thn go eat .Eh walao , so damn super boring cn .All see their stuff .Thn summore at holland thr , so damn sian .Nth t shop .Thn taxi-ed hm .Veh tired laaaaaaaa =l&& th appeal results out rdy .Hahahah , super sian =l .Nth change la .So must take art .Idiot la , hope i cn cope w it of course !If not cn die la .Stupid sch , my art so suck , still ask me draw , go die la .Anw , thy put me whr , have t take wht sub wht .So just study & dont complain la , JiaYan .Enjoy urself thr ! :DJIAYAN.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday ;Was like so so tiring cos helped dad all day .Yeapps .So didn't online .
Wednesday ;
Went sch .
Cos nd prac for horseshoe formation & nd thnk of performance for farewell .
So at first prac horseshoe , thn after tht farewell things .
Thn C boyf teach us dance .
So damn diff cn , & we only have like one day t learn & prac .
Hmm , thn went off ard 5+ , sent C t bs , waited for her bus , went bckgate thr direction w V & S .
Thnthn , saw Npcc ppl .
So followed thm instd :x
Waited for thm t buy thngs all tht .
Thn went hm .
Dad scold la , of course .
Cos so late .
Bt whtevr .
Thursday ;
V came my hse & tie hair .
Thn ltr went sch tgt .
She was late , so we took bus instd of sitting my dad's car t sch .
Thnthn , whn C came , started practising .
Ltr ran out buy brunch .
Cos J mother quack , said she wn eat Mac breakfast .
So ran thr .
Haha , thn bought a burger & drink .
Th $2 wn :D
So walked bck , ate , cont practising .
Finn came , prac tgt .
Hahaas , thn got one part damn funneh , all like retarded .
& went change full u , thn ltr nd polish badge le , thn prac awhile , go fall in .
Thn go rehearse , & thn th real thing .
Congrats t those who got promoted :D
Colour party & F for sec 2s , & those PS t PL .
Last bt not least , J & M , th CL & ACL :D
Rush here & thr , thn went faster prac , thn real thing le .
Real thing , damn scary la .
F turn wrong side , thn i like cnt catch up == .
Hahas , bt it ended anw .
For th drama , haha , everyone was like laughing .
Cos me & WF 40th anniversary . LOL .
So old .
So took pic , exchange presents , RY & WZ say wn treat us .
Only our 2 patrols , t pizza :D
So went , bt was under renovation or wht , so went KFC .
At first still okay .
Eat like 2 mouth , dno is gastric or wht .
Was like so pain la .
Thn neh eat liao lor .
Drink water , thn ltr go toilet , go hm .
Was like complaining all th wayyyyyyy xD
Bus-ed 156 hm , thn tht time not so pain , so still okay .
Thnthn walk hm , wahsian , th pain come bck agn .
Was walking through hougang green laaaaaaaaa .
Thn cnt possibly ask me suddenly squat or sit thr right .
So cont walking , buay tahan rdy , sat at multi-storey carpark thr xD
Thn act nth happen , dwn thr msg x.x
Not so pain le , cont walking .
Reached hse dwnstairs , haha , come bck agn , so went sit dwn at staircase .
Heard ppl coming , faster go lift thr , thn go hm ..
My neighbours summore lahhs == .
Thn went hm , LIE DWN whn i'm like so damn smelly .
Cos , damn pain .
Thn go bathe , super long .
No strength cn .
& thr's soup for me , bt really cnt drink la , so didnt drink :D
So like tht pain all th way til at night & slept .
Damn damn tired .
Friday ;
So sian , wakeup , muscle pain .
ARGHHHHH , stupid .
Thnthn , saw V on bus .
Haha .
Lucky didnt late .
Attire check , blahblahblah , thn did gadgets la .
After tht , play H2O , captains ball .
& went for lunch .
Drank BBT only :D
Cos damn full , drink too much water cos veh thirsty == .
& went bck , was like . Fall in time rdy .
thn haven wear skirt all tht .
Thnthn was drills .
OMG la , worst drill man .
Thy march so fast , thn summore timing also .
Wah , thn march like wn die cn .
Break, faster go drink water & go toilet , haas .
& continued .
Thn summore all time tgt , so messy lor .
Ltr Ncc got parade .
So went bball court .
Was asked t time == .
Thn drill all th way & it was water game time ! :D
Everyone was like so tired after th drills .
So play awhile , all sit dwn, seniors spray us .
All wet .
Release rdy , went toilet clean up .
& took pics :D
Bt lazy upload cn == .
Must use other com la .
Thnthn , sat at canteen .
Waited for C , thn ltr ok le , went off .
Today tday !
Rot at hm lor .
Dno anyone coming ltr not .
Hope dont have la , thy come , i so sian :x
Tht sentence, hahs . Make me so , idk .
Thnknq too much ? Or isit really true .
I also dno lahhs xD
Hope wht you said was true , & you'll keep your words .
Dno why i did tht , bt it's over la .
Woke up , thnk i've forgotten ____ ____ .
Bt thr's something i wont forget .
Boss ah, dont ask me wht thing hor .
I die die also wont tell you de , tell you first :D
Monday, November 17, 2008
Veh lazy laaaaaaaa , dowan blog .BYEBYE . :x
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Arghhhh , i'm so lazy & currently don't have th time t find blogskin laaaaa .Today went out w B stdstd :DHehes .Went Sentosa .Go thr awhile only luhh .Cos got t come bck hm .Gossip-ed alot la .Hahaha .Talking bout those angmos .Thy're like so open la .Hahaha .Caught a couple kissing while thy were in th water .We sit tht side no shuai ges . Hahaas .Cos all at other side .Hahahaa :xAnw, went slack w her , fun :D
Reached hm at ard 3+ , thn lunch-ed , tv-ed.5pm , went bathe , & out for dinner == .CRAZY right .So early .Cos went chompchomp .Thn must early go mahh , ltr veh diff find seats .So ate 2chickenwings & drank sugarcane juice, tht's my dinner :D& went hm .
yoosuckla .
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I'm like so sian .Hahaha .Tday whole day at hm .Cousin's at my hse nuw .BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG .Lalalaas .I'm like so sian cn .Finding blogskin .Cos i'm tired of this one .Bt , dont have i like de D:Mayb i'm too picky x)RAWRRRRRRRRR ``Okays , btw , have decided to appeal fore pure sci .If cnt , jiu f&n lor .Bt dno will fail not la , th appeal .Fail i cham liao.Bt f&n shouldn't b a problem .Cos only 30++ ppl .Thn art got 42 .So should be cn .Bt pure sci .Haiyo , dont thnk cn la , 4.8% diff cn .RAWRRRRRRRR .Hope cn la hor , thn i no nd headache rdy .
