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JiaYan , Bwss .
310894 ; 15 ! :D

YAHCAT&AHDOG :D ; 250209
YBoyfriend :D ; 290508
YSteadstead :D ; 290708
YHusband :D ; 261109

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Will come bck t blog after mid yr ~
Dont miss me too much , people ;D

Tagged by Clarice Boyfriend :D

1: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
; Uhmm , cheeks ?

2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
; Uhmm , didnt slp th whole night .

3: Who was the last person you took a photo with?
; Erm , WF ?

4: Would you consider yourself to be spoilt?
; Not AT ALL .

5: Would you ever donate blood?
; Yeappsyeapps ! :D

6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
; Yupps .

7: Do you want someone dead?
; Currently , no .

8: What does your last text message say?
; Come & check my phone , lol xP

9:What are you thinking of right now?
; Ask my brain (:

10: Do you wish someone was with you right now?
; Yes no idk ?

11: What time did you go to sleep last night?
; I didnt slp -.-

12:Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
; Didnt buy it , made in sch ; 3e4'o9's free classtee ( the white one )

13: Is someone on your mind right now?
; Why dont you ask my brain ? Hehs :x

14: Who was the last person to text you?
; Check my phone (:

15: 10 people tagged to do this quiz:

16: Who is 2 having a relationship with?
; Samson - he's single .

17: Is 3 a male or a female?
; Farhan - Male .

18: If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing?
; JiaWei & Shairazi - LOL . Gays ?

19: What is Number 1 studying about?
; RuiTing - Pure Phy , Pure Chem .

20: Is Number 4 single?
; Januavi - I thnk so ? No idea .

21: Say something about Number 2?
; Samson - He's a nice guy & friendly guy (: My darlingS(:

22: What do you think about Number 3 and 6 being together?
; Farhan & SiHan - Thy dont knw each other ?!

23: Describe Number 9.
; YiFeng - PAIKIA xP

24: What'll you do if 6 & 7 fight?
; SiHan & JiaWei - I dont thnk it'll happen ? Cos thy dont knw each other == .

25: Do you like Number 8?
; Isaac.Koh - Hmm , yeah ! As a friend :D

Quiz tagged by Annabel ;
Edited th qns a lil cos of th broken eng -.-
Although mine is not very good either .__.

1. What is your dream ?
; Hmms , dno .

2. Who do you love the most ?
; My friends ! ♥

3. Will you die for someone that you love , but don't love you ?
; Yeapps , i will .

4. Is there anything that you're dying to get ?
; YEAH ! Alot .

5. When was the time where you felt happiest in your life ?
; Time spent with my love ones :D

6. What will you do if you saw someone dead infrontof you ?
; I'll erm , call 999 ?

7. If given a chance to be the president of United States , what will you do ?
; No idea . Tht day will never come -.-

8. If you're given 3 wishes , what will you wish for ?
; I need only one - to let all my wishes come true :D

9. Is there anything you want to do now ?
; Not really .

10. Who's your current closest male & female friend ? ( Name one each )
; Him & her :x

11. Who's your closest and best friends ? ( Not in order )
; Them .

12. What's your view on the recent happening in news ?
; No comments .

13. What is life to you ?
; ...............................

14. Which fast food outlets do you prefer the most ?
; Any ? No preference .

15. What is your favourite cartoon character ?
; Cnt make up my mind , heh .

16. If you have only 1 day of your life left , what are you doing to do ?
; Do th thnqs tht i wn to do .

17. What is your favourite fruit ?
; Dno , everything is fine .?

18. If you are given a chance to go overseas for free , which country would you like to go ?
; Japan ! :D one place is not enough xD

19. Do you encourage smoking & drinking beer ?
; No , of course .

20. What is the criteria for your dream parner ?
; It's for me to know , & for you to find out ;D


Last Saturday was Speech Day :D
Heh , i miss speechday D:
It was funnnnnnnn ;DD

Th whole wk was , busy ._.
Most of my time was spent on doing homework D:
Didnt have time to online.
Midyear's coming , and i havent started revising . How great.
The first paper's on Tuesday - so fast .
I'm not prepared at all for midyear can -.-

English ; Dont have enough vocab in my brain ._.
Amath ; I'm worried about log . I just cant get it right at times . And , i failed for CA1 D:
Emath ; Graphs , omg . I hate it . & congruency and similarity . This 2 topics are just so troublesome .
Physics ; I have to revise , but phy is not too bad .
Chemistry ; I didnt even listen to her in class la -.- & idk a single thing ._.
Chinese ; The easiest subject . Have to read through format for letter writing , cos i forgot EVERYTHING -.-
Social Studies ; Didnt listen in class , have to go through notes myself D:
Geography ; Omg , i'm like damn scared la . Seems like idk anything ? & MrTeo's like so nice D: Cnt disappoint him .
Art ; The preparatory work is enough to kill me ._.

