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JiaYan , Bwss .
310894 ; 15 ! :D

YAHCAT&AHDOG :D ; 250209
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YSteadstead :D ; 290708
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

♥威廉, 王子, 小煜, 阿緯, 敖犬, 小傑 ;
BBT ; th six of thm :DD
Super ♥ thm cn .


Helloooooooooooooos peepo !
Tday , woke up early .
Cos got hiking .
Suppose t meet M at 6.30 , at th bs .
Bt , i late, she late .
Bt i'm like 10mins late only .
Oops , 10mins still only :x
BUTBUT ! She ltr mahhs .
She like 20 mins ? Ard la .
Missed a bus, bt nxt wn came not so long after tht .
F & WL say will late also .
Cos we're like supposed t meet at kovan at 7am .
Bt haha , thy're late too .
Unfortunately , thy arrived first D:
Cos their journey shorterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .
We reached shortly after thm :D
Not too bad :x

So thy ate . M & me didnt wna eat .
So went train t habourfront .
Standing all th wayyyyyyyyyyyy .
Cos alot ppl .
Quite lot still whn reach habourfront .
Saddddddddd .

So went wait for F change t trackpants , cos borrow dem frm YC .
So yeapps , went t meet th others after tht .
V was late =l
Thn summore gong , dno walk whr .
Nearly walk wrong exit .
Thn we went find th others .
Do warmup exercises .
Stupid laaaaaaaa !
Warmup le ran 3 small rounds .
Thn did bunny hop 2 rounds .
Or 1 1/2 , cos ms chua give discount .
wth =l .
Leg damn tiring cn .
Ms Chua child abuse D:

After tht , start t like .
Not feeling well .
Stomach damn pain .
So drag my feet & we started th hike .
Arghh , thn veh pain lor .
Keep stopping :x
Cos really cnt tahan laaaaa ! >.<
Whn thy rest .
I like damn pain cn .
Thn ltr dno why , sweat like hell rdy .
Thn E gave me tissue & I was fine .
haha , thy all like so worried tht i got anything not .
After tht okay le .
Bt still legs no strength , thn like climb th stairs so slow == .
Bt at least i'm not at th behind behind cn !
JiaYan so stronggggggggggg :XD

So we hikehikehike , on th way , sing song , play ard , took photos .
Funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :D

Finally , whn we're like reaching th end , saw a beetle or smthnq .
Damn big la .
Neh see before lor.
So anw , bus-ed bck habourfront .
Smthnq stupid happened == .
Dont wna say here la .
Waste of time .
& met up w th everyone thr , ms chua talktalk , RELEASE :D

So train-ed .
Thn uhmm , M & me wn go AMK hub cos going movie w A mahhs .
Thn we go first cos A got thnq .
Thnthn , we talktalktalk, playplayplay w F , till we over-trained .
LOL , supposed t stop at DG , bt we alighted at Little India ?
I thnk .
Forgot .
So got off , went wait for th other side train t train bck t DG .
& so suay , whn we got off , th other side de train just CLOSE TH DOOR .
So have t wait for th nxt wn D:
Anw we have th time la .

Soso , went AMK hub , thn went walk awhile, & buy tickets.
After tht , while waiting for A t come , me & M went walk & see wht shall we have for lunch whn A comes .
Bt we dno lurh .
Haha , NewYork NewYork so nice la , th smell .
Bt we broke la .
So cnt eat D:
Whn A reach , we go choose .
First choice : Fish&Co .
Second choice : Mos Burger
Third choice : Subway .
LOL . Thn , go Fish&Co see .
Ex la == .
Cnt eat .
Mos alot ppl, plus thy prefer subway .
So yeapps , skip diao Mos burger , went see subway .
No place , plus queue damn longggggggggggggggggggggg .

Hais , so kelian right .
Walk whole day rdy , thn so hungry .
A suggested tht we go th NTUC outside thr .
Foodfare isit ? Idk .
Thn ltr , go seesee , bought th , sausage prata ?
Thnk it's called tht .
& went shopping at NTUC .
Wanted t smuggle food in cinema .
Bt had a craving for Nachos [sp] .
So didnt buy .
Went sit dwn, rest .
Thn ard 2.10 , went up , buy FOOD :D
Bought popcorn th combo , cos cheaper .
Thn we like broke mahhs .
Cos th Nachos [sp] combo right , $7 .
So we dowan .
Thn bought th popcorn combo & nachos [sp] only .
Hehes .
Share drinks :D
So went in .

Ohyeah , btw , watch ' The coffin ' .
Idk hw describe la == .
Cos t me , not scary .
Thn th cinema , th girls , all shoutshoutshout == .
M like neh chua tio also .
A got ! HAHA !
She sort of like jump up .
You knw , whn you're like chua tio .
Lol .
SO FUNNEH LA , was laughing like mad .
Cos A scared tio .
Hahaaaaaaaaaa :DDD
Thr're parts whr th ghost got scared us la == .
Bt idk why , didnt chua tio .
Not funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .
So far i like neh kena scared by th ghost you knw , whn i watch ghost movie .
Ohyeah , thnthn , got one part , th ghost like come out 3secs ?
Thn th girls scream .
Like , so lag ? Lol .
&& , my stupid w850i dropped on th floor .
Use light t shine & found it .
Cos too dark , plus black colour , cnt see .

End rdy .
Toilet .
Found out tht my comb LOST .
So it must b i dropped it while i dropped my phone la .
Thn idk mahhs == .
So went bck thr ask th cathay ppl .
Tht person find le thn say cnt find D:
Was so saddddddddddddddd cn .
Thn , gave my contact num .
& thy say find le will tell me .
So went hm D:
Ohyeahyeah !
Saw xiaokorkor , korkor & dakorkor .
Of course , w their stds .
Last fri saw xiaokorkor & dakorkor w their std :D
&& last thurs , xiaokorkor & xiao sao .
Ahhhhhhhh ! Dakorkor dye hair .

Okok , so went hm laaa !
Thnthn , went hg green collect moneh .
Fr C, E & J .
Cos other 2Js neh brnq .
So yeah . Had t go all th way t th lan shop == .
IN cn , stupid E . Dno hw take out gimme huh .
Go in thr like so many ahbengs == .

Anw , take le , go take A's hokkien mee .
Thn she come my hse take thing , she went hm .