Friday, November 14, 2008

He's like . Dno MIA go whr liaos .
Cute la him :D
Same thing luhh , go work .
Thn damn stupid !
I fell dwn agn == .
Tday is whn going multi storey carpark , thn got stairs .
Whn climbing , thn fall dwn D:
Thnk i still half aslp laaaaaaaa == .
Thnthn , ytd also !
Climb stairs at office thr .
Thn fall dwn also .__.
Idiot la , dno wht happen t my legs .
Dno hw climb stairs .
Dozed off early morning la == .
Sit dwn thr wait for dad make th thing .
Thn sit till i slp == .
9+ do work till 10+ .
Thn nth t do , slackslackslack .
Eat lunch .
Slackslack&slack .
Joy called .
Bout th serve food thingy la .
Bt dont thnk my dad will let .
& plus veh long if i go bck .
So didnt go .
Thn i went in rest , dozed off agn == .
Slp till ard 4 .
Dad woke me up , ask me help him la .
Thn dododo till going 5pm , went 600++ thr makan.
& dabao for mei & maid .
& went homeeeeeeeee .
Yes, no , idk .
Can i ?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Woke up , went dad's office .Thn had breakfast , started working ard 9am .Thn dododo till 10am , just nice finish .Thn called BOSS .LOL .Still slping like pig .Call 5 times, kup my phone, thn another 5 times , kup agn .Still scold me why neh cont calling .RAWRRRRRRR `& th thing is , still dowan sack me .Wht a nice boss uh .After tht, help mum buy thing .Thn dad didnt ask me do , so slackslackslack .Thn ltr lunch , ate , bck t work .Do till ard 2+ , 3 like tht ?Thn stop work rdy .Dad continued th rest .& i was thr slacking all th way till 5+ .Talked on phone , smsed.:DWhole day was like complaining bout th stupid combination thingy .Hahaa , mum was like irritated .Muahahahahahahahaha .Oops , like so evillllllll ._____.Anw, i'm going t try & appeal t pure sci la .Thought of manymany reasons rdy .Hahaas , spent ard 20mins cn , thinking bout th reasons .Thn if cnt , art liao lor .Bt i still scared la , art .Dno la , still considering .Anybody got comments or opinion tell me cn .Going appeal on Mon , which is th last day .Januavi ,I'm alright okay .Hahaa , thnks for ur concern :DJIAYAN .__.
I'm dying soon , arghhhhh .
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dowan post pic le :xVeh no mood .
Monday & tuesday ;Went work la .Thn damn sian Zzz .Hw cn working for my dad b fun man .Tues , got one uncle came , thn thy started talking bout prostitutes == .Crazy la , dno why thy cn talk til tht topic == .After tht , talktalktalk , th uncle went off rdy .Thn dno why th topic become bra == .Bian tais :x
Today ;
Went work agn .
Thn ltr afternoon , A told me tht th results thing come out le .
Thn i go e4 .
Sians , thy both in e3 .
Ay , thn SH wn appeal go pure , lydat , thn no girls liao , 2e2'o8 de .
At first thought i go e4 combi .
Cos A la ! Neh say properly , thn she go np, neh reply my msg .
Lucky got RT , she go check on web .
Thn told me is 3e4'o9 .
Dno why , totally moodless since i knw i take art == .
I wn appeal laaaaaaaaaa , bt dno hw write .__.
Hais , idk lah , bt .
Dno why .
Alot feelings nuw , veh luan .
Take art , my art so sucky , hw take , summore upper sec wn .
Will b even more diff .
If cn drop , i dont mind trying la , seriously if my appeal fail .
Bt th thing is dno cn drop not .
Azlan la , tell us stupid thing .
Make us so confused cn .
Take dnt , out of th qn .
Take f&n , idk lea .
Cos , f&n , i thnk i'll do btr thn my art ?
Somehw .
Bt , another thing is .
Dno wn opt th combi e4 not .
Cos one less sub , cn concentrate more .
Bt it's like , dangerous la .
Go pure , my overall percentage not enough .
Aiya ! Idk la !
Sunday, November 9, 2008

♥王子, 阿緯, 小傑 ;
Ahwei act cuteeeeeeeeee x)
091108 ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY A's Dad . :D
Saturday ;
Went cousin's hse in th afternoon .
Last wk thr rdy .
Th sofa gone , so have t sit on th floor or on th chairs .
Da bao chicken rice luhh , for dinner .
Veh nice :D
BT fattening laaaa , hais .
Long time neh eat though .
Last eps le , th 7pm show.
So everyone sit dwn thr watch .
Tht small tv .
Th ending suck like hell la == .
Went hm at ard 10pm ~
Slept at ard 1+ ?
Today ;
Woke up , thn went prep , went meet A .
Her father's bday .
Thn thn , wait for her cos she nd eat cake all tht ah.
Help celebrate .
So waitwaitwait .
She okay rdy , bus-ed 88 t AMK hub , & went TAKE MY COMB :DDD
Was like so paiseh la .
Haha , saw th skinny skinny guy , thn went ask him .
& he gave me my combbbbbbbbbbb :D
After tht , went arcading !
Veh long neh play le :DDDDDDD
Super loves !
Play bball til my fingernail BROKE D:
Damn sad cn .
So long thn it just BROKE D:
Thnthn , ltr got play daytona mahhs .
I won A , & TWO GUYS :D
Hahaha , th player 4 , idiot , keep come bang me .
In th end i win him .
Nananipoopoo ! =P
So shiok la , whn win him .
Whn it was over , went see tht it was 2 guys , was laughing like mad .
Muahahahahah .
So happy , win 2 guys .
Lalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ~
Thn playplayplay , play other games of course .
& after tht no moneh rdy .
Went coffee bean .
& obviously , bought coffee .
Mocha ice blend .
88 arrived , & alighted , rush bck hm .
Luckily not so late .
Come bck, ate lunch , watch tv .
Thn mum ask us t pack our things .
Clear th unwanted stuffs .
& i'm like ahchoo-ing since thn .
Summore coughcough a lil laaaaaa D:
& yayyyyyy , wearing kor's shirt nuw :D
Lol .
