Friday, November 7, 2008

♥威廉, 小煜, 王子, 敖犬, 小傑, 阿緯 ;
Lalalalas , simply ♥ them lots :D
Today , woke up , went dad's office again .
Started working at around 9.30am , & did till 11.45am .
Dad asked me to have lunch first , so i went :D
Guai right ! :XD
After lunch , continued my work =l .
Tiring okay ~
So did all the way till around 4 something , & i went to rest :x
I was like damn tired can .
The calendars make me feel so irritated can .
Suckyyyyy .
Slept for awhile , & it was time to go home !
Before that , fetch Mum & Aunt to AngMoKio .
Mum went for facial , & Aunt went buy something i think .
After that , went home .
Bathed , rested , psp-ed , & ate dinner .
& now i'm blogging :D
Woohoo , i didn't type short form can .
Okays , i'm just being lame .
Lalalaas ~
Off to watch show :D
Baa baa black sheep .