Back to schooooooool !
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Woke up reluctantly in the morning .________.Was super tired .Prepared for school , and yes .I went to school .Wanted to skip school x)But i didnt cos i'm a good student ! :D9 of them were absent , in which only one had dental appointment .The other eight skipped school ! .___.If i knew that so many of them were skipping school , i'd do the same -.-Went through Amath , Comb Sci , Comb Humans & art paper .Overall , everything was still quite okay .Amath , had careless mistakes , and there was a question that i didnt do .& th thing is ! I didnt know that until today .__.If not, i'll be able to get my A2 easily .Chemistry , improved a little .Physics , i did better than i had expected cos i didnt study for it .SS i just passed , am relieved .I'll work harder next time .Geog , i dropped a little , but wasnt too bad :DHave confidence that i'll do better in the next paper ! :DCos i'll study for my lorms questions , and familiarise myself with all the formations .Art , still as disappointing D:I hope i can really improve in my sec 4 work .i'mconfused.