Bigbig de , he cnt wear rdy , plus dowan , so gimme .
Ahchooooooooooooooo ! D:
Get well soon , JiaYan .
Friday, November 7, 2008

♥威廉, 小煜, 王子, 敖犬, 小傑, 阿緯 ;
Lalalalas , simply ♥ them lots :D
Today , woke up , went dad's office again .
Started working at around 9.30am , & did till 11.45am .
Dad asked me to have lunch first , so i went :D
Guai right ! :XD
After lunch , continued my work =l .
Tiring okay ~
So did all the way till around 4 something , & i went to rest :x
I was like damn tired can .
The calendars make me feel so irritated can .
Suckyyyyy .
Slept for awhile , & it was time to go home !
Before that , fetch Mum & Aunt to AngMoKio .
Mum went for facial , & Aunt went buy something i think .
After that , went home .
Bathed , rested , psp-ed , & ate dinner .
& now i'm blogging :D
Woohoo , i didn't type short form can .
Okays , i'm just being lame .
Lalalaas ~
Off to watch show :D
Baa baa black sheep .
Thursday, November 6, 2008

♥威廉, 王子, 小傑, 小煜, 阿緯, 敖犬 ;
Yay yay, th six of thm agn :D
♥Loveeeeeees ;
Ohyaohya ,
Today uh , woke up .
Went office .
Thn slackslack , after tht , do some work .
Till ard 1pm lydat .
Thn th whole day nth t do rdy .
So went play psp , & msg ppl lurhhs .
Thn quarrel w mum , damn angry cn .
Brrrrrrrrr , dont care le .
Msg Azlan also .
So scary cn ._.
Her msg all shortshort wn , so dao cn .
So slacked all th way til 4.50 lydat .
Dozed off , woke up at 5.14 ..
Packup , went NTUC .
Went hg pt de .
Thn bought stuffs la .
& went hm .
On th way , saw mei & maid .
So asked thm get on th car .
Ay, i'm aching all over .
Muscle pain =l .
First thing woke up , bck pain .
Whn working , veh pain la .
Cnt sit veh straight or stretch cn , veh pain laaaaaaaaaaaaaa D:
Climb up th stairs , alr pain liaos .
Thn go dwn , suck like hell cnnnnnnnnnn .
Got blister also D:
Pain la .
I'm like dying .
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

♥威廉, 王子, 小煜, 阿緯, 敖犬, 小傑 ;
BBT ; th six of thm :DD
Super ♥ thm cn .
Helloooooooooooooos peepo !
Tday , woke up early .
Cos got hiking .
Suppose t meet M at 6.30 , at th bs .
Bt , i late, she late .
Bt i'm like 10mins late only .
Oops , 10mins still only :x
BUTBUT ! She ltr mahhs .
She like 20 mins ? Ard la .
Missed a bus, bt nxt wn came not so long after tht .
F & WL say will late also .
Cos we're like supposed t meet at kovan at 7am .
Bt haha , thy're late too .
Unfortunately , thy arrived first D:
Cos their journey shorterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .
We reached shortly after thm :D
Not too bad :x
So thy ate . M & me didnt wna eat .
So went train t habourfront .
Standing all th wayyyyyyyyyyyy .
Cos alot ppl .
Quite lot still whn reach habourfront .
Saddddddddd .
So went wait for F change t trackpants , cos borrow dem frm YC .
So yeapps , went t meet th others after tht .
V was late =l
Thn summore gong , dno walk whr .
Nearly walk wrong exit .
Thn we went find th others .
Do warmup exercises .
Stupid laaaaaaaa !
Warmup le ran 3 small rounds .
Thn did bunny hop 2 rounds .
Or 1 1/2 , cos ms chua give discount .
wth =l .
Leg damn tiring cn .
Ms Chua child abuse D:
After tht , start t like .
Not feeling well .
Stomach damn pain .
So drag my feet & we started th hike .
Arghh , thn veh pain lor .
Keep stopping :x
Cos really cnt tahan laaaaa ! >.<
Whn thy rest .
I like damn pain cn .
Thn ltr dno why , sweat like hell rdy .
Thn E gave me tissue & I was fine .
haha , thy all like so worried tht i got anything not .
After tht okay le .
Bt still legs no strength , thn like climb th stairs so slow == .
Bt at least i'm not at th behind behind cn !
JiaYan so stronggggggggggg :XD
So we hikehikehike , on th way , sing song , play ard , took photos .
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :D
Finally , whn we're like reaching th end , saw a beetle or smthnq .
Damn big la .
Neh see before lor.
So anw , bus-ed bck habourfront .
Smthnq stupid happened == .
Dont wna say here la .
Waste of time .
& met up w th everyone thr , ms chua talktalk , RELEASE :D
So train-ed .
Thn uhmm , M & me wn go AMK hub cos going movie w A mahhs .
Thn we go first cos A got thnq .
Thnthn , we talktalktalk, playplayplay w F , till we over-trained .
LOL , supposed t stop at DG , bt we alighted at Little India ?
I thnk .
Forgot .
So got off , went wait for th other side train t train bck t DG .
& so suay , whn we got off , th other side de train just CLOSE TH DOOR .
So have t wait for th nxt wn D:
Anw we have th time la .
Soso , went AMK hub , thn went walk awhile, & buy tickets.
After tht , while waiting for A t come , me & M went walk & see wht shall we have for lunch whn A comes .
Bt we dno lurh .
Haha , NewYork NewYork so nice la , th smell .
Bt we broke la .
So cnt eat D:
Whn A reach , we go choose .
First choice : Fish&Co .
Second choice : Mos Burger
Third choice : Subway .
LOL . Thn , go Fish&Co see .
Ex la == .
Cnt eat .
Mos alot ppl, plus thy prefer subway .
So yeapps , skip diao Mos burger , went see subway .
No place , plus queue damn longggggggggggggggggggggg .
Hais , so kelian right .
Walk whole day rdy , thn so hungry .
A suggested tht we go th NTUC outside thr .
Foodfare isit ? Idk .
Thn ltr , go seesee , bought th , sausage prata ?
Thnk it's called tht .
& went shopping at NTUC .
Wanted t smuggle food in cinema .
Bt had a craving for Nachos [sp] .
So didnt buy .
Went sit dwn, rest .
Thn ard 2.10 , went up , buy FOOD :D
Bought popcorn th combo , cos cheaper .
Thn we like broke mahhs .