Ahhh , forget about studies , it just sucks .
Hah , tday Yesterday - Saturday :D
Went for physics in the morning .
Mr Tan released early .
So after buying bbt , waited for WF to come .
Saw Marcus & i smiled . Lol . I guess he still rmr me bahhs .
WF came , & we went off t meet LY & H .
Went Mac , ate fries . oily -.-
Bought GreenTea & 854-ed to J's house .

Went to her house to learn how to use photoshop .
But seems like , didnt learn much ?
Idk , hope i can play with it after midyr :D
Was happy until i received a call from my dad Zz .
His tone was so harsh can .
Didnt even give me time to explain .
Asked me whr was i , told him .
& he shouted at me -.-
Wht a great father i have hurr .

Ah , put dwn th phone & i started ****** .
Wanted to control , but couldnt .
But thanks to the 3 of thm & bendan , my smile came bck after tht .
Ahh , this is like not th first time i ***** infrontof thm la -.-
Thurs also Zz .

Enough about unhappy stuffs !
Hmms , was so pig just nuw .
Slept for 3hrs++ .
Tht's why i'm still awake now -.-
Wanted to do h/w , but i dont have graph ppr =.=
So have to do it tmr later D:
Parents will b bck in th afternoon .
Why cant thy go for one more wk ?
Enjoy life without them .
At least i have a lil more freedom in things tht i do .
Siannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn D:

Friday, April 17, 2009


Hmms , this wk .
Veh buzyyyyy .__.
Speechday rehearsals after lessons .
& tons of h/w D:
Yesterday was th tired-est day .
Lessons , speechday rehearsal , tution , homework .
I was doing my work till my eyes closed while i was writing -.-
Couldnt stand it , so went t room , hoping tht i wont doze off .
Bt i still did == . Like always -.-

Ahh , bck t my bz life D:
& i dont like it D:
So tiring cn .
Worst of all !
My pimples came out , & i've got super serious dark eye rings cn D:

Tml's speechday ! :D
Supposed t fall in at 6 , bt changed t 6.30 :D
Thnk tml i'll b super tired whn i reach hm .
Tons of h/w cn ! D:
50amaths qns t b done , bt it's not up on heymath yet !
Geog test on mon , have t study everything D:
Chem test on tues , have t study everything also D:
Cos i'm not paying attention in class ._.
Art ; 6 hands + 1 composition .
Ahhhhhhhh , wtf .
Jiayous , JiaYan .!

& hah , sorry ehs ! :x

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ahhhhhhhhhh, suck.
No mood .
Dont feel like doing anything ._.
Shall blog another time .
Hope i can go out .


Sunday, April 5, 2009


Ahhh , sian-ed .
Ytd , rot-ed at hm .
& yeah . Had somesort of cat fight at home .
Was scolded again .

Ahhh , tday .
Went out .__.
Went t dad's office , thn ltr , went eat lunch .
Waited for 1 and a half hours .__.
Was super hungry cn !
Thnthn , after eating , went baibai somewhr in spore .
Lols , idk whr th place lurhh -.-
Although went thr like , a few times rdy .
Went home after tht ~
Siannnnnnnn .

Who're you exactly ?
Scold me , i've got nth t say .
&whtsmore , i'm used t it.
Slap me like some crazy woman , you suck .
Slap once , i'm still a lil alright ; i've gone through tht .
Slap twice , i've gone throught tht too .
Bt you slapped me for so many times , as if i'm just a toy for you t vent your anger .
Bt i've got feelings yeah ?
You dont want ppl t slap you right ?
You wont like tht kinda feeling right ?
Hit my head using your knuckles , it hurts .
I cried , yeah .
Bt it's not because i'm afraid of you ;
Or i'm guilty of my actions .
I'm just both physically & emotionally hurt .
I dont thnk i'm at fault .
Th things i've done , doesnt concern you yeah .?
Do those things affect you , your life ? NO .
I dont like this . It sucks yeah ?
Why cnt you all just understand me , understand hw i feel ?
You cn just treat it as if it didnt happen at all , bt i cnt .
Adults always ask children not t compare ppl ,
bt thy thmselves do .
Hais ..


Saturday, April 4, 2009


AH , ohya , forgot t add on to the previous post .
Poor Isaac , he got like . No voice .
His voice is like , damn hoarse ?
Ahhh, takecare yeah ! :D
although you wont b seeing this -.-

I'm going t rant .
So yeah , you cn skip off this part :D

Hahaha , freedom ?
You said you have been giving me freedom all this while ?
Are you kidding me ?
Sometimes i really wonder , what's your defination of freedom .
Being able to use my phone 24/7 , is my right eh ?
Cos it's MINE , since you bought it FOR ME , isnt it ?
Why cnt i msg while doing work ?
Does it affect you ? NO .

