Sunday, November 9, 2008

♥王子, 阿緯, 小傑 ;
Ahwei act cuteeeeeeeeee x)
091108 ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY A's Dad . :D
Saturday ;
Went cousin's hse in th afternoon .
Last wk thr rdy .
Th sofa gone , so have t sit on th floor or on th chairs .
Da bao chicken rice luhh , for dinner .
Veh nice :D
BT fattening laaaa , hais .
Long time neh eat though .
Last eps le , th 7pm show.
So everyone sit dwn thr watch .
Tht small tv .
Th ending suck like hell la == .
Went hm at ard 10pm ~
Slept at ard 1+ ?
Today ;
Woke up , thn went prep , went meet A .
Her father's bday .
Thn thn , wait for her cos she nd eat cake all tht ah.
Help celebrate .
So waitwaitwait .
She okay rdy , bus-ed 88 t AMK hub , & went TAKE MY COMB :DDD
Was like so paiseh la .
Haha , saw th skinny skinny guy , thn went ask him .
& he gave me my combbbbbbbbbbb :D
After tht , went arcading !
Veh long neh play le :DDDDDDD
Super loves !
Play bball til my fingernail BROKE D:
Damn sad cn .
So long thn it just BROKE D:
Thnthn , ltr got play daytona mahhs .
I won A , & TWO GUYS :D
Hahaha , th player 4 , idiot , keep come bang me .
In th end i win him .
Nananipoopoo ! =P
So shiok la , whn win him .
Whn it was over , went see tht it was 2 guys , was laughing like mad .
Muahahahahah .
So happy , win 2 guys .
Lalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas ~
Thn playplayplay , play other games of course .
& after tht no moneh rdy .
Went coffee bean .
& obviously , bought coffee .
Mocha ice blend .
88 arrived , & alighted , rush bck hm .
Luckily not so late .
Come bck, ate lunch , watch tv .
Thn mum ask us t pack our things .
Clear th unwanted stuffs .
& i'm like ahchoo-ing since thn .
Summore coughcough a lil laaaaaa D:
& yayyyyyy , wearing kor's shirt nuw :D
Lol .
Bigbig de , he cnt wear rdy , plus dowan , so gimme .
Ahchooooooooooooooo ! D:
Get well soon , JiaYan .