Cos th Nachos [sp] combo right , $7 .
So we dowan .
Thn bought th popcorn combo & nachos [sp] only .
Hehes .
Share drinks :D
So went in .
Ohyeah , btw , watch ' The coffin ' .
Idk hw describe la == .
Cos t me , not scary .
Thn th cinema , th girls , all shoutshoutshout == .
M like neh chua tio also .
A got ! HAHA !
She sort of like jump up .
You knw , whn you're like chua tio .
Lol .
SO FUNNEH LA , was laughing like mad .
Cos A scared tio .
Hahaaaaaaaaaa :DDD
Thr're parts whr th ghost got scared us la == .
Bt idk why , didnt chua tio .
Not funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .
So far i like neh kena scared by th ghost you knw , whn i watch ghost movie .
Ohyeah , thnthn , got one part , th ghost like come out 3secs ?
Thn th girls scream .
Like , so lag ? Lol .
&& , my stupid w850i dropped on th floor .
Use light t shine & found it .
Cos too dark , plus black colour , cnt see .
End rdy .
Toilet .
Found out tht my comb LOST .
So it must b i dropped it while i dropped my phone la .
Thn idk mahhs == .
So went bck thr ask th cathay ppl .
Tht person find le thn say cnt find D:
Was so saddddddddddddddd cn .
Thn , gave my contact num .
& thy say find le will tell me .
So went hm D:
Ohyeahyeah !
Saw xiaokorkor , korkor & dakorkor .
Of course , w their stds .
Last fri saw xiaokorkor & dakorkor w their std :D
&& last thurs , xiaokorkor & xiao sao .
Ahhhhhhhh ! Dakorkor dye hair .
Okok , so went hm laaa !
Thnthn , went hg green collect moneh .
Fr C, E & J .
Cos other 2Js neh brnq .
So yeah . Had t go all th way t th lan shop == .
IN cn , stupid E . Dno hw take out gimme huh .
Go in thr like so many ahbengs == .
Anw , take le , go take A's hokkien mee .
Thn she come my hse take thing , she went hm .
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Shall'nt post any pics .Cos , no time .Hehs .Okayyyyyyyyys .Today went work for dad agn .Thn do till my hand damn pain cn !RAWRRRRRRRRRR ``Thnthn type will pain ah .Muscle also .Arghhhhhhh , damn pain la D:I didnt slack tday :DDid alot kay .JiaYan's SUPER GUAI :DTml going hiking !Hahas , have t wake early =l .So sian .After tht going watch movieeeeeeeeee ! :DSo yeah . Haha , excited .Hmmmmmm, tht's all :DGtg , BUHBYES :D
Monday, November 3, 2008

♥Louis,小祿 ;
Cute eh ?
Hahaas , he dont have 'normal' photo .
I mean like . More casual like tht de luhh .
Thursday ;
Hmm , went sch .
Got guides .
Got th flag etiquette test .
Went early t prac .
Went eat lunch after practising for few hrs .
Thn cont practising after tht .
Suay , my grp FIRST to get tested .
Thn got mistakes here & thr la , th 3 of us .
In th end , th 3 ppl who're chosen were WF , H & S .
Yeapps .
Congrats yeahh, haha .
Went hm after we were released .
Guai right ?
Friday ;
Got guides also .
So went sch .
Tday is for th reheasal for handing over ceremony .
& also preparation for farewell gifts .
At first cos 'O' lvl , cnt prac .
So discussed th gifts thing .
Thn ltr go prac .
Muscle damn pain cn .
Thn release rdy , slack , went hm at ard 6pm .
Saturday ;
Afternoon went couz hse .
Sians , last wk thr .
Though it's like .
Always go thr nth t do , damn sian .
Bt will miss tht hse .
Lots of memories dwn thr luhh .
Hope we'll still meet though th hse no more le.
Went hm at night luhh .
Sunday ;
Bluff my parents i got tution xD
Thn went out lor .
Meet A , thn go hg pt , she eat .
I drink .
Played w her psp awhile la .
Thn ltr , go 7-11 thr buy sweet , thn go playground slack .
Sit thr, call ppl . Talk bout chalet things .
Thn went angmo check price of th food , & thn to NTUC .
& i gtg , so went hm .
Lucky no one suspect or wht .
Today ;
Went dad office .
Thn work lor .
Ate satay beehoon for lunch :D
Quite okay la , but like th hum :D
Hehes .
Eat finish jiu cont work le .
So guai cn .
Thn work till 3+ , went rest .
Cos dad neh gimme work le .
So went rest , till i doze off x)
So slept till 4.30 .
Thn woke up .
& helped abit here & thr .
& soon wait for mum , left at 5+ .
Hellos&buhbyes .
Saturday, November 29, 2008
291108 ; HAPPY 3mths Bellina stdstd !291108 ; HAPPY 5mths Clarice Boyfriend !I love thm both :D ♥♥Tday practically rot at hm th whole day la .Was like so damn boring .3pm watch show , watchwatchwatch .Thn ltr 6.30 went bathe , & ltr , 7 eat dinner .Lols .Thn playplayplay til nuw luhh .Nuw going t cont playing :xSo no life man D:Arghhhhh .Ay , camp in 2 more days ~JIAYAN.
Friday, November 28, 2008
♥小豬&小鬼 ;HAPPY BIRTHDAY 小鬼! :DOkay , Wednesday was super tired , went work as usual la .Thn ltr reach hm , bathed , ate , tv-ed till ard 8.30 .& i dozed off la .Idiot , slept till midnight , woke up awhile , thn cont slp agn .Thursday was also damn pig laaaa !Same thnq , thn ltr , 9.30 like tht dozed off while reading bk .Ohyeah , i'm like so guai :DNo la , just bored , so took th bk out .Midnight woke up agn , by a call .Bt tht somebody scared disturb me slping , so kup .So didnt chat lurhhs .After tht is i wake myself == .Slping early is so shit-y .Keep wake up de lurh .& tday , work til like 2+ , i alr tired like siao rdy la .Thn do work til ard 3+ .& i dozed off == .Bt , was woken up by another call after 5mins like tht .Thn my mother ask me go help her la !
