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JiaYan , Bwss .
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Friday, December 5, 2008


Sunday , rot th whole day , & went out for dinner .
After dinner , went NTUC t shop , & went hm .
Pack my stuffs for camp , blahblahblah , slp .

Monday , first day of camp ;
Fall in at 8.30 , went put our stuffs at hall , briefing , blahblahblah .
Went t foyer & meetup , got everything rdy , went up th bus & off t kayaking !
Reached thr , walk t th place , settle dwn , instructions & stuffs .
& off we went t th beach thr .
Th instructors briefed us agn .
Taughty us hw t paddle etc .

Th first thnq we did was t capsize !
OMG la , was like super scary .
Thn , drank a lot of water, super salty cn !
Everyone was like complaining .
Hahaha .
Thn everyone was rdy , we thn went prac paddling .
Got stuck w Samantha la .
Bt after tht paddled bck .
Went paddle paddle paddle , t th other side , & everyone rested for lunch break .
Nice lurhh , our lunch :D

After lunch , went wash shoe , cos a lot of sand la , inside , so pain & uncomfotable .
Thnthn , played w water .
Had so much fun :D
Continued kayaking all th way til Singapore Flyer thr .
Took pic , started raining .
So kayaked bck , bt on th way , stopped rdy , th rain .
So we learnt something .
& had t do it too .
Th water damn deep la , thn we're like supposed t jump in th water .
Drank water agn la == .
Thn ltr , had t go up th kayak agn .
& did it :D
So continued kayaknig ard :D

Everyone okay rdy , we cont bck t our starting point , thn ltr had t carry th kayaks bck .
& of course th paddles too la .
Was super heavy .
Th instructer cheat our feelings la .
At first help me & Sam carry th kayak , thn so light .
We walk veh fast .
Thn like getting heavier , walk slower , so turn bck & see , VALERIE behind .
She so smal size , tht's why la .
Hahaaas ,

Thn everything okay , we learn th life saving thing .
Throw rope de .
Thn must go 'save' ppl .
Ya , thn we were like acting la , super high , as th victim .
Hahaha , thn ltr i save Sam also , haha , i was like .
' Sam , i'm coming t save you , hold on t th rope .'
Thn haha , play lor :D
Everyone okay rdy , we went bck t th place .

Thn learn t tie knots , & after tht we took our bags , walked a long way t th shower place .
Waited for ppl t come out , thn went bathe .
Out rdy , instructors talktalk , thn say gdbye , go bck sch .

Put our thnqs , dinner time .
Yeapps , thn went put our stuffs at hall i thnk , went bck t canteen for soccer .
Tied our legs t th benches & played lor !
Had fun laaaaaaaa !
Super super fun .
At last , DOVE WON ! :DDD
Yayyyyyyyyyyy !

Thnk only all this , thn gathered at hall for reflection rdy ?
Cnt rmr .
I didnt slp luhh .
Until 4++ ?
Cnt tahan , dozed a lil , til 5+ jiu wake le .

Tuesday , second day of camp ;
Woke up , wash up , put th mattress all tht .
Went fall in , flag raising .
Thn after tht had morning exercise , after tht played captain's ball .
Had breakfast , thn ltr play 'cature th flag' .
Split into patrols , thn ltr each grp got flag la , thn must go snatch ppl's scarf which're in their pockets .
Okay , anw , was super fun , run here&thr .
Thn Michelle's team all kena caught , so restart .
Thn ltr was like so luan lurhh .
Dno who won .
Thnk is sparrow .
Thn ltr break , everyone went bck hall .
Sat in a circle , pass water ard , cos ask qns , thn ans .
If ans is yes , must drink .
Haha .
Thn after tht , forgot :x
Did we play something or wht .
Thn cook maggie w canned mushrm &mock chicken ?
Ate rdy , ltr got free time ?
Thn talktalktalk , fall in , after tht was ........
Play game !
Ard th sch .
Was fun luhh :D
Dove won agnnnnnnnnnnn :D
Th flour was soooooo fun :D
Thn ltr play th water balloon all tht .
Went batheeeeeeeeeee , like finally :D
& it was dinner timeeeeeeeeee !
Afer tht , nd t plan for campfire .
Decided t singsong .
Thn after tht , at night , played 'bank robbery ' :DDD
Was so nice :D
Lalalaa ~
After this game no more rdy .
So settled dwn , reflections , thn washup , time t slp .
Slept at 2+ like tht .