Cnt i just use th com for nuw , & do homework probably after lunch ?
I have my own plans on wht t do yeah .
Ahyes , i knw your 'secret' .
It's like , although i cnt cfm wht i have in mind , bt at least , i have some proof yeah ?
Reflect on yourself . What do you think you are ?
Older than me , so what ?
yes , i have to respect you .
BUT , please , think about yourself .
If i expose this out ( which is a disaster ), you'll b like .
No face or whtevr . I dont give a damn (:

Hais , i alr like , cnt go out .
Tht's why i have been coming up w excuses t go out , or stay bck late in sch .
Cnt go out , it's alr like , veh sad .
Thn nuw still wn t control me even more ?
Not being able t go out is like , alr spending lesser time w my friends .
& i cnt even like , msg ?
Do you knw how terrible i feel whenever ppl ask me out ?
I have to reject their dates . Or if i really want to go out badly , cock some excuses out .
Do you think i feel good this way ?
I have to worry about this & that .
Worry if you'd find out & everything .

Release punctually .
You thnk wht ?
Everything is ALWAYS so smooth ?
Obviously it wont be tht way ~
Scold me cos thy dont release on time ?
My fault ?

Scold me because i just passed my emath , & failed my amath ?
Did you even knw th qns ?
Amath , th qns were tough .
Emath , it was my fault .
But , i dont thnk you knw hw do at all ..?


Friday, April 3, 2009

Missed me ? Hahaha ! :x


Band went for SYF .
& thy got silver :D
It's like , not bad alr cn :D
Cos , we're military band wht .
Yeah .

Lesson part .
Eng ;
We were like , so talkative .
Ahhhhyes ! Finish summary points , like finally .__.

PE ;
Played volleyball & bball !
Went play w E5 girls :D

Geog ;
Mr Teo went for SYF yeah , so Mr LEE came in & teach .
LEE ehs ! MY surname ! :D
My uh , longlost , bigbig brother ?
Just joking ~
& yeah , it was alright lurh , his lesson .
Although it's like , cn slp Zz .
BUT ! I was super enthu , idk why :D

Chem ;
We were noisy agn :x
But this time , i was more t th lesson la .
Didnt daydream so much .

*skips CE & MT*

After sch , had speech day rehearsal ! :D
Th weather was veh hot though .

Went home , bathed , ate , rested , tution-ed .
Tution was , alright .
Learnt new topic :D
Bt it sucks -.-
Graph , ahhhhhhh , i hate it .

Was so tired in th morning .
Bt after tht was still alright .
Hmms , had emath test tday .
Was alright i guess ?
Except for th last qn , which i thnk i cnt get ANY marks ?

Ahhhhh , whtevr .__.

& yeah , went t Mr Soo's class agn for art .
Painted a circle . Lol .
Lucky it wasnt very not nice .

Went for newsmaker after sch .
Thn ltr , went for guides .
Heh ^^ .
Had speechday rehearsal agn :DD
Damn funnnnnnnnn :D
BUTBUT ! Our beh-loh sucks .
Girlguides uh girlguides .
Muscle acheeeeeeeeee .___.
&sleepy .
&& , i've got no strength ._.

Ahhhhhhh , tired .__.
But i loveeeeeeee it whn all th UGs are tgt :D
you're getting on my nerves yeahs .
you're just a nobody , why must you care so much .?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Amath & Emath ;
Hmms , drama ppl were not here .
Thn AVA also , so like , th class had lil ppl .
So went through homeworkkkkkkkkk , & hol assignment .

Eng ;
Shafee not here , cos he went for SYF :D
So Mr Tan came t relief us :D
He's quite a nice guy yeahs (:
Snack-ed , slack-ed :D
&& ! My pathetic phone dropped on th floor for dno hw many times == .
Ahhh , whtevr , it's not th first time anw .

SS !
More ppl went off .
First was NPCC , thy went for shootingggggggg . BANG!
Thn , band , cos thnk thy going th place for rehearsal or wht ?
& th pathetic class had only 22 ppl left D:

Went slack , talk , laughed :D
Thnthn !
Tht guailan sec 1 guy .
Stare agn ! His friends stared too okays !
Couldnt tolerate anymore , so i went up , & scolded confronted thm :D
& ask wht's their prob w us E to be precise .
& yeah , th guy was like so guilty .
Cos i was so angry , idk why -.-
& i went scoldingggggggg :D
Er no , i went t find out wht's his problem w E :D

& he got NOTHING t say AT ALL .
He didnt dare look at me , into my eyes cn !
Firstly , he got NO RESPECT . you should look at th person talking right .
After tht i said ' why , dont dare look at me cos you guilty ahs ? '
& he was like , looking at th other side .
So i spoke louder , to make sure he hears it .
& thn , he turned away MORE .
It's like == . GUILTY :D
Sec 1 , btr show some respect for sec 3s yeah :D
Sorry ? You thnk wht uhs .
Asked you a qn , you told me sry .
You thnk you cute uhs ?

Plus , it's not SINCERE at all .
Still act blurr . whr got whr got . EEYER ! Disgusting luhh , pls .
& yeah , hope you keep your word hurr , i knw your name & class :D

Thnthn , went do homework awhile , went for guides COH meeting .
Till 5.30 like tht , went take bag , & went homeeeee .

I had fun tdayyyyyyyy :D