Didn't even slp for like 10mins la .Thn do work til 4+ , cnt slp rdy la Zzz .So tv-ed all th way til went hm .I'm like so bored laaaaaaaa .Sians , camp is coming rdy , both excited & sian .Ay , i'm tired rdy la , so early == .JIAYAN :D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Super duper sian .Woke up ard 7am .Sit dwn thr daydream , & keep calling my BOSS .Bt so pig la , bobian , natural de la , born come out , pig rdy :xThnthn , ltr A reply my msg .So went meet her , went sch .Stupid security guard .Ppl wn go bkshop only right .Wht's wrong w wearing slippers la .Idiot . Go take bklist , so fast , also cnt .Thnk like you ah ! So fat , walk sure damn slow. Thn keep fall dwn .So he ask us go GO take . So went. HMPF .Thn saw RT , ask her help me put form in Guides den , cos i cnt go in == .Actually planned t buy breakfast for mei & maid de . Mac .Cos , suddenly feel like buying something , for no reason .Super weird tday .Okay , bt th stupid W , go call F , thn ltr , thy nd rush go their outing .Stupid , thn nvr go buy mac wimme D:Cheat my feelings laaaaa !Thn 72 came , took w thm .I take til th 682 thr .Thn wn go thr buy mac .Thn idk hw walk thr == .Bt due t my cleverness , found it in th end .Bought rdy , walk hm .& yayyyyyyyyy , ate :DThn ltr , ard 11am , went orhorh :xDamn tired , dno why .Mayb whn meet A & F tht time too high rdy .Thn , slp til like , 1.30 lydat >.<So pig cn !Thn use com til nuw lurhh .Super sians .__.JIAYAN.
It's over , forget it man .
Monday, November 24, 2008
Okokay , i'm like so damn lazy t come online cn == .& of course , th sian-er part is t come & blog la .Sunday was like , something stupid happen la .Yeah , thn tio scolding .blahblahblah .Thn ltr nth rdy .Tday , went work . Thn ltr , do til like lunch time .Went shopping == .Bt so damn sian cn .2+ or 3+ thn go eat .Eh walao , so damn super boring cn .All see their stuff .Thn summore at holland thr , so damn sian .Nth t shop .Thn taxi-ed hm .Veh tired laaaaaaaa =l&& th appeal results out rdy .Hahahah , super sian =l .Nth change la .So must take art .Idiot la , hope i cn cope w it of course !If not cn die la .Stupid sch , my art so suck , still ask me draw , go die la .Anw , thy put me whr , have t take wht sub wht .So just study & dont complain la , JiaYan .Enjoy urself thr ! :DJIAYAN.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday ;Was like so so tiring cos helped dad all day .Yeapps .So didn't online .
Wednesday ;
Went sch .
Cos nd prac for horseshoe formation & nd thnk of performance for farewell .
So at first prac horseshoe , thn after tht farewell things .
Thn C boyf teach us dance .
So damn diff cn , & we only have like one day t learn & prac .
Hmm , thn went off ard 5+ , sent C t bs , waited for her bus , went bckgate thr direction w V & S .
Thnthn , saw Npcc ppl .
So followed thm instd :x
Waited for thm t buy thngs all tht .
Thn went hm .
Dad scold la , of course .
Cos so late .
Bt whtevr .
Thursday ;
V came my hse & tie hair .
Thn ltr went sch tgt .
She was late , so we took bus instd of sitting my dad's car t sch .
Thnthn , whn C came , started practising .
Ltr ran out buy brunch .
Cos J mother quack , said she wn eat Mac breakfast .
So ran thr .
Haha , thn bought a burger & drink .
Th $2 wn :D
So walked bck , ate , cont practising .
Finn came , prac tgt .
Hahaas , thn got one part damn funneh , all like retarded .
& went change full u , thn ltr nd polish badge le , thn prac awhile , go fall in .
Thn go rehearse , & thn th real thing .
Congrats t those who got promoted :D
Colour party & F for sec 2s , & those PS t PL .
Last bt not least , J & M , th CL & ACL :D
Rush here & thr , thn went faster prac , thn real thing le .
Real thing , damn scary la .
F turn wrong side , thn i like cnt catch up == .
Hahas , bt it ended anw .
For th drama , haha , everyone was like laughing .
Cos me & WF 40th anniversary . LOL .
So old .
So took pic , exchange presents , RY & WZ say wn treat us .
Only our 2 patrols , t pizza :D
So went , bt was under renovation or wht , so went KFC .
At first still okay .
Eat like 2 mouth , dno is gastric or wht .
Was like so pain la .
Thn neh eat liao lor .
Drink water , thn ltr go toilet , go hm .
Was like complaining all th wayyyyyyy xD
Bus-ed 156 hm , thn tht time not so pain , so still okay .
Thnthn walk hm , wahsian , th pain come bck agn .
Was walking through hougang green laaaaaaaaa .
Thn cnt possibly ask me suddenly squat or sit thr right .
So cont walking , buay tahan rdy , sat at multi-storey carpark thr xD
Thn act nth happen , dwn thr msg x.x
Not so pain le , cont walking .
Reached hse dwnstairs , haha , come bck agn , so went sit dwn at staircase .
Heard ppl coming , faster go lift thr , thn go hm ..
My neighbours summore lahhs == .
Thn went hm , LIE DWN whn i'm like so damn smelly .
Cos , damn pain .
Thn go bathe , super long .
No strength cn .
& thr's soup for me , bt really cnt drink la , so didnt drink :D
So like tht pain all th way til at night & slept .
Damn damn tired .
Friday ;
So sian , wakeup , muscle pain .
ARGHHHHH , stupid .
Thnthn , saw V on bus .
Haha .
Lucky didnt late .
Attire check , blahblahblah , thn did gadgets la .
After tht , play H2O , captains ball .
& went for lunch .
Drank BBT only :D
Cos damn full , drink too much water cos veh thirsty == .
& went bck , was like . Fall in time rdy .
thn haven wear skirt all tht .
Thnthn was drills .
OMG la , worst drill man .
Thy march so fast , thn summore timing also .
Wah , thn march like wn die cn .
Break, faster go drink water & go toilet , haas .
& continued .
Thn summore all time tgt , so messy lor .
Ltr Ncc got parade .
So went bball court .
Was asked t time == .
Thn drill all th way & it was water game time ! :D
Everyone was like so tired after th drills .
So play awhile , all sit dwn, seniors spray us .
All wet .
Release rdy , went toilet clean up .
& took pics :D
Bt lazy upload cn == .
Must use other com la .
Thnthn , sat at canteen .
Waited for C , thn ltr ok le , went off .
Today tday !
Rot at hm lor .
Dno anyone coming ltr not .