Wednesday , third day of camp ;
Woke up 6++ ?
Thn flag raising , morning excercise , play games .
Thn got one is , everyone stand on mat , thn must turn & stand on th other side of th mat .
So diff == .
Thn tht WAIYU ah !
Jump rdy .
Land ON MY poor lil TOES .
Thn my last toe inside bleed la D:
Imagine hw pain was is la .
After tht , had breakfast .
Tday is our patrol serve .
So yeapps , ate .
Thn song session .
Went basement t play games after tht .
Super fun laaaaaaaaa !
Th human chair thing .
Everyone was supposed t sit on each other's leg :DDD
Thnthn .
Had t prep for campfire .
Some went t help thm , thn others cont for performance wn .
Ltr , had dinner .
Th seniors mostly came bck la :D
Grandmother quack is bck :D
Hehes .
After dinner was CAMPFIRE !
Was like vehveh rush & panting la .
Cos helped t take slping bag dwn . Ran la .
Thn songs , thn ltr sang th ducky song :D
Blahblahablah , thn end :D
Yayyyyyyyyy .
Shower time .
Bt had t shift th things first .
&& , omg la .
I went toilet .
Thn ltr , got cockroach !
Told myself not t scream , just run .
Thn i run , th cockroach follow.
So i screamedddddddddddddd .
Lucky no one heard except WeiLing cos she was thr wimme .
Lucky xD
Thn ltr went dwn , waited t bathe la .
No time , went told Joy thy all .
Thn thy caught cockroach .
Got egg summore .
Thn ltr went bathe , went bck hall .
Reflection all tht , thn ltr , free time rdy la actually .
So cn slp .
Chatted on phone , thn 3+ thn slp .
Last night thr rdy D:

Thursday ; last day of camp ;
Woke up , thn ltr washup , games .
Played captains ball & soccer .
Thn ltr , breakfast !
Our last meal thr .
After tht , had t cleanup .
So my patrol is canteen & guides den .
So helped ard .
Yeapps .
Thn ltr free time till 11.40 .
Wrote suggestions , comments , feedbacks all those .
Thn ltr , everyone was supposed t write gd comments on th bck for everyone else :D
Wrote on everyone's bck i thnk .
Hope didnt miss anyone out .
Thn phototaking .
& ltr , our own wn .
Hahaa ,
Went off t hg pt t buy Emelynn's cake .
Wf, Wl thy all go buy bbt .
Thn ltr meet at Mac .
So thr were 8 of us ;
Me , Sam , Val , Joy , Jan , Wf , Emelynn .
Ate Mac , thn ltr , celebrate Emelynn's bday :D
3+ , rain smaller rdy , went bck hm .
Came bck , watch tv til i doze .
So went lie on th floor cos i'm wet .
Thn ltr slp like , 30mins ?
Went bathe , pack all th things .
At night eat dinner , watch tv .
8+ , buay tahan , watch tv till eyes closed like tht .
Thn went rm , slp til morning .

Friday ; tday !
Woke up at 9+ .
Slept for ard 13hrs la .
So pig .
Bt camp , total 3 days , i slept for like ard 6-7 hrs only ?
Super tired .
Thn used com till nuw .
Going bathe soon , ltr mum come bck scold me .

Suck la , th first thing i went hm , i called you .
Thn you like so dao .
Nvm la , tht wn sua .
Thn first thnq you came hm , scold me .
Wtf ?
Ppl alr veh tired , i woke up myself & went t bathe okay .
Your maid , dno doing wht la .
Always dno hw call me wakeup wn .
Thn always end up i kena scolded .
So fcuk cn .
Thn i call her whn i in toilet , ask her help me take thing .
She act cnt hear la .
I shout , she just at kitchen only lor .
So near .
Cfm cn hear wn .
Thn she ignore .
I call so many times .
She act deaf .
Walao , wht is this ? Attitude me ah ?
Sai la , sucker .
In th end , i take myself la .
Daddy come bck , you only knw hw complain .
Tell him , thn i got scolded agn .
Irritating la hor .
Imagine you alr veh tired , mood not veh gd , still kena scolded by ppl .
So pissed off la .
Is like soso not nice cn , th feeling .
Sound so serious uh ?
Am i thnking too much ?
Or am i guessing right agn ?
You sounded so serious , bt i cn say tht wht i said was true (:
Although i dont want it t happen , bt sometimes i'm just thnking too much .
Oh nvm , haha . Dno wht i talking == .