Hope dont have la , thy come , i so sian :x
Tht sentence, hahs . Make me so , idk .
Thnknq too much ? Or isit really true .
I also dno lahhs xD
Hope wht you said was true , & you'll keep your words .
Dno why i did tht , bt it's over la .
Woke up , thnk i've forgotten ____ ____ .
Bt thr's something i wont forget .
Boss ah, dont ask me wht thing hor .
I die die also wont tell you de , tell you first :D
Monday, November 17, 2008
Veh lazy laaaaaaaa , dowan blog .BYEBYE . :x
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Arghhhh , i'm so lazy & currently don't have th time t find blogskin laaaaa .Today went out w B stdstd :DHehes .Went Sentosa .Go thr awhile only luhh .Cos got t come bck hm .Gossip-ed alot la .Hahaha .Talking bout those angmos .Thy're like so open la .Hahaha .Caught a couple kissing while thy were in th water .We sit tht side no shuai ges . Hahaas .Cos all at other side .Hahahaa :xAnw, went slack w her , fun :D
Reached hm at ard 3+ , thn lunch-ed , tv-ed.5pm , went bathe , & out for dinner == .CRAZY right .So early .Cos went chompchomp .Thn must early go mahh , ltr veh diff find seats .So ate 2chickenwings & drank sugarcane juice, tht's my dinner :D& went hm .
yoosuckla .
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I'm like so sian .Hahaha .Tday whole day at hm .Cousin's at my hse nuw .BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG .Lalalaas .I'm like so sian cn .Finding blogskin .Cos i'm tired of this one .Bt , dont have i like de D:Mayb i'm too picky x)RAWRRRRRRRRR ``Okays , btw , have decided to appeal fore pure sci .If cnt , jiu f&n lor .Bt dno will fail not la , th appeal .Fail i cham liao.Bt f&n shouldn't b a problem .Cos only 30++ ppl .Thn art got 42 .So should be cn .Bt pure sci .Haiyo , dont thnk cn la , 4.8% diff cn .RAWRRRRRRRR .Hope cn la hor , thn i no nd headache rdy .
Friday, November 14, 2008

He's like . Dno MIA go whr liaos .
Cute la him :D
Same thing luhh , go work .
Thn damn stupid !
I fell dwn agn == .
Tday is whn going multi storey carpark , thn got stairs .
Whn climbing , thn fall dwn D:
Thnk i still half aslp laaaaaaaa == .
Thnthn , ytd also !
Climb stairs at office thr .
Thn fall dwn also .__.
Idiot la , dno wht happen t my legs .
Dno hw climb stairs .
Dozed off early morning la == .
Sit dwn thr wait for dad make th thing .
Thn sit till i slp == .
9+ do work till 10+ .
Thn nth t do , slackslackslack .
Eat lunch .
Slackslack&slack .
Joy called .
Bout th serve food thingy la .
Bt dont thnk my dad will let .
& plus veh long if i go bck .
So didnt go .
Thn i went in rest , dozed off agn == .
Slp till ard 4 .
Dad woke me up , ask me help him la .
Thn dododo till going 5pm , went 600++ thr makan.
& dabao for mei & maid .
& went homeeeeeeeee .
Yes, no , idk .
Can i ?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Woke up , went dad's office .Thn had breakfast , started working ard 9am .Thn dododo till 10am , just nice finish .Thn called BOSS .LOL .Still slping like pig .Call 5 times, kup my phone, thn another 5 times , kup agn .Still scold me why neh cont calling .RAWRRRRRRR `& th thing is , still dowan sack me .Wht a nice boss uh .After tht, help mum buy thing .Thn dad didnt ask me do , so slackslackslack .Thn ltr lunch , ate , bck t work .Do till ard 2+ , 3 like tht ?Thn stop work rdy .Dad continued th rest .& i was thr slacking all th way till 5+ .Talked on phone , smsed.:DWhole day was like complaining bout th stupid combination thingy .Hahaa , mum was like irritated .Muahahahahahahahaha .Oops , like so evillllllll ._____.Anw, i'm going t try & appeal t pure sci la .Thought of manymany reasons rdy .Hahaas , spent ard 20mins cn , thinking bout th reasons .Thn if cnt , art liao lor .Bt i still scared la , art .Dno la , still considering .Anybody got comments or opinion tell me cn .Going appeal on Mon , which is th last day .Januavi ,I'm alright okay .Hahaa , thnks for ur concern :DJIAYAN .__.
I'm dying soon , arghhhhh .
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dowan post pic le :xVeh no mood .
Monday & tuesday ;Went work la .Thn damn sian Zzz .Hw cn working for my dad b fun man .Tues , got one uncle came , thn thy started talking bout prostitutes == .Crazy la , dno why thy cn talk til tht topic == .After tht , talktalktalk , th uncle went off rdy .Thn dno why th topic become bra == .Bian tais :x
Today ;
Went work agn .
Thn ltr afternoon , A told me tht th results thing come out le .
Thn i go e4 .
Sians , thy both in e3 .
Ay , thn SH wn appeal go pure , lydat , thn no girls liao , 2e2'o8 de .
At first thought i go e4 combi .
Cos A la ! Neh say properly , thn she go np, neh reply my msg .
Lucky got RT , she go check on web .
Thn told me is 3e4'o9 .
Dno why , totally moodless since i knw i take art == .
I wn appeal laaaaaaaaaa , bt dno hw write .__.
Hais , idk lah , bt .
Dno why .
Alot feelings nuw , veh luan .
Take art , my art so sucky , hw take , summore upper sec wn .
Will b even more diff .
If cn drop , i dont mind trying la , seriously if my appeal fail .
Bt th thing is dno cn drop not .
Azlan la , tell us stupid thing .
Make us so confused cn .
Take dnt , out of th qn .
Take f&n , idk lea .
Cos , f&n , i thnk i'll do btr thn my art ?
Somehw .
Bt , another thing is .
Dno wn opt th combi e4 not .
Cos one less sub , cn concentrate more .
Bt it's like , dangerous la .
Go pure , my overall percentage not enough .
Aiya ! Idk la !
Sunday, November 9, 2008

♥王子, 阿緯, 小傑 ;
Ahwei act cuteeeeeeeeee x)
091108 ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY A's Dad . :D
Saturday ;
Went cousin's hse in th afternoon .
Last wk thr rdy .
Th sofa gone , so have t sit on th floor or on th chairs .
Da bao chicken rice luhh , for dinner .
Veh nice :D
BT fattening laaaa , hais .
Long time neh eat though .
Last eps le , th 7pm show.
So everyone sit dwn thr watch .
Tht small tv .
Th ending suck like hell la == .
Went hm at ard 10pm ~
Slept at ard 1+ ?
Today ;
Woke up , thn went prep , went meet A .
Her father's bday .
Thn thn , wait for her cos she nd eat cake all tht ah.
Help celebrate .
So waitwaitwait .
She okay rdy , bus-ed 88 t AMK hub , & went TAKE MY COMB :DDD
Was like so paiseh la .
Haha , saw th skinny skinny guy , thn went ask him .
& he gave me my combbbbbbbbbbb :D
After tht , went arcading !
Veh long neh play le :DDDDDDD
Super loves !
Play bball til my fingernail BROKE D:
Damn sad cn .
So long thn it just BROKE D:
Thnthn , ltr got play daytona mahhs .
I won A , & TWO GUYS :D
Hahaha , th player 4 , idiot , keep come bang me .
In th end i win him .
Nananipoopoo ! =P
So shiok la , whn win him .
Whn it was over , went see tht it was 2 guys , was laughing like mad .
Muahahahahah .
So happy , win 2 guys .
Lalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ~
Thn playplayplay , play other games of course .
& after tht no moneh rdy .
Went coffee bean .
& obviously , bought coffee .
Mocha ice blend .
88 arrived , & alighted , rush bck hm .
Luckily not so late .
Come bck, ate lunch , watch tv .
Thn mum ask us t pack our things .
Clear th unwanted stuffs .
& i'm like ahchoo-ing since thn .
Summore coughcough a lil laaaaaa D:
& yayyyyyy , wearing kor's shirt nuw :D
Lol .
Bigbig de , he cnt wear rdy , plus dowan , so gimme .
Ahchooooooooooooooo ! D:
Get well soon , JiaYan .
Friday, November 7, 2008

♥威廉, 小煜, 王子, 敖犬, 小傑, 阿緯 ;
Lalalalas , simply ♥ them lots :D
Today , woke up , went dad's office again .
Started working at around 9.30am , & did till 11.45am .
Dad asked me to have lunch first , so i went :D
Guai right ! :XD
After lunch , continued my work =l .
Tiring okay ~
So did all the way till around 4 something , & i went to rest :x
I was like damn tired can .
The calendars make me feel so irritated can .
Suckyyyyy .
Slept for awhile , & it was time to go home !
Before that , fetch Mum & Aunt to AngMoKio .
Mum went for facial , & Aunt went buy something i think .
After that , went home .
Bathed , rested , psp-ed , & ate dinner .
& now i'm blogging :D
Woohoo , i didn't type short form can .
Okays , i'm just being lame .
Lalalaas ~
Off to watch show :D
Baa baa black sheep .
Thursday, November 6, 2008

♥威廉, 王子, 小傑, 小煜, 阿緯, 敖犬 ;
Yay yay, th six of thm agn :D
♥Loveeeeeees ;
Ohyaohya ,
Today uh , woke up .
Went office .
Thn slackslack , after tht , do some work .
Till ard 1pm lydat .
Thn th whole day nth t do rdy .
So went play psp , & msg ppl lurhhs .
Thn quarrel w mum , damn angry cn .
Brrrrrrrrr , dont care le .
Msg Azlan also .
So scary cn ._.
Her msg all shortshort wn , so dao cn .
So slacked all th way til 4.50 lydat .
Dozed off , woke up at 5.14 ..
Packup , went NTUC .
Went hg pt de .
Thn bought stuffs la .
& went hm .
On th way , saw mei & maid .
So asked thm get on th car .
Ay, i'm aching all over .
Muscle pain =l .
First thing woke up , bck pain .
Whn working , veh pain la .
Cnt sit veh straight or stretch cn , veh pain laaaaaaaaaaaaaa D:
Climb up th stairs , alr pain liaos .
Thn go dwn , suck like hell cnnnnnnnnnn .
Got blister also D:
Pain la .
I'm like dying .
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

♥威廉, 王子, 小煜, 阿緯, 敖犬, 小傑 ;
BBT ; th six of thm :DD
Super ♥ thm cn .
Helloooooooooooooos peepo !
Tday , woke up early .
Cos got hiking .
Suppose t meet M at 6.30 , at th bs .
Bt , i late, she late .
Bt i'm like 10mins late only .
Oops , 10mins still only :x
BUTBUT ! She ltr mahhs .
She like 20 mins ? Ard la .
Missed a bus, bt nxt wn came not so long after tht .
F & WL say will late also .
Cos we're like supposed t meet at kovan at 7am .
Bt haha , thy're late too .
Unfortunately , thy arrived first D:
Cos their journey shorterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .
We reached shortly after thm :D
Not too bad :x
So thy ate . M & me didnt wna eat .
So went train t habourfront .
Standing all th wayyyyyyyyyyyy .
Cos alot ppl .
Quite lot still whn reach habourfront .
Saddddddddd .
So went wait for F change t trackpants , cos borrow dem frm YC .
So yeapps , went t meet th others after tht .
V was late =l
Thn summore gong , dno walk whr .
Nearly walk wrong exit .
Thn we went find th others .
Do warmup exercises .
Stupid laaaaaaaa !
Warmup le ran 3 small rounds .
Thn did bunny hop 2 rounds .
Or 1 1/2 , cos ms chua give discount .
wth =l .
Leg damn tiring cn .
Ms Chua child abuse D:
After tht , start t like .
Not feeling well .
Stomach damn pain .
So drag my feet & we started th hike .
Arghh , thn veh pain lor .
Keep stopping :x
Cos really cnt tahan laaaaa ! >.<
Whn thy rest .
I like damn pain cn .
Thn ltr dno why , sweat like hell rdy .
Thn E gave me tissue & I was fine .
haha , thy all like so worried tht i got anything not .
After tht okay le .
Bt still legs no strength , thn like climb th stairs so slow == .
Bt at least i'm not at th behind behind cn !
JiaYan so stronggggggggggg :XD
So we hikehikehike , on th way , sing song , play ard , took photos .
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :D
Finally , whn we're like reaching th end , saw a beetle or smthnq .
Damn big la .
Neh see before lor.
So anw , bus-ed bck habourfront .
Smthnq stupid happened == .
Dont wna say here la .
Waste of time .
& met up w th everyone thr , ms chua talktalk , RELEASE :D
So train-ed .
Thn uhmm , M & me wn go AMK hub cos going movie w A mahhs .
Thn we go first cos A got thnq .
Thnthn , we talktalktalk, playplayplay w F , till we over-trained .
LOL , supposed t stop at DG , bt we alighted at Little India ?
I thnk .
Forgot .
So got off , went wait for th other side train t train bck t DG .
& so suay , whn we got off , th other side de train just CLOSE TH DOOR .
So have t wait for th nxt wn D:
Anw we have th time la .
Soso , went AMK hub , thn went walk awhile, & buy tickets.
After tht , while waiting for A t come , me & M went walk & see wht shall we have for lunch whn A comes .
Bt we dno lurh .
Haha , NewYork NewYork so nice la , th smell .
Bt we broke la .
So cnt eat D:
Whn A reach , we go choose .
First choice : Fish&Co .
Second choice : Mos Burger
Third choice : Subway .
LOL . Thn , go Fish&Co see .
Ex la == .
Cnt eat .
Mos alot ppl, plus thy prefer subway .
So yeapps , skip diao Mos burger , went see subway .
No place , plus queue damn longggggggggggggggggggggg .
Hais , so kelian right .
Walk whole day rdy , thn so hungry .
A suggested tht we go th NTUC outside thr .
Foodfare isit ? Idk .
Thn ltr , go seesee , bought th , sausage prata ?
Thnk it's called tht .
& went shopping at NTUC .
Wanted t smuggle food in cinema .
Bt had a craving for Nachos [sp] .
So didnt buy .
Went sit dwn, rest .
Thn ard 2.10 , went up , buy FOOD :D
Bought popcorn th combo , cos cheaper .
Thn we like broke mahhs .
Cos th Nachos [sp] combo right , $7 .
So we dowan .
Thn bought th popcorn combo & nachos [sp] only .
Hehes .
Share drinks :D
So went in .
Ohyeah , btw , watch ' The coffin ' .
Idk hw describe la == .
Cos t me , not scary .
Thn th cinema , th girls , all shoutshoutshout == .
M like neh chua tio also .
A got ! HAHA !
She sort of like jump up .
You knw , whn you're like chua tio .
Lol .
SO FUNNEH LA , was laughing like mad .
Cos A scared tio .
Hahaaaaaaaaaa :DDD
Thr're parts whr th ghost got scared us la == .
Bt idk why , didnt chua tio .
Not funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .
So far i like neh kena scared by th ghost you knw , whn i watch ghost movie .
Ohyeah , thnthn , got one part , th ghost like come out 3secs ?
Thn th girls scream .
Like , so lag ? Lol .
&& , my stupid w850i dropped on th floor .
Use light t shine & found it .
Cos too dark , plus black colour , cnt see .
End rdy .
Toilet .
Found out tht my comb LOST .
So it must b i dropped it while i dropped my phone la .
Thn idk mahhs == .
So went bck thr ask th cathay ppl .
Tht person find le thn say cnt find D:
Was so saddddddddddddddd cn .
Thn , gave my contact num .
& thy say find le will tell me .
So went hm D:
Ohyeahyeah !
Saw xiaokorkor , korkor & dakorkor .
Of course , w their stds .
Last fri saw xiaokorkor & dakorkor w their std :D
&& last thurs , xiaokorkor & xiao sao .
Ahhhhhhhh ! Dakorkor dye hair .
Okok , so went hm laaa !
Thnthn , went hg green collect moneh .
Fr C, E & J .
Cos other 2Js neh brnq .
So yeah . Had t go all th way t th lan shop == .
IN cn , stupid E . Dno hw take out gimme huh .
Go in thr like so many ahbengs == .
Anw , take le , go take A's hokkien mee .
Thn she come my hse take thing , she went hm .
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Shall'nt post any pics .Cos , no time .Hehs .Okayyyyyyyyys .Today went work for dad agn .Thn do till my hand damn pain cn !RAWRRRRRRRRRR ``Thnthn type will pain ah .Muscle also .Arghhhhhhh , damn pain la D:I didnt slack tday :DDid alot kay .JiaYan's SUPER GUAI :DTml going hiking !Hahas , have t wake early =l .So sian .After tht going watch movieeeeeeeeee ! :DSo yeah . Haha , excited .Hmmmmmm, tht's all :DGtg , BUHBYES :D
Monday, November 3, 2008

♥Louis,小祿 ;
Cute eh ?
Hahaas , he dont have 'normal' photo .
I mean like . More casual like tht de luhh .
Thursday ;
Hmm , went sch .
Got guides .
Got th flag etiquette test .
Went early t prac .
Went eat lunch after practising for few hrs .
Thn cont practising after tht .
Suay , my grp FIRST to get tested .
Thn got mistakes here & thr la , th 3 of us .
In th end , th 3 ppl who're chosen were WF , H & S .
Yeapps .
Congrats yeahh, haha .
Went hm after we were released .
Guai right ?
Friday ;
Got guides also .
So went sch .
Tday is for th reheasal for handing over ceremony .
& also preparation for farewell gifts .
At first cos 'O' lvl , cnt prac .
So discussed th gifts thing .
Thn ltr go prac .
Muscle damn pain cn .
Thn release rdy , slack , went hm at ard 6pm .
Saturday ;
Afternoon went couz hse .
Sians , last wk thr .
Though it's like .
Always go thr nth t do , damn sian .
Bt will miss tht hse .
Lots of memories dwn thr luhh .
Hope we'll still meet though th hse no more le.
Went hm at night luhh .
Sunday ;
Bluff my parents i got tution xD
Thn went out lor .
Meet A , thn go hg pt , she eat .
I drink .
Played w her psp awhile la .
Thn ltr , go 7-11 thr buy sweet , thn go playground slack .
Sit thr, call ppl . Talk bout chalet things .
Thn went angmo check price of th food , & thn to NTUC .
& i gtg , so went hm .
Lucky no one suspect or wht .
Today ;
Went dad office .
Thn work lor .
Ate satay beehoon for lunch :D
Quite okay la , but like th hum :D
Hehes .
Eat finish jiu cont work le .
So guai cn .
Thn work till 3+ , went rest .
Cos dad neh gimme work le .
So went rest , till i doze off x)
So slept till 4.30 .
Thn woke up .
& helped abit here & thr .
& soon wait for mum , left at 5+ .
Hellos&buhbyes .